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What does Pakistan need in terms of weapons in case of a war with India?

Philip the Arab

Oct 26, 2018
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United States
What I'm asking is what are Pakistan's weaknesses in terms of land equipment that need to be fixed and what you think a solution for Pakistan would be for next time in case the conflict escalates more so than it has in this situation. I apologize in ahead if there is a thread like this that I just haven't seen.
I got my information from Wikipedia about the Pakistan army equipment so it could be wrong but I do think there are some weaknesses just thinking about small arms and I will give my opinion on where I think they could improve and I will rate them out of 10.
I will try to get as much as I can today but I want your recommendations.

Anti-Tank Guided Missiles 8/10
The Baktar-Shikan(HJ-8) is sufficient at destroying pretty much any Indian tank thrown at it from what I understand so they are good there.

BGM-71 Tow is also very good at destroying tanks but seems kind of heavy for transporting unless of course on a vehicle hence the name Tow.

Now what I think Pakistan can improve on is buying Fire and Forget missiles from China which may be expensive but are much better in terms of performance, and weight which can 100% destroy any tank India can throw at it simply because top armor is so thin that the missile is overkill.

Attack Helicopters 6/10 (for now)

I'm aware that Pakistan has upgraded AH-1s that are still viable in todays world although significantly aged.
AH-1 in the Bahrain camo which I like.

T129 ATAK is a very good for Pakistan if the deal goes through hence why I said for now in the rating because I was not sure if they were delivered yet.

Now however unlikely this is I would like to see a Denel Rooivalk Mk2 with Saudi Arabia since they have recently bought some shares from Denel as far as I know and have pretty much an unending income. The reason I want this is because only a measly 12 were built yet there is a lot of potential for markets that are being denied attack helicopters.

Too lazy to do any more right now but please feel free to give my your opinion.
ASELSAN KORAL EW systems to jam and deceive the enemy RADAR signals/communications etc.!!! Moreover, it can feed Phantom signals to their receivers, so that they get utterly confused!!! Already 5 (five) systems deployed in Syria-Turkey border!!! Nobody would share their antidotes, if exists, to such systems!!! More than one thousand real life tests have been done!!! According to some sources, it's battle proven....

ASELSAN KORAL EW systems to jam and deceive the enemy RADAR signals/communications etc.!!! Moreover, it can feed Phantom signals to their receivers, so that they get utterly confused!!! Already 5 (five) systems deployed in Syria-Turkey border!!! Nobody would share their antidotes, if exists, to such systems!!!

Good one, I had not put the radars in but this system seems good but only if well protected because this will of course be a strategic target to India.
Pakistan is fully prepared to defend the motherland against any Indian aggression.

Pakistan does not boast, brag like India all the time and prefers secrecy and the element of surprise.
Agreed, but modern combat is changing and to keep up with and actually be ahead you must procure new weapons as soon as obsolescence is reached especially when considering the almost 10-1 advantage in terms of population between India and Pakistan.
Agreed, but modern combat is changing and to keep up with and actually be ahead you must procure new weapons as soon as obsolescence is reached especially when considering the almost 10-1 advantage in terms of population between India and Pakistan.

Pakistan is not sleeping, just not showing.
Can you blame them? Islam aside India is more beneficial in terms of economy than Pakistan to most if not all of the 22 Arab countries.
He is right though but most likely the money will be from private billionaires.
Pakistan's failure is the narrative( which favours it) but has not been presented well. A foreign policy blunder due to successive weak government and the feeling that India will rationally resolve the crisis (because in the end we are brothers - same ethnicity).

Please disregard his comment. I am sure in war all muslims will contribute something as they have in previous wars. We have captured the imagination of many as recently as two days ago.

Picture this Pakistan's response to Indian attack. "We will surprise you" on national television. Bombs India in broad daylight the very next day and claims an aerial victory (or two) even captures the pilot. All this with a warplane (berated by the Indians as inferior) designed on the basis of its input with experiences of dogfighting Indians, Russians and Israelis including its exercises with with US and Nato forces and China. There was a debate on F16.net where the Americans said that the Pakistanis flew their planes like cowboys in the air and should not pass their training in USA, but were given a free pass. I will just add this

"Consider this. India struck Pakistan in the middle of the night in what was a retaliatory action for the attack in Pulwama on 14 February in which more than 40 Indian troops were killed. Pakistan's response was swift and audacious, striking India in broad daylight the next day"

I suggest you go through the article https://thepolisproject.com/the-dan...-surrounding-the-pulwama-attack/#.XHno1Igzabh you will also know that the previous such attack was blamed on Afzal Guru who was quickly hanged and not provide due representation. A cursory search will take to the pages of doubt and regret on the India's saner side. In short Kashmir is India's doing through its oppressive policies.
Pakistan, unlike many other countries, does not chest-thump and sexualize its military hardware in fancy-sounding paid articles and claims.

We have a lot of stuff, developed indigenously and with China's help, that we don't make public. Just like we didn't make the damage we inflicted on the ground in IOK public.

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