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What do you read?

Twain Shakespeare


New Recruit

Jun 21, 2011
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What do you read? (Aside from Q'ran)

There is plenty of talk about the religion elsewhere.

1.What books (genres) do you read?
2.What is your favorite book(s) or author(s)?
3.What book(s) most influenced you?

My answers
1. First to least, Science fiction, science, history, philosophy, graphic, poetry, detective, paranormal, classics, moderns, anything with words in English
2. Currently, the www. sf trilogy (Rbt Sawyer is a fav), The First Word : the Origens of Language, (don't recall author. Lent book out :( ) "Doubt" (by Jennifer Michael Hecht, only book I have read) The Big Bang Never Happened (Michael Lerner, cosmology vs the electromagnetic universe). The Golden Globe (John Varley, another fav)
Favs, I guess, at age fifty + means, to me, books that have taught me the most important things I have learned from books in a millenium. (The 3rd one, to be exact)
3. Starting from childhood, The Chronicles of Narnia started a life long relationship w/ CS Lewis and lead me to LORT, which was hobbit forming, The Time Machine with HG Wells, and Edith Hamilton's Mythology with the Gods (I am a kaffir) "Stranger in a Strange Land with Rbt Heinlein, "Tarzan" with ER Burroughs, and Poul Anderson in general.

Shrodinger's Cat lead me to Rbt A. Wilson. He, along with Wilhelm Reich "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" and "The Murder Of Christ" formed my view of life.
What gave you the idea the frequenters here read the Qur-aan? I don't think most would even understand even the simplest phrases from it. People talk about it without ever reading it themselves, amazing isn't it!

As for the other literature, welcome to the ipod generation. We have such short attention spans we'd rather not read more than a paragraph at a time. Take a train ride, middle-aged people would be reading, younger ones will mostly have wires going into their ears. Listening's making a comeback. Good old oral tradition, coupled with hypermedia!
Sun Tzu? Machiavelli on steroids ;)

Belligerent Pacifists, I think that was the reaction to having just read the thread "The Caliphate is coming back ha ha" No offense intended.

No, wait, I remember. I saw a general administrative warning this morning that said mentioing the sacred texts was 1 of the things that could get you banned. Islamic sacred texts were included.

I love the availability of music these days, and the way I can mix reading and dialogue when I blog
Reading is boring and for old people only-
For me if it isn't discrete its not worth a stare-
So Shakespeare look alike- how old are you?- :D-
Reading is boring and for old people only-
For me if it isn't discrete its not worth a stare-
So Shakespeare look alike- how old are you?- :D-

6th decade. My Dad named me for Twain, his favorite author, Shakespeare, his favorite, playwright, TS Eliot, his favorite poet, and "Tam O'Shatner" His favorite poem. I still haven't quite forgiven him ;)

I admit, I was born too late in someways, but the last century was the only chance I had to read on a flush toilet at 3 AM.

How old are you?
i moslty read medical horror and phycops the best novel i have read so far is rebacca and stephen king is like regular also dan brown makes a really good read
Have alot of books many of them I purchased from amazon electronic books under all Positive categories, any one interested I'd be happy to share.

The recent book I've bought is "The Demise of Yugoslavia".
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