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What has obstructed Pakistan's rise .

Obsession of War
And Pakistani flag was a creation of green Martian butt? I was not addressing you or anything Pakistani, then why such unwarranted insult to our national flag? Move on.
this attitude to belttle others than working hard for improoving there own condition is the main reason for most of there problems
Barring the incompetence of incumbent and past governments, IMHO, The top 5 obstruction for Pakistan's rise are

  • Fundemental flaws in the education system and culture leading to production of jihadi groups for burning own homes (flawed education leading to hate speech and compromising national security)
  • Lack of consensus and trust between the political parties leading to delay of projects for national importance
  • Lack of education in skilled/inovative fields
  • Lack of democratic values between the political parties and it's followers leading to closed doors for any development of socialism or economy. Cannot question waderas, politicians, elders, the man in-charge
  • Lack of energy and will for industrial revolution
Most of our problems are enrooted with education and culture
Wrong again. You didn't get my point, sheikh mujibur rahman clearly stated in his six points that:

1.The constitution should provide for a Federation of Pakistan in its true sense based on the parliamentary form of government with supremacy of a Legislature directly elected on the basis of universal adult franchise.

2.The federal government should deal with only two subjects: Defence and Foreign Affairs, and all other residual subjects should be vested in the federating states.

3.Two separate, but freely convertible currencies for two wings should be introduced; or if this is not feasible, there should be one currency for the whole country, but effective constitutional provisions should be introduced to stop the flight of capital from East to West Pakistan. Furthermore, a separate Banking Reserve should be established and separate fiscal and monetary policy be adopted for East Pakistan.

4.The power of taxation and revenue collection should be vested in the federating units and the federal centre would have no such power. The federation would be entitled to a share in the state taxes to meet its expenditures.

5.There should be two separate accounts for the foreign exchange earnings of the two wings; the foreign exchange requirements of the federal government should be met by the two wings equally or in a ratio to be fixed; indigenous products should move free of duty between the two wings, and the constitution should empower the units to establish trade links with foreign countries.

6.East Pakistan should have a separate militia or paramilitary force.

Now this was the most logical, best and the most sane way to go forward. Today we would have had Bangladesh and Pakistan as one. Just imagine the economic advantages of this. Same goes for military, we would have had upper hand on India all the time, strategically and numerically(number of soldiers and other factors). I really don't get your argument of eventually it was going to happen. Buddy it could all have been avoided. Read the OP.

Read the six points, was it not going to bring a similar change as you are stating. Pakistan even today is quite diverse, we are not facing a mass civil war today. As i said before poor excuse.

@Atanz , bhai share your views. Was separation of Bangladesh inevitable, could it have been avoided, keeping in mind the 'SIX POINTS'. Thank you.


I may state something in error or a mistake out of hand---but wrong---ennhhh.

What you are missing is that I am not making an argument---I am making a statement.
Barring the incompetence of incumbent and past governments, IMHO, The top 5 obstruction for Pakistan's rise are

  • Fundemental flaws in the education system and culture leading to production of jihadi groups for burning own homes (flawed education leading to hate speech and compromising national security)
  • Lack of consensus and trust between the political parties leading to delay of projects for national importance
  • Lack of education in skilled/inovative fields
  • Lack of democratic values between the political parties and it's followers leading to closed doors for any development of socialism or economy. Cannot question waderas, politicians, elders, the man in-charge
  • Lack of energy and will for industrial revolution
Most of our problems are enrooted with education and culture

Points 1 and 3 are the same, as are 2 and 4, and 5 is only a consequence of both of those.

I may state something in error or a mistake out of hand---but wrong---ennhhh.

What you are missing is that I am not making an argument---I am making a statement.
That statement has clear flaws in it, do go over my post and give it a thought, would help. Your statement makes no sense to me, really. The fall of Dhaka could all have been easily avoided, if it wasn't for stupid politicians and dictators, all equally guilty.
Points 1 and 3 are the same, as are 2 and 4, and 5 is only a consequence of both of those.
I know that's what I was observing too but I would say it's interlinked to each other and lack of education is one point, incorrect priorities of what to educate in textbooks is another. I have been typing on mobile and some facts got deleted and didn't bother rewrite the explanation
I know that's what I was observing too but I would say it's interlinked to each other and lack of education is one point, incorrect priorities of what to educate in textbooks is another. I have been typing on mobile and some facts got deleted and didn't bother rewrite the explanation

