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What are the real problems in developing countries (including Pakistan)?


Mar 1, 2015
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【Google Translate - There will be a lot of translation errors, please understand. . . I hope that Pakistan is getting better and better, so I uploaded this article. I personally hope that Pakistan can have a big government and a strong government. Just like a company, there must be a strong leader or founder, and this company can be strong. Of course, there must be no corruption. Of course, corruption has nothing to do with the size or strength of the government.
All powerful countries and developed countries have a strong government . All powerful countries in history, whether they are just or evil, have a strong government . Of course, American propaganda has always been to support small governments model, even though the United States is essentially a very strong big government model.

The article is right or wrong and judged by everyone.

Source URL:https://user.guancha.cn/main/content?id=157894
Original title
: Some non-mainstream economics in the United States, but in China they have been written into textbooks.

The Laffer curve is a concept put forward by the American economist Laver in the 1980s. That is to say, the tax revenue of a country rises first with the increase of the tax rate, because the tax rate increases (tax) income will rise, but it will rise to a certain extent. After the degree, if the tax rate is too high, it will inhibit economic activities and inhibit commercial activities, and the tax received by the government will be reduced. When the tax rate reaches 100%, in theory, no one is going to buy or sell again, then the (tax) income is zero, which he calls the "Laffer curve."

This theory is mentioned in China's economics textbooks and finance textbooks, so Chinese intellectuals like us have this concept in their minds. There is still a joke, I went to the University of Chicago's Department of Economics to give a speech in 2015, and I mentioned the Laffer curve in the middle. After the lecture, an old gentleman from the Department of Economics of the University of Chicago told me that he said that Doctor D is a good speech for you, but I just felt a little surprised when you talked about the Laffer curve. I said something surprised, isn't this your knowledge? It is the knowledge of your American intellectual community. He said that in our serious intellectual world in the United States, no one took the Laffer curve as a scholar.

This sentence surprised me very much. He is actually reminding me that in the speech, in the open and serious academic discussion, do not quote the Laffer curve as an axiom-like discussion. From this time on, I realized that there were some so-called knowledge that did not flow in the United States, and that it might have been written into textbooks in China.

In fact, I later discovered through research that the Laffer curve has never been confirmed, and if we actually look at the US tax cuts, the Laffer curve is basically falsified.

After the Republican Party took office, in the past three or four decades, they liked to engage in large-scale tax cuts. Starting with the Reagan administration, Bush also cut taxes, and now President Trump also cut taxes. Their tax cuts, without exception, have led to short-term economic growth, but the deficit rate has risen sharply. It has not led to economic growth through tax cuts as predicted by the Laffer curve, and then tax revenues have increased.

Trump recently gave Laver an award. In theory, it should be considered a very high honor in the United States, but I would like to say why Trump wants to award this award to Laver? Republicans like to cite such a concept, a concept with a clear ideological color, rather than a truly serious academic concept. Trump is using the concept of the Laffer curve to argue that I want to cut taxes. The US Congress should support us. The American people should support me in reducing taxes. When he wanted to demonstrate this, he emphasized the concept of the Laffer curve.

But actually I just said that we went to see the world and look at the history of the United States. We will find that the concept of the Laffer curve is wrong and does not hold. You can go and see which countries in the world have high tax rates and which countries have low tax rates?

The US government, the American intellectual community, the US Republican Party, and especially the Republican intellectual community have always advocated what is a good government? The smaller the government, the better, and the government is a necessary "evil." Note that he defines the government as evil, which is a common expression of liberal intellectuals.

Is this statement correct? We can use data to verify. Putting together more than one hundred decent economies around the world, economies of a certain size and a certain GDP scale, and seeing the correlation between government size and development performance, we can see the truth. .

Developed countries are basically big governments, and developing countries are small governments. What is the concept of a small government in a developing country? For example, before and after 2015, I once met the then Pakistani finance minister in Washington. He said a few figures in the middle of the discussion. I said that you have more than 200 million people in Pakistan. How many people pay taxes to the central government? He said that I was very surprised that the number is five thousandths, that is, 1% is not.

When he said the words, I had a lot of questions that I didn’t understand before, and I wanted to understand. Why can't developing countries develop? It is because their government is too small, they pretend that they are sovereign governments, but in fact they can not effectively control the country, can not effectively control the nationals, can not receive taxes from the nationals, and thus there is not enough resources to provide effective public product. In this sense, Pakistan is only a typical developing country. Many developing country governments are powerless to their own nationals.

So what country in the world is a big government? Europe, the typical big government. When I was working in Europe, my boss, a professor, told me that he paid taxes on 48% of his monthly income. A greater proportion of the entire national wealth in Northern Europe will be taken away by the government. They are truly big governments and do everything. From the cradle to the grave, many things are done by the government.

