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What does 'Are you a Muslim first or...' mean?

Human>Muslim> Pakistani
Patriotism is not anti Islam. Its natural to love your country but it should not be blind love. Islam is religious identity and Pakistani is our geographical identity and there is no clash between them unless you assume that Pakistani leadership will go against Islamic principles or Pakistani interest can only be served by violating Islamic principles which is not the case.
Islam is reason of Pakistan creation if Islam not entered subcontinent there would be no Pakistan and hindus were only majority in this region like they were before arrival of Islam in subcontinent
Yes it is....

While calling into question the sanity of those who disagreed with you, you failed to realize that it's actually the entire world (including 50+ Muslim countries), except ISIS of course, that puts nationality before religion.

"Hur dur ur eyziz"
Your identity is multi faceted. As many have said before me, you have nationality, religion, race, caste, tribe, etc.

All of them bar one will serve you only in this world. Above all else I am a Muslim. The only part of your identity you will be asked about in the grave is your religion.

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