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What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

Why should I be angry? For what? Because of some Ba'athi propaganda video based on nothing but false conspiracy theories? My reply was a counter reply to that absurd video - nothing else. I already proved that the videos 3 main points - KSA being a British colony (FALSE), Al-Saud being Jew (FALSE) and the Al-Saud secretly trying to destroy KSA, Arab world, Islam etc. (FALSE TOO).

What more is there to add?

you just gave me your own opinion... look this is not the first time I read or hear about the Al-Saud being Jews... so all I'm asking here is for more information,and you just gave me your own opinion... I want backed up information since there are a lot information about Al-saud and how the west got Alsaud in power, or did you forget a country called Hejaz?

again stay on topic... no need to bring Syria and Ba'ath into this... but you guys are made that anything that says the truth and hurts you call it Syrian propaganda and such.. that only tells me one thing...
you just gave me your own opinion... look this is not the first time I read or hear about the Al-Saud being Jews... so all I'm asking here is for more information,and you just gave me your own opinion... I want backed up information since there are a lot information about Al-saud and how the west got Alsaud in power, or did you forget a country called Hejaz?

again stay on topic... no need to bring Syria and Ba'ath into this... but you guys are made that anything that says the truth and hurts you call it Syrian propaganda and such.. that only tells me one thing...

Then show me reliable information that says that the Al-Saud family are Jews. Do they look like Jews to you? Are they practicing Jews? Do they speak Hebrew? What kind of moronic claims is that? There is a bigger chance that your lovely Al-Assad family are Jews than the Al-Saud family, LOL.

Also as I said even if that ABSURD and false conspiracy theory was correct then how Jewish can they be if only their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was supposedly a Jew? Have they only married Jews since?

Also what is wrong with Jews? Ordinary Jews are people of the Book, fellow Semitic people that we have ancient ties with. Our enemies are the ZIONISTS.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) had dealings with the Jews then why can't we?

Hijaz is not a country but an ancient region. KSA was composed of many different rulers, regions, Emirs, Sheikhs, Kings, tribes/rulers loyal to the Ottoman Empire, some against, some completely independent etc. JUST LIKE ANYWHERE IN THE ARAB WORLD.

The history is full of conquests and people who established new countries and put their mark in world history. That is how the world was back then and even still is today.
Then show me reliable information that says that the Al-Saud family are Jews. Do they look like Jews to you? Are they practicing Jews? Do they speak Hebrew? What kind of moronic claims is that? There is a bigger chance that your lovely Al-Assad family are Jews than the Al-Saud family, LOL.

Also as I said even if that ABSURD and false conspiracy theory was correct then how Jewish can they be if only their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was supposedly a Jew? Have they only married Jews since?

Also what is wrong with Jews? Ordinary Jews are people of the Book, fellow Semitic people that we have ancient ties with. Our enemies are the ZIONISTS.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) had dealings with the Jews then why can't we?

Hijaz is not a country but an ancient region. KSA was composed of many different rulers, regions, Emirs, Sheikhs, Kings, tribes/rulers loyal to the Ottoman Empire, some against, some completely independent etc. JUST LIKE ANYWHERE IN THE ARAB WORLD.

The history is full of conquests and people who established new countries and put their mark in world history. That is how the world was back then and even still is today.

there is nothing wrong with Jews, but isn't there is something wrong with Jews ruling the holy cities ? isn't wrong for Jews to rule the Islamic nation?
now like I said I read and heard a lot about Saud being Jews, just google it ( google Al Saud are jews)... there are a lot of stuff on google... and even google this Al Saud are not jews, you will find something that says Alsadu are jews...
and I'm asking you now to show me a source that denies it... and deny that Saudi "Arabia" being part of British colonies...

anyways having a discussion with you is like having a discussion with a kid... you keep bringing Alasad and Syrian related material into Saudi "Arabia" topic... when you learn how to have a proper discussion, then tell me, so we can have a proper one...
there is nothing wrong with Jews, but isn't there is something wrong with Jews ruling the holy cities ? isn't wrong for Jews to rule the Islamic nation?
now like I said I read and heard a lot about Saud being Jews, just google it ( google Al Saud are jews)... there are a lot of stuff on google... and even google this Al Saud are not jews, you will find something that says Alsadu are jews...
and I'm asking you now to show me a source that denies it... and deny that Saudi "Arabia" being part of British colonies...

anyways having a discussion with you is like having a discussion with a kid... you keep bringing Alasad and Syrian related material into Saudi "Arabia" topic... when you learn how to have a proper discussion, then tell me, so we can have a proper one...