So what about their economy? Their tax rates are so high, is it that the nationals have no kinetic energy to work hard? Are they not entrepreneurial? In fact, we have seen another fact that surprised us: in the big regions of the world, the highest per capita GDP is in the Nordic region.

Some people say that this is normal, they are old capitalist powers. Another fact is that their tax rate is the highest, but the proportion of billionaires per million people is also the highest. In other words, the high tax rate does not inhibit their per capita GDP, nor does it inhibit the impulse of their entrepreneurship and the probability of success.

Let us look at this study. The horizontal axis is the ratio of government revenues to GDP, and the vertical axis is HDI (Human Development Index). The Human Development Index is a weighted average index introduced by the United Nations that includes infant mortality, per capita GDP, life expectancy, etc. The higher the index, the more people live like human beings; the lower the index, the less people live. People. The data on the horizontal axis is the data of the World Bank, and the data on the vertical axis is the data of the United Nations. Based on the availability of the data, we use the data for 2012.


With more than one hundred decent economies in the world, we can see the important correlations here by returning more than one hundred points. Generally speaking, the bigger the government, the more decent the people live; the smaller the government, the less live the people are.

Such a picture falsifies the Republican Party and liberal economics—whether it is traditional liberalism or the ideological prejudice that neoliberalism has long publicized. They think the government is evil. But from the picture just now, we can see that the government is a kind of good. I admit that there are many governments in the world that are very disrespectful. They have not fulfilled their obligations to the people, but even if they take these governments into consideration, they will generally It is said that governments around the world play the role of a public product supplier. In general, the more adequate the supply of public goods, such as the Nordic, Japan, Northeast Asia and other countries, the better the income of the people, the longer the life of the people, the more decent people live.

Where are the real problems in developing countries? They are often weak governments first, because they have acquired so-called liberation after the colonial period, but that liberation lacks the necessary social revolution, no strong government can be established without a social revolution, and no effective public goods can be provided without a strong government. Without these effective public goods, people will be difficult to develop and business will not be able to do so.

chinese Original text



这个理论在中国的经济学教科书、金融学教科书里边都会提到,所以像我们这样的中国知识分子,大家脑子里边都有这个概念。说起来还有一个笑话,我2015年到芝加哥大学经济系去演讲,中间就提到了拉弗曲线。讲完之后,芝大经济系的一位老先生跟我说,他说Doctor D你这个演讲挺好,只不过你刚才讲到拉弗曲线,我觉得有点惊讶。我说有什么惊讶的,这不是你们的学问吗?是你们美国知识界的学问。他说在我们美国严肃的知识界,没有人拿拉弗曲线当个学问。

















the biggest problem of all the developing countries is corruption.
Nope. Big govt invites more corruption and tyranny. Communist govts are 100% of the economy. Yet they always fail. It's the qualities of the people themselves and the habitations and other innate traits they have ingrained through millenia of natural selection to adapt to their respective environments that makes the difference. Jews no matter where they were. We're never the gun toting thugs robbing convenient stores. No matter how poor they were. The culture is a microcosm of the nation. Put Japanese ppl anywhere and they will build a Japan. Put us on Japan and we would blame the lack of resources, earthquakes, nuclear fallout as reasons for our failure.
Having seen Pakistan decline from one of the upcoming & forward-looking & relatively prosperous developing countries of the region, I have witnessed her decline into an intolerant retrogressive country from the 1990s onwards. Admittedly, there were some serious external factors such as the Afghan wars & 9/11, nevertheless the real culpability of Pakistan’ economic retrogression rests primarily with the Pakistanis themselves.

Being in my twilight years I have often wondered as to what went wrong and where did we lose our way. What was that other countries such as India were doing right and we were doing wrong? I note below my personal thoughts & musings for whatever these are worth. I do not claim my views to be all correct and /or anyone else to agree with me.

If one were to put a gun on my head and asks me to name one person, I would say Mr ZA Bhutto and his nationalization and that he permitted the workers to take over industries even after the same had already been taken over by the GOP.

However, to be fair, IMO there are quite a few key factors that have impeded /adversely affected Pakistan’s path to economic well-being.

Most important of these being the effect of the culture, social & family connections. These give rise to suppressing of merit & promotion of nepotism & cronyism which leads to the spread of economic as well as moral corruption and accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few. Hence Pakistan is one of the most corrupt countries of the world coupled with gross human rights violation with a dysfunctional judiciary & police. All direct or indirect result of cronyism & corruption.

