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What Actually happend on 2nd May(OBL) raid....

When the events of that night were unfolding, ironically a PDF member from Abbotabad was posting live.
I can recall him saying, that there were explosions and gun fire, then reporting that PAF jets had scrambled and could be heard in the vicinity. An inside source confirmed to me that the F-16s were certainly in the air, while AVM (R) Rashid Latif, during a TV talk show claimed that the PAF was in a position to bring down the US Choppers, but was ordered to stand down.!!
Would dearly love to know, who and for what reason, issued the order. !!

Umm yea right.... How was he privy to such sensitive information that a Pakistani F-16 had taken off? :lol:

And for Rashid Latif claiming that F-16 could have taken down those helicopters is nothing more than a face saving measure.
Some people cannot admit the fact that American's are brazen faced liars and Pakistani establishment can do anything for money. This charade was well concocted, but was not impregnable, as destruction of the cogent evidence(house) only speaks of Americans and Pakistani's covering their steps to make sure that, someone doesn't find enough base to refute their claims.

One can deduce that logically only......when one has some intelligence to start with. However, as most Indians display, hate does actually suppress intelligence due to which sound reasoning usually gets critical hits.

OBL compound, supposedly, was the only real piece of evidence!


Who: Pentagon > Kayani > Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman > Base Commander.

It was more like Pentagon > Zardari > Kayani > Air Chief > and so on....

Reason: Pakistan/PAF ordered not to interfere. If it did, it should be prepared for a backlash by US Forces by taking out Pakistani nuke reactors. Remember that famous gem from Bush - "You are either with us or against us"!

Now, who in Pakistan's defense establishment would have wanted the Yanks to take out their nuke reactors? So that was a quid pro quo. Don't interfere, otherwise face the consequences!

The bottom line is, when push comes to shove, a super power always has the upper hand.

I have always wondered, whenever challenged with the idea floated above, what good are Nukes if they can be wiped out by even the US? I have never been given a satisfactory answer. What is the point of the most powerful weapon in the world when it can be neutralized by the enemy? Personally, I believe that the USA cannot wipe our any country's Nuclear Assets be it even Iran or N. Korea!

One question for all. :tup: why American staged that raid in Pakistan a sovereign country's city ? they can stage it any where e.g. Afghanistan or may be any cave in Torabora ?

Well there is a reason, Pakistan is currently in the hands of those who are willing to sell anything and everything if the price is right. I guess, the price was right.

That's what i meant. I wasn't talking about tarbela airfield, i was talking about an open field in tarbela, near a residential area.

According to a news article, there were 2 helicopters for backup waiting at Tarbela.
All nonsense conspiracy theories.

The biggest proof of OBL dying that night is when Taliban/Al Qaeda itself admitted it. Nobody else needs another proof, or a dead body. What's done is done. No point weaving conspiracy theories.

ya Tablian and al-Qaida Called Jagjitnatt and confirmed OBL death right?
I have read this thread with great amusement. Death of Osama is an established fact and admitted by the GOP. Pak Army went so far as to imply that Zardari & may be Gilani were in cohort with the US and did not inform PA of the impending raid.

PM Gilani accused the Pak Army of incompetence with his remarks in the National Assembly “I ask them how the guests in Abbottabad arrived in Pakistan and who issued them visa”. Memo gate episode occurred because PPP Gov’t thought that Pak Army is so enraged that there might be a military coup. In the US presidential campaign, Democrats have issued a poster stating Republican candidate Romney doesn’t have the guts to order raid into Pakistan to kill Bin Laden. Despite all this, many of my compatriots think that it was all a “Hoax” or a “DRAMA” by the US.

I don’t know what kind of world we live; everything that we don’t like is either not believed at all or ignored as a conspiracy. It could be because so much misinformation is being dispensed by the politicians & the establishment that ordinary Pakistan is at a loss as what to believe.

Whatever the reason, it appears that a lot of my countrymen live in world of self-deception. This may be a harsh judgement, but after reading posts of very intelligent people who insist on calling it a night despite being a day light; I don’t know what else to think.

