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We’re Indians first, Taliban view of Islam not ours, say Deoband Islamic Scholars (Ulema)

Mohammad Arshad Faruqi, chairman of the Darul Uloom’s online fatwa services, told ThePrint that according to the teachings of Islam, women have the right to education and equal job opportunities but on the condition that they maintain purdah (condition of being fully covered).

:lol: This maulana sahab is true to form. The Indian Deoband mullahs are also against co-education and even marriage between Muslims and Christians - they gave such a statement some days ago. Idiots ! Even Saudia now has a co-education university - KAUST - yet these Deobandis say this.
:lol: This maulana sahab is true to form. The Indian Deoband mullahs are also against co-education and even marriage between Muslims and Christians - they gave such a statement some days ago. Idiots ! Even Saudia now has a co-education university - KAUST - yet these Deobandis say this.
At least they're not into training fighters, bomb makers and waging battle as is sadly the case across the fence where their Deobandis are a whole other animal in many respects.
Off topic,

Indian Muslims will always be the 3rd class citizens of india. And they have to prove their loyalty every second of their life as long as they live in india. Still they will be trashed by other indians. Unfortunately...
At least they're not into training fighters, bomb makers and waging battle as is sadly the case across the fence where their Deobandis are a whole other animal in many respects.

Actually we must acknowledge that many Muslims across the fence are comparatively more enlightened and freer than many Indian Muslims. Not only because of a few traditional elements there like the poet Bulleh Shah but also of modern leftists like Faiz Ahmed Faiz and of acts of Pervez Musharraf including actively acting against the regressives of the Lal Masjid in 2007.

A vastly more percentage of Indian Muslim women wear the burqa than Muslim women in Pakistan. More Muslim women there are publicly visible than Muslim women here.

But yes, there are wrong people there too including at top levels who support wrong people outside and inside.

Indian Deobandi mullahs have created an oppressive, suffocating and misguidance atmosphere for Indian Muslims and are preventing enlightened thought. This manifests itself in things like women donning burqas or preventing women from public career participation ( like Saarah Hameed Ahmed, the first Muslim woman airplane pilot from India, who found resistance from her community for her career desire ) or that young man from Bangalore - Mehdi Masroor Biswas - being an agent for for ISIS in 2014 on Twitter, or men and women from India going to fight for ISIS and other groups in Afghanistan and Syria. How are the last two things different than what Pakistani Deobandi mullahs have done ?

Look at the big picture.
Off topic,

Indian Muslims will always be the 3rd class citizens of india. And they have to prove their loyalty every second of their life as long as they live in india. Still they will be trashed by other indians. Unfortunately...
I get my Indian identity from my blood ancestry and do not feel the need to prove it to others. It is very ancient. The people who demand others prove loyalty to them do not have proper identity themselves. Their identity is recent or may have usurped someone else's identity. For example, Hindus worship my ancestry and do not know it. Ignorance is a factor too.
:lol: This maulana sahab is true to form. The Indian Deoband mullahs are also against co-education and even marriage between Muslims and Christians - they gave such a statement some days ago. Idiots ! Even Saudia now has a co-education university - KAUST - yet these Deobandis say this.
Marriage between muslim and christian ? I never heard they gave any such fatwa ..is it Muslim women and christian men they refered to ?
Marriage between muslim and christian ? I never heard they gave any such fatwa

It was in the newspaper more than a week ago.

..is it Muslim women and christian men they refered to ?

They spoke against "inter-faith marriage" in general so that precludes even marriage between Muslim men and Christian women. They also "advised" Muslims to guard their daughters so that they don't do inter-faith marriage. I believe they would want the sons to also not do inter-faith marriage.

These people are just trying to outdo the Hindutvadis in being regressive and generally a nuisance. Since 2009 the Hindutvadis are speaking about "Love Jihad" by Muslim men and now the Deoband mullahs are talking similar things. They should read this thread of mine from 2015 whose OP is an article by an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law because that better secured her socio-economic future in case of divorce. I quote a section :
When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955.
I doubt these mullahs would know about such things. Even if they do they would just gloss over, not understanding the reasoning,
Pakistani Deobandi school has always been quite different and more hardcore and militant than the Indian Deobandis.

