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What do you think will happen to the islamic world once israel is uprooted?

You see this is funny. Israel is here to stay. Saudi Arabia accepted it,Egypt accepted,Jordan accepted it,Turkey accepted it. the only nations that do not are Iran,Syria and Hezbollah. the nations I mentioned have learned that war with Israel and wiping Israel of the face of the Earth was not working and a waste of time. For example Israel's military is far superior then KSA and the KSA know this and would rather focus fixing their nation then go on an arms race with Israel.

Thing is militarily it is impossible to uproot Israel. How will you unite the entire Islamic world to fight Israel? Second the IDF is iv heavily trained and heavily equipped. How will you wage war against an enemy who will call to arm 3,000,000 people? Plus if the entire Islamic world were to somehow unite to fight Israel, the US,Russia,India and Europe would back Israel and guess what you start a third world war. And your *** will be grass. It will not happen. Does this mean Israel should keep making settlements into Palestinian lands. Hell no! Israel needs to stop the settlement and work with the Palestinian Authority to make a two state solution. Israel is here to stay.
pat robertson was pro-israel
Is that the only thing that grabbed your attention? He was vehemently anti Islam, and he wouldn't mind to have the whole muslim world done with...That what I was referring to.
WHy is my flag so important

It would reveal your nationality, and it will help in the discussion.
Why is your Flag pakistani ?

Cuz I'm originally from Pakistan...

Now, please, answer my question : Where does Islamic doctrine or Qur'an *specifically* states that Jews won't/can't have a homeland? Did Prophet (SAW) ever prophecised it? etc? Kindly respond to this part first and then we can proceed.
You see this is funny. Israel is here to stay. Saudi Arabia accepted it,Egypt accepted,Jordan accepted it,Turkey accepted it. the only nations that do not are Iran,Syria and Hezbollah. the nations I mentioned have learned that war with Israel and wiping Israel of the face of the Earth was not working and a waste of time. For example Israel's military is far superior then KSA and the KSA know this and would rather focus fixing their nation then go on an arms race with Israel.

Thing is militarily it is impossible to uproot Israel. How will you unite the entire Islamic world to fight Israel? Second the IDF is iv heavily trained and heavily equipped. How will you wage war against an enemy who will call to arm 3,000,000 people? Plus if the entire Islamic world were to somehow unite to fight Israel, the US,Russia,India and Europe would back Israel and guess what you start a third world war. And your *** will be grass. It will not happen. Does this mean Israel should keep making settlements into Palestinian lands. Hell no! Israel needs to stop the settlement and work with the Palestinian Authority to make a two state solution. Israel is here to stay.

Sooon Iran will loose Syria as proxy
Now, please, answer my question :...

He was referring to the Torah Jews who are against the Jews having their own homeland

By the way Israel is not the first Jewish homeland in modern times. Soviet Union had a autonomous region called Jewish Autonomous Oblast

He was referring to the Torah Jews who are against the Jews having their own homeland

Well, I don't care about Torah whatever.

Does Islam , Allah (swt), or Prophet Muhammad ever say something like this? That Jewish people can not have their homeland or something like that? Any reference?
If you were a farmer, you will know that is very hard to overcome dandeline roots when they spread in your field...It is very hard to cut ties of a relationship that spawn over decades and if you visit Tel Aviv you will see the Iranian presence in their markets. Built relations are never cut off, just dimmed once awhile .

The Iranian leadership has adopted such a firm stance that it can not back out of it without losing face.
You remember the demonstrations in Iran by the opposition? Be assured that they will make full use of any change in Iranian policy. This is why Ahmedinejad and the Ayatollah will continue the current foreign policy with regards to Israel.

And maintaining low level relations is nothing to be excited about. We maintain better ties with a country we've fought wars with. So I hope you'll pardon me if I don't attach too much importance with "Iranian presence" in Tel Aviv because neither does Israel.
Israel is Not going to be uprooted. Islam will remain on world map.

there is need to accept existance of Palestine as well
Well the arabs will fight amongst themselves, but this notion that Israel will stay is doubtful.

What is the Arab states from UAE to Morocco unite? Their could be coups as the arab armies are not happy. Russia would be pleased to beef them up. We could have problems.
Well the arabs will fight amongst themselves, but this notion that Israel will stay is doubtful.

What is the Arab states from UAE to Morocco unite? Their could be coups as the arab armies are not happy. Russia would be pleased to beef them up. We could have problems.

The GCC is content with whatever excessive luxiries they have and are not going to leave their Disneyland to go to war.
The Arab armies can be happy or sad, but to fight Israel, they would need training, discipline and hardware. They have neither.

And the modern world does not have the USSR to supply them military hardware against pro-US countries. Russia is not going to interfere at all. The Arabs can only expect moral support at most from Russia.
if bush again ,then i will consider americans as dumbest people on earth
Israel is a lame excuse...for incompetent Islamic leaders to hide their backwardness and under-development.
Once Israel is uprooted, the situation of Islamic countries will not improve magically over night but the mullahs will sure find a new excuse to fight over and the cycle goes one!
Where does in Qur'an or Sahih Hadiths it *specifically* says that Jews can not have their own homeland ever etc? Kindly, post the verse.

BTW, why your flags are Israeli? Are you an Arab Israeli? Or a Pakistan that is just putting flags of Israel?

The conditions for the Jew to achieve their homeland was laid out both in the Torah and the Quran. One of which was they had to wait until their messiah comes and he would relocate them to Israel and establish just rule throughout the world. The Jews say their messiah has not come yet so basically they prematurely created the nation state and broke from the covenant of God. That is why a lot of American Jews do not recognize Israel and have no ties to Israel, because they consider it blasphemous. If you are a Muslim you say their messiah did come and they refused to recognize him so they broke with the covenant regardless.

The GCC is content with whatever excessive luxiries they have and are not going to leave their Disneyland to go to war.
The Arab armies can be happy or sad, but to fight Israel, they would need training, discipline and hardware. They have neither.

And the modern world does not have the USSR to supply them military hardware against pro-US countries. Russia is not going to interfere at all. The Arabs can only expect moral support at most from Russia.

Russia has no problem giving people weapons as long as they are buying.
Russia has no problem giving people weapons as long as they are buying.

Hmmm. Since Iran has been placed under sanctions, even Russia has refused to sell advanced military hardware to them despite Iran being a crucial supplier of crude oil. They are only continuing to supply as per older contracts and refuse to sign new ones.

Russia is not the USSR, it has limits now that it did not have before. It is in no position to confront the US and its allies in any way unless directly threatened.
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