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What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

while he being a upper caste Brahman won't do it. The constitution of India prohibits caste discrimination and it is a punishable offense.
aa gai yaad ab constitution ki ? :lol:

he pushing me into the sewers but not doing it himself and not allowing me into the cities and villages and lynching me

Why not ?
because you're an oxymoronic inferiority + god complex ridden little shit and I will rip you a new one, a very wide one.

You, Munawar Bhikari, are even too scared to say what city you live in.. teri gandi sadi hui malnourished shakal dekh ke hi the guards wont even let you in to my place. : )
Sipra saheb, I have put on ignore list that obnoxious PAKISTANFOREVER. But this fellow Langda Khan is among the 500 million Hindutvadis in India and outside who oppress and terrorize in the physical world. It isn't Martians who want to genocide two million Indian Muslims at the soonest and then Christians and Communists. It is Langda Khan. See above, he uses his upper caste Hindu birth privilege and calls me a Acchoot ( Untouchable ) which is against the Indian constitution ( a generally progressive one written by the Dalit leader Ambedkar and accepted in 1950 and not by Hindutvadi PM Modi in 2014 ) and there is a punishable offense act for it from 1989. He discriminates against humans openly on the internet knowing that Modi government is of his ideology but he dares throw "You pedo !" tantrums at me quoting a stupid recent law from 2012 ? So he pushing me into the sewers but not doing it himself and not allowing me into the cities and villages and lynching me and forcing me to buy the biscuit pack I touched because it will pollute his hand and shop to retain it and then he taking money for it dropped into his hand from a distance because it will pollute his hand, and pour molten lead into my ear if I overhear the "sacred" Vedas, all this is okay but a 15-year-old girl flirting with me by her own is a sin, a crime ? What kind of human is this person ?

Sir Jee: Every person has his own method of addressing the conflict and confrontation on anonymous social media. It also depends upon the psyche of that person. I told you mine, that I never enter into personal attacks. Once any poster does so with me; I immediately put him on my "ignore" list. By now, my "ignore" list is quite long, on both personal or ideological basis. You have all the right to devise your own way to address this issue.
Sir Jee: Every person has his own method of addressing the conflict and confrontation on anonymous social media. It also depends upon the psyche of that person. I told you mine, that I never enter into personal attacks. Once any poster does so with me; I immediately put him on my "ignore" list. By now, my "ignore" list is quite long, on both personal or ideological basis. You have all the right to devise your own way to address this issue.

The only way he gets attention and vicarious thrills is by inflaming people so that they snap back and he can write another irrelevant verbose potha. Ignoring people is self defeating for people who crave attention and resort to negativity to get it.
aa gai yaad ab constitution ki ? :lol:

Not just now. I knew of the general progressivenes of the Indian constitution for example a while after I had organically almost established the first workers union in the Indian IT / ITES industry in 2014. Indian constitution enables a worker to establish or join unions as a human right :

1. The Constitution of India​

The essence of unionism and bargaining is laid down in Article 19(1) of the Constitution of India which provides to all its citizens the fundamental right of freedom of speech. Clause (c) of Article 19(1) includes the right to form associations or unions. The Supreme Court has extended the meaning of this right to also include the right of the members to conduct meetings and the right to discuss their problems and put-forth their views in the case of All India Bank Employees vs National Industrial Tribunal.

And then I know of Article 51A which exhorts every Indian citizen to develop Scientific Temper and spirit of enquiry :
(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
The same article has :
(e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women;
You, Virus, and your chum, @langda khan neither develop and promote the humanism demanded above nor are promoting harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood.

And then I know of the preamble of the Indian constitution which says "WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizen". Socialist, secular, democratic republic. And these words are desired by the Hindutvadis to be deleted from the preamble, the reason being their non-adherence to Bharatiya Sanskriti / Sanatan Dharm :
The plea tries to examine the roots of secularism and socialism as a concept prevailing across the globe and dubs them as a “political thought” which has little relevance for the country.

