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What did i experience/learn/instil/find out today on PDF!!


Mar 31, 2008
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This thread would tell about you people as regards to all the stuff that you have either learned, felt or taught someone on this forum. It's just a move to see whether you have taught something new to someone, i mean did someone found something new to add to his/her knowledge and vice versa.

Here is a brief explanation:
Learn: If you have found something new that was not previously not known to you, mention it here. It can include anything. Some examples can be: You found out something new about the organization of Pakistani Military, or you came to know about a fact regarding a secret organization, or it can be something that was related to politics and you never would have found it out had you not been visiting PDF.

Experienced: You were feeling bored but you got charged up after paying visit to PDF, or you were having a bad time but PDF brought you some cheers!

Instil: If you think you were able to make someone understand something new or were able to clarify some doubts (both legitimate or otherwise :D), do mention it here.

Find out: You came to know that Nick X was actually a boy when everybody was thinking the other way around or that someone was not Pro-'some country, School of though, Religion etc etc' but you believed him/her to be or you came to know that the Mods are actually not that bad:D, bring it up here on this thread!
Here's an apitizer:

i came to know that:

All Jews don't speak Hebrew, some also speak 'ladino'.
Bezerk is a son of an Aviator.
Asim is having some tough time with his gf.:woot::D
I've found lots of information regarding military e.g psycological tests
n politics too specially on the curent situations.

Most of the times i had a feeling that im only silly person among u intelectuals.

Ilover n chocolate lover chage the atmosphere of the forum by their light n funny talks.they made me laugh.:rofl:

Kharian beast,duhasmit(Many sorries i think i havent mentioned the name correctly but its too difficult )Saad,Raheel have very good knowledge.
Agnostic Muslim is around my age and also a student
I learned that this forum was run by ISI and I along with other members were ISI agents.

By the way I have not received my pay. So please hurry up :lol:.
I learned that Asim Aquil only accepts friendship requests from Administrators and Moderators. Basically, he hangs out with the "Decision makers" and not with us regular fakeer's. Where is the PDF Discrimination act of 2005? :P
i EXPERIENCED THAT I BECAME A senior memeber!!!

I LEArn that - Most people here are really cool , but some are people come here to prove themselves a dork by- harming the sanctity of forum by their useless posts, which are nothing but shows their sexual frustration, immature understanding of society and patheticity of their thinking.

Most of all JET LI ( new memeber ) - CANT STOP IT- I REQUESTED HIM Nth time - its pakistan not parkistan -- Pakistan - holy land and parkistan - amusement land!!! are totally different words! http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-defence/19180-do-you-think-good-idea-integrate-pakistan-china-7.html#post334373
I learnt that sms thread and facebook thread on this forum are more active than any other topic....probably f16 aur duhashtmish ka assar ho raha hai sub ko :P
1.Learned about Viagra thanks to Neo who posted the knowledgeable thread.I still regret and I realize I'm not as innocent as I was before:tsk:
2.Yes, I was, as a matter of fact, having a bad time....PDF brought me back to life and that smile I'm famous for:)...can't be thankful enough!
a. I know Asim as an improvisational comedian.
b. People on PDF usually don't ask personal details and I'm very comfortable with this thing.
3. I think I pretty much clarified the fact that its not repressive but a "protective" nature of Burqa.
a. I've not developed a needless resentment against any nation ( India most importantly), sect or religion but the EVIL.

4. I thought rubyjackass was a girl and I'm still confused:D
But why does robyjackass is girl, i suerly thought - this has to be a guy- since i never seen a girl calling herself jackass , secondly - as raheel said -kash lagati ganji aurat. will be too much for my imagination to handle.
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