I would go back to what I have posted above, in that the basic premise of claiming obstruction to Pakistan's rise is incorrect. Pakistan's progress has been remarkable, given its constraints. It can be argued that many of the constraints, such as education, or lack thereof, are more self-inflicted than not, but all of them are by choice, and hence in keeping with national goals and aspirations as any sovereign country is wont to do.
Slave mentality. Mental slaves of west, goras,arabs, iranis, u name it everything on earth. We became everything but never grew a sense of independent self-identity called Pakistani.

Self actualized individuals are the most independent thinkers and productive beings.

No i refuse to bow down before any power, i am what i am and from here on i will lead my people.

Good effort and nice read. My take on this is
  • The biggest problem Pakistan faced after WOT is depressed, demoralized, idle youth. WOT not only confused us and harmed us the most it also divided our society into many, unity vanished over the decade, sense of direction and objectives and clear goals lost. It all ended up as Pakistan as a rich country with many riches but with no Nation. We not only lost many innocent civilians we also lost nationalism, ethnicity, sectarianism and racism took stronger roots during this whole decade of confusion. It has always been a sad joke for me that innocent Pakistanis who got killed in markets, mosques, on roads never got to know who their real murderers were, because we have been so fond of keeping secrets, not making information public, citizens of Pakistan were left at their own, with corrupt rulers, corrupt police and secretive agencies. It is now that we see strong statements, statements that boost the moral and help motivate the people that not everything is lost yet, videos and uncompromising ops. Mainly may be because of current COAS but I hope we will keep this motivation going and I also believe that current civilian government though started at wrong foot, but still deserves credit for ongoing situation.
  • You have blamed the dictatorship but we must also remember that when ZAB took over the charge he had a seat full of feathers, where there are hundreds and thousands of his die hard fans there we must also remember that he was the one who Nationalised everything, he was the one who said "Idher hum udher tum", my point being our politicians never learnt, they still in this age of media and general awareness believe in baradri ki siyasat, khany kay badly votes and lotaism. Dictators no doubt harmed Pakistan, but they did far more good then our civilian governments could ever do. Do you think CPEC was not also going to be another Kala Bagh dam had it been up to our politicians? People need to vote for educated and good character candidates in their constituency if they want to see a change and dynasties being destroyed.
  • We never encouraged innovation and new ideas in our country, we have brilliant people but we never afforded them the chance and exploited their potential for interest of the country. Nation wide talent hunt should be conducted and such people should be encouraged and supported to bring in the innovation and change.
  • We as a nation have lot to learn how civilised Nations behave, our traffic, our pedestrians, our bike riders, always have been most uncivilised and pathetic. The day we learn to behave on roads may be that would be the day we will start abiding all laws of the country, this may be a funny reference but for me people who are not patient on roads are the most uneducated and uncivilised lot.
  • Lastly Pakistan is blessed with agriculture, mineral and other resources, most of its population is young, it has some of the best tourist spots and areas (deserts to snow filled mountains and four seasons), it has ocean belts, strong military forces, then what is stopping it from progressing? The lack of unit and will, discipline and faith. We have forgotten the famous three "Faith, Unity and Discipline".
Simple answer: People of Pakistan
who would rather rise in the society thru corruption money than hard work.
Education, Chinese succeeded because of their focus on primary and secondary education in their early years. Lack of an educated well informed populace ends up with people who have nothing in their heads and can be brainwashed with any BS. Leading to terrorism, castism , different sects , classes etc...

This is what i wrote in the other thread

"My point is the civilians govt. was never given the chance to mature, it takes 15-20 years for a democracy to attain some maturity. As Syed pointed out above the repeated interruptions of the political process by the army has left the civilian govt. grossly inexperienced in dealing with problems in administration and security. They cannot be blamed the same way an inexperienced person be blamed for his inefficient work."
In our societies there is lack of understanding importance of law and justice system ..To build a healthy society its a basic ingredient ..If you compromise on this then everything will be ruined ..
Every one has their own reason in this thread ...
Energy crisis
Low literacy
Low taxation of the wealthy
Low investment in agri research
Lack of big reservoirs to stop flooding
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