It states that the historical and cultural theme of Bharat is based on the concept of “Dharma”, which is different from the concept of religion and the communist theory of state cannot be applied to the Indian context.
Obviously, anything that is humanist, rational, sensitiveness-promoting, empathetic and scientific goes against Sanatan Dharm which instituted extremest misogyny, the caste system, extremest Capitalism, inequality and feudalism. And the legal means these pleaders have put is :
Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain, who filed the petition, told HT, “In a democratic setup, the citizens cannot be bound to accept a particular ideology and the application of the ideology depends on the will of the people to be reflected through votes from time to time. In this case, the petitioners have said that ‘socialist’ and ‘secular’ concepts are political thoughts and seen in the light of right to practice religion (Article 25), right to free speech (Article 19(1)(a)), and these principles are against the principle of democracy.”
"Will of the people reflected from time to time through votes". "These principles are against the principle of democracy".

:rofl: These Hindutvadi crooks quote Democracy but seek to remove the word Socialism which brings in Democracy and Equality. They quote "Democracy" but seek to impose majoritarian Hindutvad on the rest of the Indian citizenry. They are full of contradictions like one of them here, Langda Khan. The Hindutvadis want the Indian constitution replace with the foul work Manusmriti which contains all those anti-human ideas I mentioned above.

Laugh. The world sees you and thinks you as insane, irrational, uncivilized and parasite, Sharma ji, and doesn't want you in their societies :

because you're an oxymoronic inferiority + god complex ridden little shit and I will rip you a new one, a very wide one.

Bhagwa lynching threat no. 2 since yesterday.

You, Munawar Bhikari, are even too scared to say what city you live in.. teri gandi sadi hui malnourished shakal dekh ke hi the guards wont even let you in to my place. : )

You say that to me but will your hero the Capitalist Mukesh Ambani, one of the money-richest people in the world whose criticism you don't want from me, allow you into his ivory tower's gates ? His guards will shoo you away. :)

Sir Jee: Every person has his own method of addressing the conflict and confrontation on anonymous social media. It also depends upon the psyche of that person. I told you mine, that I never enter into personal attacks. Once any poster does so with me; I immediately put him on my "ignore" list. By now, my "ignore" list is quite long, on both personal or ideological basis. You have all the right to devise your own way to address this issue.

Sipra saheb, I respect your reasoning on this matter and I would do it too but for me here it is a life and death thing. :)

The only way he gets attention and vicarious thrills is by inflaming people so that they snap back and he can write another irrelevant verbose potha. Ignoring people is self defeating for people who crave attention and resort to negativity to get it.

Hmm, demanding why you called someone an Acchoot is "inflaming people". Hmm.
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I know of the preamble of the Indian constitution which says "WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizen". Socialist, secular, democratic republic. And these words are desired by the Hindutvadis to be deleted from the preamble
added by Indira in the 70s, original me ni tha this socialist bs..

I'm not opposed to it entirely, btw.. I want to help and lift poor people like you and your lot out of poverty, we do a lot of human charity, 70% human hi hai, 30% no kill shelters and etc ko deta hu..

Sanatan Dharm
why, man ?

nobody said anything about X religion.. I'd go there, gladly, and rip you another one, but it is against the rules here.

You say that to me but will your hero the Capitalist Mukesh Ambani, one of the money-richest people in the world whose criticism you don't want from me, allow you into his ivory tower's gates ? His guards will shoo you away. :)
He's not my hero, whatever gave you that idea ? A tenant of mine from few years ago was an Aramco/Shell guy from DxB/Emirates but, real nice family too.

You, otoh, are a big fan of SpaceX, aren't you ? hmm.. wht gives ? oO
The only way he gets attention and vicarious thrills is by inflaming people so that they snap back and he can write another irrelevant verbose potha. Ignoring people is self defeating for people who crave attention and resort to negativity to get it.

Not necessarily. I think that he has an extremely strong belief in his ideologies and desires to propagate and promote them, at social media, at all costs. That is what I gather.
added by Indira in the 70s, original me ni tha this socialist bs..

What is BS about Socialism ? Read below about DPRK.

I'm not opposed to it entirely, btw.

