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What did i experience/learn/instil/find out today on PDF!!

I learned that Neo uses viagra (Just Kidding). :P

I learned alot actually, too much to sum it all up, all in all, i'm glad that i'm able to meet and talk to people from all over the world about almost everything, it's great, all these debates from countless of people who know much and much more then I do have made me smarter and more aware of everything around me.
I am grateful.
I learned that kaal2009 called me a RAW agent with a dog face.:woot:

Well I am bit hairy:D
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1. I learned that PDF is a good way to carry out cyber security.

2. That this site is not administered by some common group of people.

3. That we the people of the sub continent are emotionally driven.

4. That the objectives behind PDF are far more then mere discussions.

5. And its more fun then orkut and Face book!!
I've been here 3 years and average 1.38 posts per day
i also learnt recently that our media though playing shamefully at time, still is able to give rough nights to the indian!!
Im fairly new here but what I learned was that I can't send PMs to members.

I was a fan of this forum for a long time and I always thought that I should be a part of it. but i don't have that much knowledge in military stuff like how you guys do but then I realized that this forum is for everyone.

Oh and I also learned that theres a lot of Indian members here and surprisingly some of them are really nice and they debate really well :D
What have you peeps been talking behind my back!?

FYI, Me and my better half are doing just fine...

Well that is heartening hear!
May God Bless you both and any kaka that you have...

BTW, i was just kidding, just thought about it because you seemed kinda fatigued..just a thought.
Im fairly new here but what I learned was that I can't send PMs to members.

I was a fan of this forum for a long time and I always thought that I should be a part of it. but i don't have that much knowledge in military stuff like how you guys do but then I realized that this forum is for everyone.

Oh and I also learned that theres a lot of Indian members here and surprisingly some of them are really nice and they debate really well :D

Glad to listen from you.
There is no need for you to be a scholar to be part f PDF....the main theme behind this effort is that you may improve upon your writing skills and knowledge by visiting this forum.

You come to know about something new and then it makes you do your own homework (goggle, search..books ...etc etc) and the end result would be that you'll be a well read and learned person by the end of the day. That's what we expect you to do here...:)
today i upset whole day after see that viedeo of guy.its make me sad.
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