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What changes have you brought in your country?

Plant as much trees as possible and take care of them.. thats the best thing we can do for our country, our future generation and to our mother earth.
Built a number of schools with my own hands (laying bricks :)) in villages in my district. Have to build another ten thousand schools and hospitals for the people of my country.

Aameen, :cheers:

I work in utility Company. I make sure me and the people around me do not take money from customers. It makes me feel good when a customer comes to me with intention of giving bribe, as per country standards, goes away with his work done without paying a single penny.
With friends running a free eye hospital in a small city of Punjab. It is satisfying to see each of my Zakat money is being spent where it is supposed to be spend.
Try my best to pool car for office so that i could also reduce my carbon signature. Not very successful since people do not like car pooling.

Built a number of schools with my own hands (laying bricks :)) in villages in my district. Have to build another ten thousand schools and hospitals for the people of my country.

:tup: Great effort bro. Education will enable the kids to question goverments policy when they grow up.( but then have you yourself questioned any?)
What is size of your underware..........

Its member club so we can ask anythign.......

Last few months there are only 2 % good threads all others were your height, Your cloaths, Your wife, My GF, Our dog, Neighbours cat, ETC ETC.....

So you mean to say that a friendly discussion should not be brought down in PDF?
How many defense related news you get everyday?
not many.
PDF will be like :hang2:,if some humorous threads aren't operating.
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