But the good thing is that they are NOT Jews. That is an absurd conspiracy theory without any foundation that happened to gain some popularity on the internet the favorite place for conspiracy theories and apparently dumb people such as you who swallow it all.

What is there to deny? Can you prove that Al-Assad is not Papuan? What is there to prove? KSA was never a WESTERN colony or part of the British Empire. That is a HISTORICAL fact.

Well, I don't need to proof anything regarding the origin of the Al-Saud family. They are Arabs native to Najd. Precisely belonging to well-known Najdi Arab tribes of Northern Arabia.
The earliest recorded ancestor of the Al Saud was Mani' ibn Rabiah Al-Muraydi. He settled in Diriyah in 1446–1447 with his clan, the Mrudah. Mani was invited by a relative named Ibn Dir. Ibn Dir was the ruler of a set of villages and estates that make up modern-day Riyadh. Mani's clan had been on a sojourn in east Arabia, near al-Qatif, from an unknown point in time. Ibn Dir handed Mani two estates called al-Mulaybeed and Ghusayba. Mani and his family settled and renamed the region "al-Diriyah", after their benefactor Ibn Dir.[6][7]
The Mrudah became rulers of al-Diriyah, which prospered along the banks of Wadi Hanifa and became an important Najdi settlement. As the clan grew larger, power struggles ensued, with one branch leaving for nearby Dhruma, while another branch (the "Al Watban") left for the town of az-Zubayr in southern Iraq. The Al Migrin became the ruling family among the Mrudah in Diriyah.

It is like talking to a 3 year old. The Al-Saud are not Jews, they do not speak Hebrew, they do not practice Judaism and they were never born in what is now Israel/Palestine. Nor is their ancestry Jewish, their looks or basically anything.

Stop wasting my time.
Lol,Al Sauds are jews,the lenght some of you people go in stupidity...:omghaha:

Well, some false Arab nationalists such as Syrian Lion who ironically is in bed with the fake wannabe Arab Mullah regime in Iran - the traditional enemy of us Arabs/Semitic people and whose country is a former French colony (Syria) and whose country (Syria) has been largely isolated by the world for the past 50 years (since the Al-Assad family hijacked Syria) is angry on more prosperous, developed and rich Arab countries - basically every single Arab country that has some kind of collaboration/diplomatic/military/economical etc. with the USA/West, such as KSA the most powerful one and 90% of all other Arab countries to a smaller and bigger degree.

For that reason they make propaganda threads.

The same individual (Syrian-Lion) is a Syrian Christian immigrant who lives in USA but constantly defames his host country (USA) and Israel the greatest ally of USA.

The same guy is obsessed about Jews and always uses them to gain sympathy votes from the masses here because once you mention Israel then everyone will follow suit. All while forgetting that Jews are people of the Book, fellow Semitic people, people that we Arabs have ancient ties/relations with, neighbors and people who lived in our Arab world for millenniums. Forgetting that our Prophet Muhammad (saws) had relations with Jews etc. or our early Caliphs.

What I have against and what 90% of all Arabs and Muslims have against are not Jews but ZIONISTS. He on the other hand seems to have a problem with Jews regardless of anything. Seems like his Christian heritage left a significant marker.

But yes, the Al-Saud are JEWS don't you know?:laughcry:

Did you not see this historical document on FACEBOOK of all places? Real academia I tell you!

Well, some false Arab nationalists such as Syrian Lion who ironically is in bed with the fake wannabe Arab Mullah regime in Iran - the traditional enemy of us Arabs/Semitic people and whose country is a former French colony (Syria) and whose country (Syria) has been largely isolated by the world for the past 50 years (since the Al-Assad family hijacked Syria) is angry on more prosperous, developed and rich Arab countries - basically every single Arab country that has some kind of collaboration/diplomatic/military/economical etc. with the USA/West, such as KSA the most powerful one and 90% of all other Arab countries to a smaller and bigger degree.

For that reason they make propaganda threads.

The same individual (Syrian-Lion) is a Syrian Christian immigrant who lives in USA but constantly defames his host country (USA) and Israel the greatest ally of USA.

The same guy is obsessed about Jews and always uses them to gain sympathy votes from the masses here because once you mention Israel then everyone will follow suit. All while forgetting that Jews are people of the Book, fellow Semitic people, people that we Arabs have ancient ties/relations with, neighbors and people who lived in our Arab world for millenniums. Forgetting that our Prophet Muhammad (saws) had relations with Jews etc. or our early Caliphs.

What I have against and what 90% of all Arabs and Muslims have against are not Jews but ZIONISTS. He on the other hand seems to have a problem with Jews regardless of anything. Seems like his Christian heritage.