Yet you started with "Socialist BS".

want to help and lift poor people like you and your lot out of poverty, we do a lot of human charity

Charity never works, never will uplift a society. Has it for India for the last 75 years ? 1000 people donating some money and some of them wanting tax rebate on it is not sincere. The girl from World Vision to which I gave 1000 rupees asked me if I wanted a tax certificate because some people ask for it. I told her I didn't want it. This was in 2014 and if I had that kind of money extra I would have told her I didn't want the tax certificate mainly because I don't want to pay any tax especially to a government which wants to genocide me, oppress people in India and spread filth and war mongering outside.

I will ask you, how many cancer treatments have you sponsored ? or blindness cures ? The average cost of cancer treatment is five lakhs so how many five lakhs have you spent ? Kidney transplant costs can be up to 10 lakhs so how many 10 lakhs have you spent ? You laugh at me when I post info about people appealing for money to get treated for disfigured face which may poison them or for SMA.

If it becomes left to the citizens to help out other people then what is the role of the government ? Erecting tallest-statues-in-the-world of genociders ? Building unnecessary high speed trains between vote bank cities and potential vote bank cities ? Building and repairing temples ? Building new PM palaces ? So for the citizens to help each other out without any interest from the government - is this Atmanirbhar Bharat ? If so then Modi has achieved that goal.

Why didn't Modi jee re-form India in 2014 into a welfare-based society where every basic necessity ( housing, basic food, electricity, healthcare, telecom, education etc ) is available without exchange of money ? Indian government, Godi Media and Bhakts calls the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ( North Korea ) as an oppressed country run by "That Taanashah Fat Kim" yet just after the wide destruction of the country and genocide of up to 3.5 million North Koreans by NATO in the Korea War of 1950-53 ( which included Indian military on NATO side ) DPRK started a public distribution system for food where basic food is provided for free by the system ( no money given by the citizen unlike in India ) and this despite DPRK having large harsh terrain unsuitable to agriculture, then harsh weather and then the oppressive illegal sanctions imposed by NATO for the last 59 years since the end of Korea War in 1953. So North Koreans have free basic food despite those difficulties but what difficulties was India in during the 2020 Lockdown because of which Pragati Purush Modi jee refused to provide three-time free food to migrant workers in the large cities and callously shooed them away to their home towns and many died of hunger in those travels or in their work cities but dogs were kept fully fed by Modi's followers ? The case of Arveena Khatoon lying dead on the platform of Muzaffarpur Railway Station, having died because of being hungry, thirsty and exhausted for two days on the "Shramik Special" train into which she was shooed and she neither having money to buy food during the travel nor the railway department providing her free food. Her three-year-old boy played around her dead body on the platform, trying to wake her up. And then the railway department declared her mentally and physically ill because of which she supposedly died. And the case of the worker on a Rajasthan highway so hungry and not having money that he was eating off a road-kill dog but a kind person saw that and stopped his car to provide him food and water. Do our president and prime minister, sitting in their lavish palaces and eating satvik Chappan Bhog care about citizens going hungry and dying ? India is not Communist North Korea where basic food is provided by the system without the citizen giving money in return. And then there are other basic things free in DPRK like I mentioned. The people of heavily sanctioned DPRK live a cleaner, harmonious and better life than those in so-called largest-democracy-in-the-world India.

So if you want harmony and good life in society abolish this pretentious and reluctantly done thing called charity and establish a Communist welfare society. You as a citizen won't need to post on PDF that you have donated 5000 rupees only last week because the system will automatically take care of all its citizens and all of the system is changed.

70% human hi hai, 30% no kill shelters and etc ko deta hu..

What are "no kill shelters" ?

why, man ?

Why ? So you didn't read the next words "which instituted extremest misogyny, the caste system, extremest Capitalism, inequality and feudalism" ?

And why didn't you respond to my twice-posting of the 22 vows that Ambedkar got from his 600,000 Dalit followers when they all adopted Buddhism enmasse on 14th October 1956 ? Vow# 19 again : "I renounce Hinduism, which disfavors humanity and impedes the advancement and development of humanity because it is based on inequality, and adopt Buddhism as my religion.".

