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What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

I cant find my favourite nasheed again. :(

Got a bad rep but I love that one, dawlat al islami qamat something, love that music.

Been searching but cant find it.. Might you have a link to it ? ISIS ka theme song wala.

No, you moron... It is not subject to interpretation. That is the final word of the creator/god according to the Islamic tradition.

No wonder EVERYONE hates your Stinky starving commupiss @ss here. :disagree:

You must be getting tired of washing your hands multiple times a day.
You must be getting tired of washing your hands multiple times a day.
Please, bro.. I want to listen to that dawla one.. I genuinely love it.. and that other one, the name of which I've never known.. nice orchestral/chorusy major progression.. I can play it, just don't know the name lol
Please, bro.. I want to listen to that dawla one.. I genuinely love it.. and that other one, the name of which I've never known.. nice orchestral/chorusy major progression.. I can play it, just don't know the name lol

I'm talking about replying to the acchoot. Again n again n again. In the real world I'd insist you have a snaan. Magga baalti wala hi sahi.
ki kran ? I'm a lowly chamaar, and clean potty stains like @jamahir

He gives me very icky vibes man. First he pervs on kids. That's a big red line for me. Then bam he went for my mother. Then Sri Ram ji and Sita mayya. Again and again. Puke stains like these are best avoided. You might be amused. But there is a real person behind his ID. And he lives among us. Not here.
He gives me very icky vibes man. First he pervs on kids. That's a big red line for me. Then bam he went for my mother. Then Sri Ram ji and Sita mayya. Again and again. Puke stains like these are best avoided. You might be amused. But there is a real person behind his ID. And he lives among us. Not here.
He's a really ugly specimen of a human, both inside and out. Like I mentioned earlier, guy posted some fraudy shady looking "IT" company website once.. his name is Munawar Ali, ekdum sadakchaap, fugly, tight jeans, chaeapo sirt/pent type hai banda.. from some "no go zone" in Hyderabad type, or maybe from small town UP or Bihar. Total creep, uneducated, angry at the world, thinks communism will save the world.. lowest of the low. The kind of guy if you bump into, will run in the other direction... socho zara, 10 saal, 30 thousand posts.. fir bhi bolega nahi, ki kaha rehta hai.. kyu fat ti hai itni ? ..

I'd actually wire him a bit of money so he can hire a hooker and get rid of his virgin frustration, it may help.
No, you moron... It is not subject to interpretation. That is the final word of the creator/god according to the Islamic tradition.

No wonder EVERYONE hates your Stinky starving commupiss @ss here. :disagree:

Stupidu, you and the unsophisticated mullah ghey bois here should again read, because you don't know, that 'Buddhism wiped out in India' thread where I wrote of Muslim philosophers from more than 1200 years ago and then on finding Buddha's teachings to be similar to what True Islam desires and these philosophers including Buddha as one in the 124,000 prophets in Islam. Don't teach me about Islam. As I keep writing, the a drop of sweat on my forehead is more Islamic and philosophical than the mullah ghey bois on PDF whose words you use here to impose your hate of me and who don't like you as a Hindu in the first place. :rofl:

I'm talking about replying to the acchoot. Again n again n again. In the real world I'd insist you have a snaan. Magga baalti wala hi sahi.

Acchoot ? What humanity you have. Discriminating against living humans on caste lines and slotting them as Untouchable but outraging about criticism of gods who don't exist. Kya baat hai, Brahman Choubey ji. Ready to be called a parasite in Holland by another American tourist after having been called a parasite by an American in Poland ?

@SIPRA saheb, will I be wrong to call Langda as a gau mutr drinker ? :)
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@SIPRA saheb, will I be wrong to call Langda as a gau mutr drinker ? :)

Sir Jee: I told you that I am fundamentally against the act of posters doing personal attacks on each other. But, since, it is quite a common phenomenon on PDF; what can I say or do?

I also, quite often, use obnoxious and vulgar language and/or concepts on PDF; but I don't direct it against a fellow poster. When a fellow poster becomes intolerable for me, on personal or ideological basis; I silently put him on "ignore" list and deprive myself from seeing his posts. That is how I manage it. I hardly ever enter into a communication with a poster, whom I don't like.
Stupidu, you and the unsophisticated mullah ghey bois here should again read, because you don't know, that 'Buddhism wiped out in India' thread where I wrote of Muslim philosophers from more than 1200 years ago and then on finding Buddha's teachings to be similar to what True Islam desires and these philosophers including Buddha as one in the 124,000 prophets in Islam. Don't teach me about Islam. As I keep writing, the a drop of sweat on my forehead is more Islamic and philosophical than the mullah ghey bois on PDF whose words you use here to impose your hate of me and who don't like you as a Hindu in the first place. :rofl:
What exactly is your problem if someone happens to be either a mullah/Islamic priest, or a gay person for that matter ?