But yes, the Al-Saud are JEWS don't you know?:laughcry:

Well,i am a christian and i don't have a problem with jews altough i think that the palestinians deserve a state.I'm not the biggest fan of Saudi Arabia either and i've voiced my opinions on some of its policies but some of the arab(Saudi Arabis) bashing on this forum is mind boggling and downright stupid,all that just because they want their country to be prosperous and have normal political relations with other countries.Well now,excuse Saudi Arabia for not beeing a shitholl like Syria,Iran or Best Korea and for not allowing its people to starve in the name of some religious bigotry.

I'm sry that the mods allow such ridiculous threads,there are far more important things to discuss then "Al Sauds are jews",lol,it cracks me up when i'm saying it :rofl:..or other strong evidence against Al Sauds.."look ,they have a cup in hand,it must be alcohol" lool=)))
Well,i am a christian and i don't have a problem with jews altough i think that the palestinians deserve a state.I'm not the biggest fan of Saudi Arabia either and i've voiced my opinions on some of its policies but some of the arab(Saudi Arabis) bashing on this forum is mind boggling and downright stupid,all that just because they want their country to be prosperous and have normal political relations with other countries.Well now,excuse Saudi Arabia for not beeing a shitholl like Syria,Iran or Best Korea and for not allowing its people to starve in the name of some religious bigotry.

I'm sry that the mods allow such ridiculous threads,there are far more important things to discuss then "Al Sauds are jews",lol,it cracks me up when i'm saying it :rofl:

Well, we are not even discussing the Palestinian-Israeli conflict here. He is just posting absurd and unfounded conspiracy theories here to try to fool the masses with nonsense such as this thread and apparently claiming that the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great something grandfather of the founder of the House of Saud was a Jew, LOL.

Way before any Palestinian-Israeli conflict existed and while 6 millions Jews lived in the Arab world (Mizrahi Jews) INCLUDING hundred of thousands in Syria alone! The chance of him having some Jewish blood down the line is not entirely out of the question but he is busy spreading nonsense here.

Syrian Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mizrahi Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, it is usually 3 camps that do it. The Iranians, the so-called Arab nationalists such as Syrian Lion who is angry that his country is not as prosperous, wealthy and developed as other certain Arab countries and Pakistani Shia users here (a minority here and in Pakistan where they form about 10-20% of the entire Pakistani population) who are in bed with the Mullah regime in Qom and Mashhad - ironically two cities founded by Arabs.

So such threads as this one and threads about a Saudi farting makes a headline here because at least one user from those 3 groups will make sure to start such a thread.

Just shows that we are being a potent rival to our enemies since they are so obsessed about us. Long may it continue.
PLZ upload it on other links like
daily motion or any other else
LoLz, calling someone a Jew is like a picnic to them, as if the Jews were subhumans :rofl:

It only makes fools out of them and their sympathisers,i'm not taking sides here ,i don't have much data on the sunni-shia conflict but coming with these kind of arguements shows me that a side is beyond stupid and really think that their followers are equally stupid if they would believe such crap.
It only makes fools out of them and their sympathisers,i'm not taking sides here ,i don't have much data on the sunni-shia conflict but coming with these kind of arguements shows me that a side is beyond stupid and really think that their followers are equally stupid if they would believe such crap.

No, actually this discussion has nothing to do with Sunni vs Shai or sectarianism, it is all about KSA's stand on Syria. To them the Jew aren't human and that's why they call us Jews :lol:
No, actually this discussion has nothing to do with Sunni vs Shai or sectarianism, it is all about KSA's stand on Syria. To them the Jew aren't human and that's why they call us Jews :lol:

I even think that this kind of posts are insulting to muslims,it's like "we're just gonna' mention that Al Sauds are jews and then muslims beeing so stupid will be frothing at the mouth and assault the palace in Riyadh" :omghaha:
I even think that this kind of posts are insulting to muslims,it's like "we're just gonna' mention that Al Sauds are jews and then muslims beeing so stupid will be frothing at the mouth and assault the palace in Riyadh" :omghaha:

Well it has nothing to do with Islam either nor is criticism of Arab rulers insulting to Muslims (LOL) but it is just a consequence of what I wrote earlier about him and the 3 groups. Have that in mind the next time you witness similar threads. I can guarantee you that the pattern is the EXACT same every single time. Like it ALWAYS is.

Anywway there is no reason for you Romanians to get involved in all of this, man. I assume that you had enough problems with the Turks and neighbors to get involved in the quagmire that is the Middle East.
Even if they were Jews, they are Muslims now albeit their extravagant lifestyle is a turn off for many Muslims. Regardless Allah swt will hold them accountable if he finds fault.
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