The only way to reduce this would be through social integration. To this day voting is based on ‘Braderi’ & ethnicity and even after more than 70 years most marriages still occur within the ‘ Barderi. For example, a Kashmiri would still largely marry among the Kashmiris & an ‘Arain’ among the Arains. This not only results in nepotism but also poor health among the offspring. This is also the reason for the prevailing provincialism; our society needs to be more plural to achieve national harmony.

Another important factor is the continuous decline in education standards. Until the 1960s’ private run schools were unheard of. I remember that Gov’t High School of Sargodha had a good reputation and some NGO run schools were excellent. Mr. Bhutto nationalized all schools giving rise to the mushrooming of private schools and the creation of ‘Ghost’ schools with ‘Ghost’ teachers and a fall in the standard of education in state schools.

Only increasing the number of schools & students alone is not enough; unless Pakistan improves the standard of the primer & secondary education, Pakistan cannot progress economically. Unfortunately, no government appears to be serious about it.

Pakistan’s political system has also been one of the main culprits. There has been a cycle of Martial Laws & return to democracy with the successive governments blaming the previous government for all the ills to hide their incompetence. This results in a lack of cohesive & consistent economic policies. ZA Bhutto era was probably the main cause of Pakistan’s economic stagnation when the wholesale nationalization killed the entrepreneurship in Pakistan and caused loss of wealth when the machinery costing millions were sold off for pittance after being destroyed by the workers of the nationalized units.

In Pakistan election are won & lost on the popularity of the leader but never on the issues. For example, no one really thinks that PTI would survive without Imran Khan at its head. Consequently popularly elected leaders are in effect ‘Dictators’ and do not share power. Since no one knows best about every aspect of the government unless ‘Divinely’ inspired; the result is a hotchpotch of economic policies and incompetent ministers. Often the priority is given to the mega projects such as the ‘Metro’ or the Tree tsunami instead of providing basic amenities such as potable drinking water and basic health facilities.

A narrow interpretation of religion, as well as deliberate political exploitation of religion, is another major impeding factor in achieving economic progress. Every religion has its own values & norms which have a great influence on society and individuals. One of the problems is that many tribal culture values are considered Islamic. Often anything not invented during the early Middle Ages is considered un-Islamic and thus banned.

Mullahs preach that this life is nothing and the whole objective of the living is to go ‘Heaven’. History tells us that during the Islamic’ golden age this was not so. Muslims progressed by doing well in this world along with following the righteous path laid down by Islam. We never stop declaring that Muslims were at the pinnacle of knowledge & Science when Europe was immersed in darkness. True, however, do we realize that the reason for this progress was the after the conquest of Syria and most of the Anatolia; works of Plato, Aristotle & Galens were translated into Arabic? Successive Muslim scholars then did original research and produced notables such as Avicenna, Ibne Rushd & Omar Khayyam.

I am a Muslim and would never advocate ignoring religion. However, I firmly believe in following the Hadith ‘Go to China if needed in order to acquire knowledge’. This is the age of Technology and Pakistan needs at least a couple of Universities of the standard to qualify among the top 100, else we are not going anywhere, Additionally, sectarianism & intolerance must be rooted out from the society, who would want to invest in a country where even the Cricket players are not safe from the extremists fighting in the name of Islam?

None of the above can be achieved with adequate monetary resources. Pakistan has one of the highest indirect taxation in the world. Since no one wants to pay tax; the gov’t is forced to impose a high tax rate on the imported and manufactured goods. This leads directly to malpractices like over-invoicing or under-invoicing and revenue theft with the active help of the employees of revenue collecting departments. Hence jobs in the Income Tax and Customs have been much sought after. Additionally, it reduces the disposable income of the poor which are paying as much tax on the goods they purchase as the rich.

PTI is on the right path to increase the number of Taxpayers. However, PTI has not yet attempted to tax the agricultural income.

In conclusion, I would say that the reasons for Pakistan stagnating on the economic front were: nepotism & corruption culture of the society; the low standard of primary & secondary education, nationalization policies of ZA Bhutto and lack of continuation of even good economic policy of the previous gov’t, autocratic political culture, exploitation of religion for political purposes, abysmal law& order situation & religious intolerance and the revenue/tax theft.

In addition to the resolution of the problems listed above, there is a ‘Vision Deficit’ in the society at large including among the highly educated which must be addressed. We need to set attainable targets which should not change with the change of gov’t.

Blaming our woes on the international the conspiracy theories are rife. Instead of achieving success and economic gains due to our efforts, we dream of windfall wealth such as finding more oil than Kuwait! The national psyche must change to self-reliance and living within our means.
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the biggest problem of all the developing countries is corruption.
Pakistan also has a low literacy rate problem.... half the women are illiterate....the numbers are embarrassing.

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