Tujhe kya lena-dena ?

On top of that you want to harp on about religion, which you obviously do not care for.. and so you lash out at the world, Hindus, Musalmans.. tujhe sab se nafrat hai.. you're a bitter little man is what you are. You wouldn't dare so much as be able to even muster the courage to look me in the eye if if we ever are to cross paths.

You are are a disgusting person in every sense of the phrase, a much frustrated virgin.. Freudian lafda hai tere saath kuch.. mommy didn't love you when you were a wee one or what ?

dirty smelly slum dwelling loser virgin, munawar ali.

Virus aka The Brahman @Sharma Ji :

No Om Shanti.
haaa, take at look at this @langda khan

gloating over a death, this lowlife slum dwelling virgin who is universally hated by 110% of regular posters here..

nice 1, just when we thought you had hit rock bottom filth, you sink much lower.

lagay raho, on your dirty broken hand me down laptop from your filthy gutter slum, Munawar.. you are only but exposing your true ugly inner self to all.
What exactly is your problem if someone happens to be either a mullah/Islamic priest, or a gay person for that matter ?

Tujhe kya lena-dena ?

On top of that you want to harp on about religion, which you obviously do not care for.. and so you lash out at the world, Hindus, Musalmans.. tujhe sab se nafrat hai.. you're a bitter little man is what you are. You wouldn't dare so much as be able to even muster the courage to look me in the eye if if we ever are to cross paths.

You are are a disgusting person in every sense of the phrase, a much frustrated virgin.. Freudian lafda hai tere saath kuch.. mommy didn't love you when you were a wee one or what ?

dirty smelly slum dwelling loser virgin, munawar ali.

haaa, take at look at this @langda khan

gloating over a death, this lowlife slum dwelling virgin who is universally hated by 110% of regular posters here..

nice 1, just when we thought you had hit rock bottom filth, you sink much lower.

lagay raho, on your dirty broken hand me down laptop from your filthy gutter slum, Munawar.. you are only but exposing your true ugly inner self to all.

Yes I must admit i did not get why he dragged in the memory of late Cyrus Mistry. And what is the connection between Cyrus Mistry this acchoot and Sharma ji.

Sunday headache getting worse bc. More snaans.
Yes I must admit i did not get why he dragged in the memory of late Cyrus Mistry. And what is the connection between Cyrus Mistry this acchoot and Sharma ji.

Sunday headache getting worse bc. More snaans.
He's just happy to see a "capitalist multi millionaire" like Cyrus dead, he's a sicko, wants to see you and me dead too, I'll bet.

Dimaag sard jaata hai na, he lives in a fithy Hyderabad or Lucknow something slum.. hates everyone. Ghatia aadmi hai, frustrated chewti@
https://www.hrw.org/reports/1999/india/India994-13.htmI'm talking about replying to the acchoot. Again n again n again. In the real world I'd insist you have a snaan. Magga baalti wala hi sahi.

ki kran ? I'm a lowly chamaar, and clean potty stains like @jamahir

I have taken screenshot of Langda calling me a acchoot ( Untouchable ) and Virus insultingly calling me a Chamaar and delegating me to get into the sewers while he being a upper caste Brahman won't do it. The constitution of India prohibits caste discrimination and it is a punishable offense. From this source :
The practice of “untouchability,” other caste-based discrimination, violence against Dalit men, women, and children, and other abuses documented in this report are in violation of numerous domestic and international laws. A body of international human rights conventions, domestic legislation, and constitutional provisions collectively impose on the government of India a duty to guarantee certain basic rights to the Dalit population and to punish those who engage in caste-based violence and discrimination.

Other chapters of this report describe the pattern of state complicity in attacks on Dalit community members. This chapter outlines the government’s legal obligations and the manner in which state complicity extends to the non-registration of cases against caste Hindus, including the government’s failure to implement the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. A brief description of the government’s two-pronged strategy to improve the socio-economic status of scheduled castes and to provide them with legal protection in the form of social welfare legislation is also provided. Like the Atrocities Act, the strategy has been undermined by a lack of political will to ensure its implementation. The government of India has failed to provide Dalits with the most basic of constitutional guarantees described below.

