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What does Iran benefit from by being anti-USA

You only respect Hezbollah because it does Iran’s dirty work and by the way good luck on building the so called Shia empire hope it happens LOL

The irony is israel does not do dirty job but hezbollah that is fighting against zionists do dirty job.
Why does Iran in general, benefit from by being Anti-Western and Anti-Liberal? Would an theocratic Iran survive an world of rapid scientific discoveries?


If there is one stupid nation that leads the world in sheer stupidity---it is IRAN. A nation of handsome men and exquisitically beautiful women---a people who are extremely articulate in their speech and mannerism---thousands of years of cultural history behind them---a nation with works of breathtaking craftsmenship---but when it comes to world affairs----they go from dumb to dumber and from stupid to stupider---their intellect---seeps down from their brains to their feet.

You can call them the champions of speech and rhetoric and of empty threats. A nation who has done more damage to their cause just by opening their mouths when they did not need to. A nation that has created animosity where none was needed to be.

If they could have only kept their mouths shut---just kept their heads low and off the radar---focussed on developing the base and infra structure of their nation---finding ways to move ahead and gain strength without flexing muscles---. Gaining the sympathy of the nations of the world by playing docile on the surface but keeping focus on the goals that needed to be achieved.

But the as usuals----the dumb mullahs took charge---and personal vendettas and took charge rather than a nationalistic view of the welfare of the nation.

Shah's police was notorious for torture---the islamic regime of iran----made shah's torture police look like innocent and meek.

If there is one stupid nation that leads the world in sheer stupidity---it is IRAN. A nation of handsome men and exquisitically beautiful women---a people who are extremely articulate in their speech and mannerism---thousands of years of cultural history behind them---a nation with works of breathtaking craftsmenship---but when it comes to world affairs----they go from dumb to dumber and from stupid to stupider---their intellect---seeps down from their brains to their feet.

You can call them the champions of speech and rhetoric and of empty threats. A nation who has done more damage to their cause just by opening their mouths when they did not need to. A nation that has created animosity where none was needed to be.

If they could have only kept their mouths shut---just kept their heads low and off the radar---focussed on developing the base and infra structure of their nation---finding ways to move ahead and gain strength without flexing muscles---. Gaining the sympathy of the nations of the world by playing docile on the surface but keeping focus on the goals that needed to be achieved.

But the as usuals----the dumb mullahs took charge---and personal vendettas and took charge rather than a nationalistic view of the welfare of the nation.

Shah's police was notorious for torture---the islamic regime of iran----made shah's torture police look like innocent and meek.
you are right in your kind of thought! But iran will not leave the region for Israel Usa and their puppets.Here is muslim land not their land.
about police your statement is fully nonsense.

When the revolution happened in iran---I thought that Imam Khomeini would rise above the ordinary---a true student of Hazrat Ali---but what a pathetic and vengeful old man he proved to be---a man with all the ideas of a revolution but no comprehension of building a nation----a true revolutionary---with death destruction---chaos and mayhem---fanaticism and righteousness on his mind---but nation building---showing some strategy and gamesmanship----some tactics---but there was nothing---except of religious fanatcism and rhetoric----murder and slaughter---torture and prison of opponents.

Just another fanatic mullah----riles up the crowds with a call to jihad and then nothing else.

Instead of blowing steam---if you iranians had any brains---you could have kept low and advanced yourself---made friends with the europeans---gained what you needed to and then if you needed to turn on the jews later after geting everything---it was understandable---.

The animosity that you iranians have created with the world--is sheer stupidity----. That kind of rhetoric suited Idi Amin---but not for a sophisticated race of persian----it did not suite the most cultured race in the middle east and south asia---it did not suite a nation that had 7000 years of history, experience and precedence of the rule of law and behind it----.

When the time came for the nation to become extraordinary---the iranians chose to stay ordinary----you people got mired down in petty disputes---.

The problem with you iranians was that you people started yelling and screaming of your power----even before you became capable----. And when you iranians told the world what you would do---even before you were ready---the world clipped your wings.

The resources and the intellect that you people had---you could have gained your objective by now by just keeping your mouths shut---.

So---when I see your people---your leadership---how you have acted since the revolution---and what you have failed to gain---I have come to the conclusion---that the top leadership of you iranians has been sabotaged by the jews---. Possibly---your strongman has jewish background-----the reason being----that whatever iran has done since Shah left---was to create conditions to make israel stronger and iran and other muslim countries weaker.

So---when you look at the scenario---you ask the question---WHO BENEFITS----the answer is the jews benefitted.
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You only respect Hezbollah because it does Iran’s dirty work and by the way good luck on building the so called Shia empire hope it happens LOL

The Shia empire is a hoax created by idiots, no one is planning to build such empire. And the reason that I have respect for them is that they are simply far better than some ME regimes, simple as that.
that whatever iran has done since Shah left---was to create conditions to make israel stronger and iran and other muslim countries weaker

Whom has weaken muslims,Iran and muslim society are USA BRITANIA and ISRAEL.
Colonial britannia has weaken muslims from 300 years ago with all of its power!What do u know?
Why nowadays all of regimes of arab countries are puppets of USA or britania and supply their interests!
Even designer of huge london clock over kaaba is a britian devil worshipper that has degined 30 st mary axe and many iblisk towers in the world.
USA has made taliban.
USA gives $8 million a day to Israel.
USA supports every murdering in Syria.
Wake up!

Muslims see it terrorist organization
busy killing kids, you may hear stories of there barbarism in refugee camps.
which muslims are you talking about?????other than yourself,,

Muslims see it terrorist organization busy killing kids, you may hear stories of there barbarism in refugee camps.
some years ago i met refugees from bajaur agency in lahore,,,the stories that they were telling about pak armys barbarianism were also very touchy,,,,,so does that mean pak army is also a terrorist organisation?????? and by the way which syrian refugee camp have you visited??????
Nothing wrong with being anti-American, or being opposed to their global hegemony, or being opposed to them ruling your country through puppets.

But at the same time, it is not wise to fight them directly, unless you have the strength to do so.

China fought against the US and 16 of her allies combined during the Korean War, this only succeeded due to sheer numbers and strategy.

But now we have a better strategy. We will keep a low profile and develop our capabilities, until we have the ability to match them. What matters the most is your own internal strength, if you have that then nobody can break you.
Your internal Chi...
- provides air and land supply routes for NATO, to kill innocent Taliban.
- cooperates in the CIA drone program, which is responsible for thousands of civilian deaths.
- sold its own civilians to America for large sums of money, something Musharraf admitted.

Pakistan was threatened,and any nation in Pakistan's position would have made same decision to avoid being sent back to stone old age.
The Shia empire is a hoax created by idiots, no one is planning to build such empire. And the reason that I have respect for them is that they are simply far better than some ME regimes, simple as that.

This empire is true

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