I would like to make it clear that like all Pakistanis, I hated this slap on the face of Pakisatn’s sovereignty. However, I realize that “Might has always been right” and the powerful nations will do whatever is in their best interests. The remedy is not thru ‘Denial’ but thru making Pakistan strong and thru self-introspection to eliminate our weakness.

For example, US and West had been claiming for a long time that Osama was hiding in Pakistan. They have been proved right. The house in Abbottabad had been rented 5 years ago, Osama may not have been there all the rime but the fact his family was there without our knowledge, indicates a serious security lapse by ISI. US insistence on drone attacks is based on the fact we are unable to stop anti US elements finding safe havens in Pakistan; this is borne by the fact that a lot of senior Al-Qaida leaders have been killed by the drones.

Of course we can take on might of the US and risk destruction of Pakistan to save lives of the Al-Qaida butchers. This is what TTP and religious extremists would like Pakistan to do so that they can build a Dark Age Islamic Emirate out of the ashes.

On the other hand, don’t you think that better alternative would be to close the intelligence loopholes and ensure that other Al Qaida leaders are either not in Pakistan or are apprehended by our security agencies if they enter without permission? Can you imagine the international outrage if Osama and his family were not living there and the raid was a flop? Obama would probably have been made to resign in shame.

As long as we are not strong enough to enforce GOP writ in our own country, US will have some justification for the drone attacks. The choice lies with the Pakistanis. However, why listen to me, as an Hon Member posted, I am in the awe of the US.
............. However, why listen to me, as an Hon Member posted, I am in the awe of the US.

I think you just disqualified yourself for flying the green flag! :P

(A very well-written and sane post, actually, thank you for that.)
Umm yea right.... How was he privy to such sensitive information that a Pakistani F-16 had taken off? :lol:
Then again some of us are privileged to know some people in the right places. :D
And for Rashid Latif claiming that F-16 could have taken down those helicopters is nothing more than a face saving measure.

Actually his face was never in line since he had already retired.... but WTH, another shot in the dark from you. :rolleyes:
Anybody who is denying the presence of OBL there in Abbotabad is not doing justice to his senses.

But there are confusions elsewhere, un-answered question, not relating to the presence of OBL, but to the daring action taken by the US.
First death anniversary of OBL killed in Abbotabad, Pakistan.
Afghanistan, Bagram air base:- President Obama vows to go after all the remaining AQ/LET terrorists..
When the events of that night were unfolding, ironically a PDF member from Abbotabad was posting live.
I can recall him saying, that there were explosions and gun fire, then reporting that PAF jets had scrambled and could be heard in the vicinity. An inside source confirmed to me that the F-16s were certainly in the air, while AVM (R) Rashid Latif, during a TV talk show claimed that the PAF was in a position to bring down the US Choppers, but was ordered to stand down.!!
Would dearly love to know, who and for what reason, issued the order. !!

it was no other then our President.. the memo gate report says that......
i still believe its total drama .show us the proof dirty americans :taz: **** obama monkey .
I dont know the authenticity of this article but looking at the events, it seems a very true...

CLASSIFIED: Why we’ll never see dead Osama bin Laden | Veterans Today

What really happened?

By Raqib Shah

We need to look at the facts, use common sense and everything becomes crystal clear. For example, to prove that Osama bin Laden was killed at the compound in Abbottabad,the easiest way is to take the DNA test of the blood on the floor of the compound.

What we all know

* August 2010: Pakistan shares with US some details about the compound in Abbottabad.US gathers intelligence that the compound is occupied by Osama’s children.
* Jan 27: Raymond Davis, the CIA Station Chief in Pakistan gets an audio file and some pictures of Pak military installations at Tarbela from an informer in Lahore. On the wayback he is pursued by two ISI contractors. He realizes that he is being followed and shotsboth followers in the back. He is arrested by Pakistani police.

I stopped Reading this retarded article as soon as I read that part I bolded. :lol:

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