India’s Obligations under Domestic Law

The Constitution of India proclaims the decision of the Constituent Assembly (which framed the constitution) to provide social, political, and economic justice for all. To this end the constitution has several provisions to protect scheduled castes and to improve their position. The constitution affects social justice in two ways. First, it confers rights on men and women alike, through “fundamental rights” which can be enforced by the courts. Second, it directs the states to implement “directive principles of state policy.” Although these are not enforceable in Indian courts, they are declared to be fundamental in the governance of the country and as such have moral and political value.

Scheduled castes and the constitution

Article 17 of the constitution abolishes the practice of “untouchability” and punishes the enforcement of any disability arising out of the practice. Article 21 guarantees the right to life and liberty. The Indian Supreme Court has interpreted this right to include the right to be free from degrading and inhuman treatment, the right to integrity and dignity of the person, and the right to speedyjustice.52 When read with Article 39A on equal justice and free legal aid, Article 21 also encompasses the right to legal aid for those faced with imprisonment and those too poor to

afford counsel.53

Article 23 prohibits traffic in human beings and other similar forms of forced labor. Since the majority of bonded laborers belong to scheduled castes, Article 23 is especially significant for them.54 Similarly, Article 24 provides that no child under the age of fourteen shall work in any factory or mine or engage in any hazardous employment. Again a majority of children engaged in bonded labor in such hazardous industries are scheduled caste members. Article 45 charges that the state shall endeavor to provide free and compulsory education for all children until they reach the age of fourteen, while Article 43 calls on the state to secure to all workers, agricultural, industrial or otherwise, a living wage and conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life.

Article 46 comprises both development and regulatory aspects and stipulates that: “The State shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and forms of exploitation.” As the article falls under the category of directive principles and not fundamental rights, it cannot be enforced by the state’s courts. Article 15(4) empowers the state to make any special provisions for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens, or for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. This particular provision was incorporated into the constitution through the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951 and has enabled several states to reserve seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in educational institutions, including technical, engineering, and medical colleges. It has also paved the way for reservations in police forces.

Article 330 provides reservations for seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the Lok Sabha (the House of the People), while Article 332 provides for reservations in the state legislative assemblies. Article 334 originally stipulated that the above two provisions would cease to have effect after a period of ten years from the commencement of the constitution. This article has sincebeen amended four times, extending the period by ten years on each occasion. The provision is now set to expire in January 2000.

Through Article 16(4) the state is empowered to make “any provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of any backward class of citizens which, in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the State.” The claims of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, as per Article 335, shall also be taken into consideration, consistent with maintaining efficiency of administration, in the making of appointments services and posts in connection with the union or of a state.

In addition to constitutional provisions, the government of India has pursued a two-pronged approach to narrowing the gap between the socio-economic status of the scheduled caste population and the national average: one prong involves regulatory measures which ensure that the various provisions to protect their rights and interests are adequately implemented, enforced and monitored; the second focuses on increasing the self-sufficiency of the scheduled caste population through financial assistance for self-employment activities through development programs to increase education and skills.55

The protective component of this strategy includes the enforcement of those legal provisions that make up the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955, and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989; of other state and central government laws; and of “positive discrimination” through reservations in the arenas of government employment and higher education. These protective measures are monitored by the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The development measures for the educational, social, and economic upliftment of scheduled castes are administered by the Ministry of Welfare through the state governments.56

The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is a body set up pursuant to Article 338 of the Indian constitution. It has been entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that the safeguards and protections that have been given to scheduled castes and tribes are implemented. As part of the National Commission, the Commission on Atrocities Against Scheduled Castes andScheduled Tribes oversees implementation of the Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989, and the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955, though does not have a statutory responsibility to do so. The commission both receives complaints and proactively investigates matters that come to its attention through news reports or by any other means. Under the constitution the commission has the powers of a civil court and can call on anyone for evidence to ensure that the laws are being implemented. The commission lacks the powers of a criminal court, however, and therefore cannot enforce its findings.57

The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955

With an eye to eradicating pervasive discrimination practiced against scheduled-caste members, the central government enacted the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 (PCR Act) to enforce the abolition of “untouchability” under Article 17 of the constitution. The PCR Act punishes offenses that amount to the observance of “untouchability.” These include, inter alia, prohibiting entry into places of worship, denying access to shops and other public places, denying access to any water supply, prohibiting entry into hospitals, refusing to sell goods or render services, and insulting someone on the basis of his or her caste.58

In 1973 the Protection of Civil Rights Cell was established to respond to a lack of convictions under the PCR Act.59 According T. K. Chaudary, the inspector general of police for the PCR cell in Maharashtra from 1992 to 1996, and current Joint Commissioner of Police, Mumbai (Bombay) Police:

Until 1973 there was no conviction. It was all at the whims and fancies of police officers. They only took action if the person belonged to the right caste. So in order to streamline the act, the cell came into place. From 1975 onwards they played a coordinating role. They had no power of their own but made sure some cases were registered and the some complaints were heard; still there were hardly any convictions... witnesses turned hostile.60

Chaudary added, “Society as a whole never accepted the PCR Act. No one ever thought that name-calling wouldn’t be okay. Ill-treatment was very common.”61 The act was also vulnerable to abuse. “It was easy to make an allegation that someone was called by his or her caste name.”62

The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989

The greatest deficiency of the Protection of Civil Rights Act was the fact that abuses against Dalits were not limited to name-calling or denial of entry into public spaces: violence was a defining characteristic of the abuse. Thirty-four years after the introduction of the PCR Act, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, was enacted to bring these other forms of abuse to an end. “In the Atrocities Act_ the complainant is given more weight... There are also stringent provisions against the police for negligence.”63

The promulgation of the act itself was an acknowledgment by the central government that abuses, in their most dehumanizing form, continue to take placeagainst Dalits throughout the country. The Tamil Nadu nodal (implementation) officer for the Atrocities Act explained to Human Rights Watch:

The Atrocities Act is very stringent. It is needed to eradicate the practice, not just control it. It is the second phase of the Protection of Civil Rights Act which is very soft. The 1989 [Atrocities] Act is grounded in the understanding that scheduled castes are being subjected to violence, not just the practice of “untouchability.” There was a long period of dialogue before its enactment. After forty years of India, people began to acknowledge that violence continued to be perpetrated and it needed to be stopped. The act presumes that if a non-scheduled-caste member harms a scheduled-caste member then it is because of the culpable mind of “untouchability” [a belief in the inferiority of lower castes]. They don't have to utter the caste name in the 1989 act; any humiliation is an offense.64

A list of offenses under the act provides a glimpse into the forms that such violence can take, several of which have been documented in this report. Section 3(1) stipulates that the following acts, when committed by a person who is not a member of a scheduled caste or a scheduled tribe, are atrocities and thereby punishable by a term of six months to five years with a fine.

· Forcing a member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe to drink or eat any inedible or obnoxious substance (Section 3(1)(i));

· Acting with intent to cause injury, insult or annoyance to any member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe by dumping excreta, waste matter, carcasses or any other obnoxious substance in his premises or neighbourhood (Section 3(1)(ii));

· Forcibly removing clothes from the person of a member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, or parading him naked or with painted face orbody, or committing any similar act which is derogatory to human dignity (Section 3(1)(iii));

· Wrongfully occupying or cultivating any land owned by, or allotted to, or notified by any competent authority to be allotted to, a member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, or getting the land allotted to him transferred (Section (3)(1)(iv));

· Wrongfully dispossessing a member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe from his land or premises, or interfering with the enjoyment of his rights over any land, premises, or water (Section 3(1)(v));

· Compelling or enticing a member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe to do “beggar” or other similar forms of forced or bonded labour, other than any compulsory service for public purposes imposed by the Government (Section (3)(1)(vi));

· Forcing or intimidating a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe not to vote or to vote [for] a particular candidate or to vote in a manner other than that provided by law (Section (3)(1)(vii));

· Corrupting or fouling the water of any spring, reservoir, or any other source ordinarily used by members of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes so as to render it less fit for the purpose for which it is ordinarily used (Section (3)(1(xiii));

· Denying a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe any customary right of passage to a place of public resort or obstructing such members so as to prevent him from using or having access to a place of public resort to which other members of public or any section thereof have a right to use or access to (Section 3(1)(xiv));

· Forcing or causing a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe to leave his house, village, or other place of residence (Section 3(1)(xv)).

  • The act also punishes public servants for committing any of the enumerated offenses. Specific offenses are also designed to protect Dalit and tribal women. Specifically, Sections 3(1)(xi) and 3(1)(xii) criminalize the assault or use of force on any woman belonging to a scheduled caste or scheduled tribe, “with theintent to dishonour or outrage her modesty,” and the use of a position of dominance to exploit a scheduled caste or scheduled tribe woman sexually.

    Section 3(2) of the act prohibits, inter alia, the fabrication of false evidence in cases against members of scheduled castes or scheduled tribes and defines punishments for public servants who commit any of the offenses enumerated in Section 3. In addition to providing for stricter punishments for various offenses, the act also imposes certain positive duties on state and central governments to ensure proper implementation of the act.65 Many of these duties are listed under Section 21 which, among other things, provides that the central government shall, every year, send to both houses of parliament a report on the measures taken by the center and the states in pursuance of the provisions of the act.