You don't need to justify and carry through life a set of beliefs just because your parents imposed them on you at birth. You should enquire their legitimacy, their humanity, rationality and reject them if they go counter.

nobody said anything about X religion.. I'd go there, gladly, and rip you another one, but it is against the rules here.

Firstly, "and rip you another one". Your tendency for violence words is worrying. If you are so much used to violence why don't you join the Russian forces and help Russian and Syrian forces eliminate the UkroNazis / UkroNationalists ?

Secondly, just say "X = Islam" and see that I have already told you about things from True Islam that the PDF mullahs don't know and aren't capable to understand. For example, this post from May about the simple reasonings in Islam including why Muslim women are prohibited from having any signs of marriage that Hindu women have. You have responded there but you must see how.

He's not my hero, whatever gave you that idea ?

Never saw you condemn the obscene disparity exhibited through his enablement and the obscene show-off of his unjustly acquired vast personal possessions.

A tenant of mine from few years ago was an Aramco/Shell guy from DxB/Emirates but, real nice family too.

Filler words irrelevant to the discussion. Maybe just you wanting to show off your money-rich connections.

You, otoh, are a big fan of SpaceX, aren't you ? hmm.. wht gives ? oO

I like SpaceX not because it has a potential "market valuation" of 40 billion dollars or whatever but because it will perhaps be the first organization to land humans on Mars in seven to eight years, maybe sooner. One of the biggest news in human history. An advancement of humanity.

Not necessarily. I think that he has an extremely strong belief in his ideologies and desires to propagate and promote them, at social media, at all costs. That is what I gather.

On social media like here and LinkedIn ( where I got banned thrice and have abandoned it ) and offline where I have met progressives and discussed for long over tea and with one state secretary for multiple times. :)
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Not necessarily. I think that he has an extremely strong belief in his ideologies and desires to propagate and promote them, at social media, at all costs. That is what I gather.

I'm going to take your advice and ignore him now. Without even engaging him directly he has given me a splitting headache on the one off day I allow myself. Waste of mental space. There are so many more interesting people here.
What is BS about Socialism ? Read below about DPRK.

Yet you started with "Socialist BS".

Charity never works, never will uplift a society. Has it for India for the last 75 years ? 1000 people donating some money and some of them wanting tax rebate on it is not sincere. The girl from World Vision to which I gave 1000 rupees asked me if I wanted a tax certificate because some people ask for it. I told her I didn't want it. This was in 2014 and if I had that kind of money extra I would have told her I didn't want the tax certificate mainly because I don't want to pay any tax especially to a government which wants to genocide me, oppress people in India and spread filth and war mongering outside.

I will ask you, how many cancer treatments have you sponsored ? or blindness cures ? The average cost of cancer treatment is five lakhs so how many five lakhs have you spent ? Kidney transplant costs can be up to 10 lakhs so how many 10 lakhs have you spent ? You laugh at me when I post info about people appealing for money to get treated for disfigured face which may poison them or for SMA.

If it becomes left to the citizens to help out other people then what is the role of the government ? Erecting tallest-statues-in-the-world of genociders ? Building unnecessary high speed trains between vote bank cities and potential vote bank cities ? Building and repairing temples ? Building new PM palaces ? So for the citizens to help each other out without any interest from the government - is this Atmanirbhar Bharat ? If so then Modi has achieved that goal.

