So this is a hoax?
Sharing same common ancestor?? A monkey? What non sense! If reference to monkey is bit degrading, then I suppose that daddy tadpole who came crawling out of the pond millions of years ago would be the original ancestor!?
You lot need to make your mind up. My cousin, my family, my relative, infact you and I, belong to same specie, a sentient being called human, your analogy doesn't hold.
If I presit is telling you that he doenst believe in Adam and Eve and that concept of "original sin" is nothing in christinaity, then I would say you, he needs to get his head checked.
Anyway, I am not here to represent other Abrahamic religions, they can defend themselves. Islam is very clear without any ambiguity about the creation of Adam as the first human. Every single Islamic scholar worth it salt, will draw a thick red line when it comes to Human creation. There are some who agree with evolution of other species, but even those reject Human evolution. Because if you believe in Human evolution, you have to reject the Quran , which clearly mention how Adam was created up in heaven and how his soul was breathed into him, and most importantly, the point which I like to emphasis, as default, the exsistence of Satan has also have be rejected as the creations of Adam was the event which caused Satan to become the enemy of mankind. This so called theory of evolution is nothing but a Satanist agenda to only degrade humanity but also reject the existence of Satan.