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What happens when a muslim prays in a public area in US

I am not making any excuses. People are just making an issue on some video clip. I would have no problem if someone would pray in a corner for 5 mins.

If it would have been a big civil obstruction then for sure park authorities would have taken some action but here you have become the judge and keep on judging about someone without knowing the full details.

I really cant understand why for everything it should be a big issue when its about Muslims . There are hell of things which happens all over the globe but why only things related to followers of Islam has to be highlighted ? We all know how there are people even from other religion behaves but what is there to judge anyone. Faith can be judge only by the Creator not by people because only the Creator knows what is there in the hearts .

u are watching everything from the prism of religion here,,,u should not.

its about civic sense,nothing more
Lets take a walk:

In Austria, a section of the penal code relates to blasphemy:
  • § 188 : Vilification of Religious Teachings
Art. 208 of the penal code states that "publicly vilifying an act or object of religious worship" is a crime punishable with 1 month to a year of incarceration, or fine.

Main article: Blasphemous libel
See also: Hate speech laws in Canada


In Denmark, Paragraph 140 of the penal code is about blasphemy. The paragraph has not been used since 1938 when a Nazi group was convicted for antisemitic propaganda. The hate speech paragraph (266b) is used more frequently. Abolition of the blasphemy clause has been proposed several times by members of the parliament, but has failed to gain majority.

Main article: Blasphemy law in Egypt
In Egypt, insulting Islam and its prophet can and has resulted in the death penalty. For instance, seven Egyptian Christians were sentenced to death on November 28, 2012 for their role in the anti-Mohammad movie.

European initiatives
In place of blasphemy or in addition to blasphemy in some European countries is the crime of "religious insult". A "religious insult," effectively a subset of the crime of blasphemy, is forbidden in Andorra, Cyprus, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine.


In Finland, section 10 of chapter 17 of the Criminal Code relate to blasphemy. Unsuccessful attempts were made to rescind the section in 1914, 1917, 1965, 1970, and 1998.

In 1969, Harro Koskinen was prosecuted for publishing a picture of his painting called Pig Messiah, which featured a crucified pig. For violating the sensibilities of a religion, Koskinen had to pay a fine.

In 2008, the issue of religious sensibilities arose again. On 30 May 2008, Tampere District Court sentenced Seppo Lehto to two years and four months in prison for offences which involve hate speech and blasphemy. The court found Lehto guilty of: defamation, incitement of an ethnic group, and violating the sensibilities of a religion. The judgment said that Lehto had violated the sensibilities of Islam because he had disseminated, with insulting intentions, material which openly blasphemes and desecrates that which Muslims deem holy.[19] Outraged by the punishment of Lehto, Jussi Halla-aho, a Helsinki councilman, posted to the Internet in 2008 some controversial remarks about Islam and about Somalis. Those remarks induced Helsinki District Court to order Halla-aho to trial.

In Germany, blasphemy is covered by Article 166 of the Strafgesetzbuch, the German criminal law. If a deed is capable of disturbing the public peace, blasphemy is actionable. The article reads as follows:

§ 166 Defamation of religious denominations, religious societies and World view associations
(1) Whoever publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 par. 3) defames, in a manner suitable to disturb the public peace, the substance of the religious or world view conviction of others, shall be fined or imprisoned for up to three years.
(2) Whoever publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 par. 3) defames, in a manner suitable to disturb the public peace, a church established in Germany or other religious society or world view association, or their institutions or customs, shall be punished likewise.
In 2006, the application of this article received much media attention when a Manfred van H. (also known as "Mahavo") was prosecuted for blasphemy for distributing rolls of toilet paper with the words "Koran, the Holy Koran" stamped on them

And the list goes on : Blasphemy law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many of these that you copied from Wiki, specifically protect one religion ?

We do have laws for them...its a different story our corrupt fail to utilize them!

The title of the thread is what happens when a Muslim prays in public area in US..

Why is it derailing into all sorts of things?

Yes its the same case in even other countries .

I have just gave answer when some member has talked about Blasphemy law in Pakistan. Extremely sorry about it.
First thing the Blasphemy law was introduced in 1860 all over Sub Continent by the British Government which is still followed in India but there were some addition amendment made in Pakistan which become 295 B in 1982 which was just a bit more addition in section 295A and Quran was added in it but in fact even the same blasphemy law is applied in Pakistan for desecrating bible or any other religious scripture.

295 B Defiling the copy of Holy Qur’an. Whoever wilfully defiles, damages or desecrates a copy of the Holy Qur’an or of an extract there from or uses it in any derogatory manner for any unlawful purpose shall be punishable with imprisonment for life.

and then in 1986 again amendment was done and section 295C came into existence in which insulting of Prophet Muhammed was made a crime and all these sections are based on section 295 and 295A

Indian Blasphemy law
Section 295: Whoever destroys, damages or defiles any place of worship, or any object held sacred by any class of persons with the intention of thereby insulting the religion of any class of persons or with the knowledge that any class of persons is likely to consider such destruction, damage or defilement as an insult to their religion, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years,

Section 295-A: Whoever, with deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class of citizens of India, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise, insults or attempts to insult the religion or the religious beliefs of that class, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.
So you are saying exactly what i said. In india the blasphemy law protects all religions. In Pakistan a lot of protection is specific to Islam

There is no reason to pray in public like that----. This prayer was for show----.
No doubt it was for show. But most important aspect was to see people's reaction where Islam has been so criminalised. Nice to see rational aspect of common junta in USA.
No doubt it was for show. But most important aspect was to see people's reaction where Islam has been so criminalised. Nice to see rational aspect of common junta in USA.

now imagine a jew trying the same in islamabad or best,,,,karachi:sniper:
How many of these that you copied from Wiki, specifically protect one religion ?
Well none of these are say following 1 religion they are secular remember? :pop:

now imagine a jew trying the same in islamabad or best,,,,karachi:sniper:
I dont think they are allowed in our country plus reported for derailing as this thread is about American citizens not insecure Indians :coffee:
Well none of these are say following 1 religion they are secular remember? :pop:

I dont think they are allowed in our country plus reported for derailing as this thread is about American citizens not insecure Indians :coffee:

wow,such high standards of freedom u guys have got there:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
wow,such high standards of freedom u guys have got there:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

We are also not allowed in Israel..its written on our passport :pop: A country shooting at our brothers and sisters in Islam "Palestinian" people...how sure are we, we wont get shot? :unsure:

Why not you open a thread and go bash there? This thread is simple....

What happens when a Muslim prays in a public area in US
what are u trying to prove here??
in india there is no special law giving death sentence to a person for hurting religious sentiments!!

But there are jail sentences but i think in some cases death sentences were given which were later turned into life imprisonment. some khalistanis were given death sentences for killing Hindus and it was even the case of Afzal guru etc even Dara singh case . Its a very complex topic because sections in FIR and legal proceeding have to be examine in detailed.

We are also not allowed in Israel..its written on our passport :pop: A country shooting at our brothers and sisters in Islam "Palestinian" people...how sure are we, we wont get shot? :unsure:

Why not you open a thread and go bash there? This thread is simple....

What happens when a Muslim prays in a public area in US

you can go to Masjid Al Aqsa and Bayt al-Muqaddas or not ?

It was my mistake. You can't debate with logic with some fundoos.

You cant debate with those who give you straight answers.
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