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What do you think will happen to the islamic world once israel is uprooted?

israel is*

After Israel, Arab world will find some another execuse to blame Iran....Israel is just an scape goat in bigger plan of action...No one like to talk about it...but honestly speaking...the moment Israel accept the deal with Iran( In exceptional scenario), these all the games played by the Arab nations will come outside..Because at that time, there will be no execuse for them to fight with Iran...
You want Pakistan to ignore the Arabs and support the Zionazis ?

No. :lol:

They can support their position but no need to get involved on their behalf, Pakistan first.
No. :lol:

They can support their position but no need to get involved on their behalf, Pakistan first.

Well that would be a travesty considering that Pakistan is the fort of Islam.
remember 30 years ago after US ,Iran was the biggest supporter of Israel, so it is not impossible for Iran and Israel to become allies.
remember 30 years ago after US ,Iran was the biggest supporter of Israel, so it is not impossible for Iran and Israel to become allies.

That was prior to the Revolution. Iran-Israel relations have been completely cut-off since then and there's very little chance of this changing.
Many Muslim-dominated countries like Turkey have even recognized Israel and some Arab countries maintain relations it, but Iran is adamant in its stance of not recognizing Israel.
I think Iran will be uprooted before Israel. Iran doesn't have nukes. Israel has already nuclear arsenal. They only need a good excuse.
they will still be fighting among themselves if they survive. shia sunni fight will still be on. ahmadis still wont be considered muslims by sunnis. a new fight will come about thats all.
I propose a similar doctrine for Pakistan, aptly named "The Samossa Option"!

Btw, it comes in two varieties, baked (tactical) and deep fried (thermonuclear). :D

The zionazis will nuke every capital if it ever came to such a scenario. If you read up on the Samson doctrine they will not just target nations they are at war with but every major capital within striking distance of their jerichos and their dolphin subs.

So yeah a lot of Muslims would die among many others as well and the whole world will be plunged into uncertainty and a dark age.
Even in a post Israel world a new Israel will pop up somewhere else.
Do you really think Israel could have been created without all the infighting and bickering in the so called Islamic world ?

Israel is not the root of the problem our own careless attitude is
Iran-Israel relations have been completely cut-off since then and there's very little chance of this changing.
If you were a farmer, you will know that is very hard to overcome dandeline roots when they spread in your field...It is very hard to cut ties of a relationship that spawn over decades and if you visit Tel Aviv you will see the Iranian presence in their markets. Built relations are never cut off, just dimmed once awhile .
Many Muslim-dominated countries like Turkey have even recognized Israel and some Arab countries maintain relations it, but Iran is adamant in its stance of not recognizing Israel.

Just for the internal consumption, and are you going to tell us that Pakistan doesn't have open channel with israel be it formal or informal..?

me from that people
and we will end you both

Please, be real...
israel is*

When Israel is uprooted, Islamic world can show the world how they made pigs fly. :P

I am putting this being as neutral as I can, NO ONE can uproot Israel now.
Not unless civilization, as we know it, falls into the Third world war. Because no country will let one country be UPROOTED from Earth and sit back and have their cup of coffee.
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