Why didn't Modi jee re-form India in 2014 into a welfare-based society where every basic necessity ( housing, basic food, electricity, healthcare, telecom, education etc ) is available without exchange of money ? Indian government, Godi Media and Bhakts calls the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ( North Korea ) as an oppressed country run by "That Taanashah Fat Kim" yet just after the wide destruction of the country and genocide of up to 3.5 million North Koreans by NATO in the Korea War of 1950-53 ( which included Indian military on NATO side ) DPRK started a public distribution system for food where basic food is provided for free by the system ( no money given by the citizen unlike in India ) and this despite DPRK having large harsh terrain unsuitable to agriculture, then harsh weather and then the oppressive illegal sanctions imposed by NATO for the last 59 years since the end of Korea War in 1953. So North Koreans have free basic food despite those difficulties but what difficulties was India in during the 2020 Lockdown because of which Pragati Purush Modi jee refused to provide three-time free food to migrant workers in the large cities and callously shooed them away to their home towns and many died of hunger in those travels or in their work cities but dogs were kept fully fed by Modi's followers ? The case of Arveena Khatoon lying dead on the platform of Muzaffarpur Railway Station, having died because of being hungry, thirsty and exhausted for two days on the "Shramik Special" train into which she was shooed and she neither having money to buy food during the travel nor the railway department providing her free food. Her three-year-old boy played around her dead body on the platform, trying to wake her up. And then the railway department declared her mentally and physically ill because of which she supposedly died. And the case of the worker on a Rajasthan highway so hungry and not having money that he was eating off a road-kill dog but a kind person saw that and stopped his car to provide him food and water. Do our president and prime minister, sitting in their lavish palaces and eating satvik Chappan Bhog care about citizens going hungry and dying ? India is not Communist North Korea where basic food is provided by the system without the citizen giving money in return. And then there are other basic things free in DPRK like I mentioned. The people of heavily sanctioned DPRK live a cleaner, harmonious and better life than those in so-called largest-democracy-in-the-world India.

So if you want harmony and good life in society abolish this pretentious and reluctantly done thing called charity and establish a Communist welfare society. You as a citizen won't need to post on PDF that you have donated 5000 rupees only last week because the system will automatically take care of all its citizens and all of the system is changed.

What are "no kill shelters" ?

Why ? So you didn't read the next words "which instituted extremest misogyny, the caste system, extremest Capitalism, inequality and feudalism" ?

And why didn't you respond to my twice-posting of the 22 vows that Ambedkar got from his 600,000 Dalit followers when they all adopted Buddhism enmasse on 14th October 1956 ? Vow# 19 again : "I renounce Hinduism, which disfavors humanity and impedes the advancement and development of humanity because it is based on inequality, and adopt Buddhism as my religion.".

You don't need to justify and carry through life a set of beliefs just because your parents imposed them on you at birth. You should enquire their legitimacy, their humanity, rationality and reject them if they go counter.

Firstly, "and rip you another one". Your tendency for violence words is worrying. If you are so much used to violence why don't you join the Russian forces and help Russian and Syrian forces eliminate the UkroNazis / UkroNationalists ?

Secondly, just say "X = Islam" and see that I have already told you about things from True Islam that the PDF mullahs don't know and aren't capable to understand. For example, this post from May about the simple reasonings in Islam including why Muslim women are prohibited from having any signs of marriage that Hindu women have. You have responded there but you must see how.

Never saw you condemn the obscene disparity exhibited through his enablement and the obscene show-off of his unjustly acquired vast personal possessions.

Filler words irrelevant to the discussion. Maybe just you wanting to show off your money-rich connections.

I like SpaceX not because it has a potential "market valuation" of 40 billion dollars or whatever but because it will perhaps be the first organization to land humans on Mars in seven to eight years, maybe sooner. One of the biggest news in human history. An advancement of humanity.

On social media like here and LinkedIn ( where I got banned thrice and have abandoned it ) and offline where I have met progressives and discussed for long over tea and with one state secretary for multiple times. :)

Why not ? You asked and I replied. You made points and I responded. And I informed you more. All of those at length. PDF is a forum and here is the meaning of "Forum" :
  1. 1.
    a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
    "we hope these pages act as a forum for debate"
So why are you not following the meaning of PDF as a forum ? Why are you instead posting snarky memes, dog pictures, motorcycle pictures, being cringely casual in words and nodding nodding with crooks like @langda khan and accepting Love reacts from apathetic people like @Maula Jatt ?
Why not ? You asked and I replied. You made points and I responded. And I informed you more. All of those at length. PDF is a forum and here is the meaning of "Forum" :

So why are you not following the meaning of PDF as a forum ? Why are you instead posting snarky memes, dog pictures, motorcycle pictures, being cringely casual in words and nodding nodding with crooks like @langda khan and accepting Love reacts from apathetic people like @Maula Jatt ?
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