Sir Jee: I told you that I am fundamentally against the act of posters doing personal attacks on each other. But, since, it is quite a common phenomenon on PDF; what can I say or do?

I also, quite often, use obnoxious and vulgar language and/or concepts on PDF; but I don't direct it against a fellow poster. When a fellow poster becomes intolerable for me, on personal or ideological basis; I silently put him on "ignore" list and deprive myself from seeing his posts. That is how I manage it. I hardly ever enter into a communication with a poster, whom I don't like.

Sipra saheb, I have put on ignore list that obnoxious PAKISTANFOREVER. But this fellow Langda Khan is among the 500 million Hindutvadis in India and outside who oppress and terrorize in the physical world. It isn't Martians who want to genocide two million Indian Muslims at the soonest and then Christians and Communists. It is Langda Khan. See above, he uses his upper caste Hindu birth privilege and calls me a Acchoot ( Untouchable ) which is against the Indian constitution ( a generally progressive one written by the Dalit leader Ambedkar and accepted in 1950 and not by Hindutvadi PM Modi in 2014 ) and there is a punishable offense act for it from 1989. He discriminates against humans openly on the internet knowing that Modi government is of his ideology but he dares throw "You pedo !" tantrums at me quoting a stupid recent law from 2012 ? So he pushing me into the sewers but not doing it himself and not allowing me into the cities and villages and lynching me and forcing me to buy the biscuit pack I touched because it will pollute his hand and shop to retain it and then he taking money for it dropped into his hand from a distance because it will pollute his hand, and pour molten lead into my ear if I overhear the "sacred" Vedas, all this is okay but a 15-year-old girl flirting with me by her own is a sin, a crime ? What kind of human is this person ? In the USSR and North Korea these filths will be sent to the gulags to reflect, reform and start contributing to society and humanity for the first time in their lives.

What exactly is your problem if someone happens to be either a mullah/Islamic priest, or a gay person for that matter ?

Tujhe kya lena-dena ?

Islam abolished the priest system. There is no such thing called priesthood in Islam. The mullah / clergy therefore are anti-Islamic. I quote from a 2016 thread of mine about modern Communist and Socialist activism among Muslims from the early 1900s and the article in the OP is written by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha. The person in the text below is an Islamic scholar Ghulam Ahmed Parvez from pre-Partition who moved to Pakistan :
Apart from continuing to author books and commentaries on the Qu’ran, Parvez wrote a series of articles in Talu-e-Islam that propagated a more socialistic view of the holy book.

In a series of essays for the magazine he used verses from the Qu’ran, incidents from the faith’s history and insights from the writings of Muhammad Iqbal to claim:

The clergy and conservative ulema have hijacked Islam.

They are agents of the rich people and promoters of uncontrolled Capitalism.

Socialism best enforces Qur’anic dictums on property, justice and distribution of wealth.

Islam’s main mission was the eradication of all injustices and cruelties from society. It was a socio-economic movement, and the Prophet was a leader seeking to put an end to the capitalist exploitation of the Quraysh merchants and the corrupt bureaucracy of Byzantium and Persia.

According to the Qur’an, Muslims have three main responsibilities: seeing, hearing and sensing through the agency of the mind. Consequently, real knowledge is based on empirically verifiable observation, or through the role of science.

Poverty is the punishment of God and deserved by those who ignore science.

In Muslim/Islamic societies, science, as well as agrarian reform should play leading roles in developing an industrialised economy.

A socialist path is a correction of the medieval distortion of Islam through Shari’a.
You should read the thread because members like the female later-mod @Moonlight approves of the OP and so does the Algerian @Ceylal and then other members including Pakistanis. So you saying "Go away, no one listens to you" is factually wrong. I speak simple, rational words and any rational person will accept them. The posted article in that thread got some positive ratings and many Likes. This was PDF of 2016.

Moonlight says :
"The clergy and conservative ulema have hijacked Islam.They are agents of the rich people and promoters of uncontrolled Capitalism." (Ghulam Ahmed Parvez). Dyummmm. That hit me hard.
The much knowledge I have about Islam, it's not conservative religion at all. It depends on our understanding. Unfortunately, some ulmas are making it look like hardcore religion to practice. It's the other way around.

Read the discussion there and improve.

You wouldn't dare so much as be able to even muster the courage to look me in the eye if if we ever are to cross paths.

Why not ?
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