In Pak, they offer courses specializing on hating either Israel (jews) or India (hindu/pagans), think they offer a course in hating America too lol

Says the rat whose whole existence is based on hating Pakistan. Your elections are won based on who hates Pakistan more, ur actors who hate Pakistan gets most famous, ur most loved cricketer is the one that bashes Pakistan. You ppl are obsessed with Pakistan and infact its u ppl that teach hatred. In Pakistan no one even mentions india in elections, no actor or cricketer mentions india and u cannot get fame by bashing rats. Its evident to see and the whole world is now realizing but dumb monkeys like u can never see through.
Since feb 27 u been getring shock after shock and even got drilled by corona. Ur dream of isolating Pakistan is a joke and instead isolated urself, uve embarrassed urself and ppl make fun of u. I think all this have damaged ur brains.
@Akatosh, do you think this guy being beaten up by a horde of Hindu fanatics feels Indian first?

When a Pakistani gets beaten by other Pakistani would he feel less Pakistani or less Muslim? I think neither. I hope neither. The issue is violation of human and constitutional rights and the support of religious bigotry and crimes by the government. Also, the headline of the article reflects the thinking of the writer with an absurd assumption that there is a competition between a person's Muslim faith and his identity. No Muslim scholar talks that way. But clearly that misunderstanding exists among Pakistanis too.
Actually we must acknowledge that many Muslims across the fence are comparatively more enlightened and freer than many Indian Muslims. Not only because of a few traditional elements there like the poet Bulleh Shah but also of modern leftists like Faiz Ahmed Faiz and of acts of Pervez Musharraf including actively acting against the regressives of the Lal Masjid in 2007.
There are sane people on both sides. Do not let anyone's apparent ideological leanings be the basis of who you consider enlightened.

Mushy had no choice but to join the US's WoT, of course he cracked down on the Lal Masjid lot. He was also the architect of the Kargil intrusions that led to what happened back then.

A vastly more percentage of Indian Muslim women wear the burqa than Muslim women in Pakistan. More Muslim women there are publicly visible than Muslim women here.
No way to know for sure but the burqa is also in many cases a class thing, wealthier urban women are more likely to not don the whole black or worse (such as the blue Taliban thing), and there are possibly more women of that demographic in Pakistan, or that Indian muslims in general are more spread out across the broader population. Nobody will know a non burka wearing IM woman as muslim for the most part.

But yes, there are wrong people there too including at top levels who support wrong people outside and inside.
no shite, Sherlock ? :lol:

Indian Deobandi mullahs have created an oppressive, suffocating and misguidance atmosphere for Indian Muslims and are preventing enlightened thought. This manifests itself in things like women donning burqas or preventing women from public career participation ( like Saarah Hameed Ahmed, the first Muslim woman airplane pilot from India, who found resistance from her community for her career desire ) or that young man from Bangalore - Mehdi Masroor Biswas - being an agent for for ISIS in 2014 on Twitter, or men and women from India going to fight for ISIS and other groups in Afghanistan and Syria. How are the last two things different than what Pakistani Deobandi mullahs have done ?
I tend to get banned rather swiftly if I go to close to the intricacies of Islamic culture so will skip that bit lol

but no, their (across the fence) experience with ultra conservative people has been significantly different than in India in terms of these seminaries churning out batch after batch of fidayeen fighters and so on.

One may even say that the motherly nurturing by Bharat mata has kept you safe from that madness.

Look at the big picture.
Your turn to look at it now.
Let's call them what they are. Terrorists.
One "gurrilla warfare" incident happened a few hours ago in Balochistan.
How many of the armed groups operating in India are designated as global terrorists?
Also, we created a perception in the world about terrorism. We in fact have gained a lot in that regard thanks to the 90s.
That's like saying India knew about 911 but didn't tell anyone so world learns a lesson in perception.
Off topic,

Indian Muslims will always be the 3rd class citizens of india. And they have to prove their loyalty every second of their life as long as they live in india. Still they will be trashed by other indians. Unfortunately...
They went from rulers to slaves
deoband is not islam its a city in india . what islam haev to do with deoband first place?????
Khan saab hopefully this will make you understand that today's guys are different then those from 1990s .. I can't believe you saying it
This reminds me of a Sikh on U.S. TV after few Sikhs were attacked post 9/11 bombing. he said Why kill Sikhs, we are not Muslim, we are like you, we eat pork, drink alcohol and go to night clubs.
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