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Weaponisation of Hindu festivals fueling culture of violence in India

RSS is based on 20th century European fascist ideology appropriating Hindu tradition and belief for politics. ISIS is also based on fascism. So too was Nazi Germany. Germans were the biggest victims of German fascism.
RSS is simply another right wing organization. Of the two european fascist movement, one is based on Nordicism which viewed Nordics as superior race, manifested as Nazism and Germans were actually benefactors from Nazism minus the wars and destruction.p Italian fascism was an irredentist movement that promoted imperialism to establish the ancient Roman empire.
ISIS is simply a reincarnation of the nth century Abrahamanic crusades or Islamist invasions they were simply at the wrong place and in the wrong century. We moved on from those ages.
RSS is simply another right wing organization. Of the two european fascist movement, one is based on Nordicism which viewed Nordics as superior race, manifested as Nazism and Germans were actually benefactors from Nazism minus the wars and destruction.p Italian fascism was an irredentist movement that promoted imperialism to establish the ancient Roman empire.
ISIS is simply a reincarnation of the nth century Abrahamanic crusades or Islamist invasions they were simply at the wrong place and in the wrong century. We moved on from those ages.
Idea of freedom, rights and liberty under God is Abrahamic. Compare the tyrannical and suffocating pagan ruling traditions to Abrahamic beliefs of freedom under God and it is clear who started humanity's long and gradual progression toward freedom.
Idea of freedom, rights and liberty under God is Abrahamic. Compare the tyrannical and suffocating pagan ruling traditions to Abrahamic beliefs of freedom under God and it is clear who started humanity's long and gradual progression toward freedom.
Another bullshit. Idea of democracy came from the Athenian pagans including rights, and liberty. Even the symbols of justice is a pagan deity called Lustitia or Lady Justice from Roman pantheons.
Those Europeans simply came out of the dark ages where they used to burn people of different beliefs at stake to a point 99℅ of the people where of Abrahamic faith and they simply granted liberty and freedom to their fellows. Lol...
It seems you BJP/RSS has lot of pain in ***, since your upper caste Hindutwa is out of power in Maharashtra for 2 years now. And BJP is about to lose UP election.

Raza Academy is just bunch of hooligans'. Upper caste administrators given free rein to groups like Raza Academy, and then your upper caste dominated media gives them lot of air time to blow it out of proportion, then you build your narrative.

Those days when you upper caste used to fool us using these tricks are long gone. We don't take big decisions like whom to vote, based on these insignificant incidents.
Nobody cares whether bhajipao wins or loses , rss is necessary though
I once lived in a small town in bihar , there some muslims threw eggs and meat on a temple , situation was volatile with muslims with swords etc , who met them in response ?
Bihar police , no bihar armed police no .
It was bajrang dal people who dared muslims to touch any hindu home that day .
Many such situations always develope here.
The biggest violence they inflict is against our eyes. Truly repulsive beings.
So are those Bangladeshis who try to cross indian fence , we don't want to see them dead yet we see .
I don't know why.
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Another bullshit. Idea of democracy came from the Athenian pagans including rights, and liberty. Even the symbols of justice is a pagan deity called Lustitia or Lady Justice from Roman pantheons.
Those Europeans simply came out of the dark ages where they used to burn people of different beliefs at stake to a point 99℅ of the people where of Abrahamic faith and they simply granted liberty and freedom to their fellows. Lol...
Another history hack.
Socrates was sentenced to death for not recognizing the gods the city recognizes. So much for freedom and liberty.
Another history hack.
Socrates was sentenced to death for not recognizing the gods the city recognizes. So much for freedom and liberty.
Black people were made slaves and were traded, had no rights even if they were killed by their owners in Democratic United States aka oldest democracy as recently as in 19th Century. So much for freedom and liberty.
Go read a books instead of embarrassing yourself like this. Chal
Black people were made slaves and were traded, had no rights even if they were killed by their owners in Democratic United States aka oldest democracy as recently as in 19th Century. So much for freedom and liberty.
Go read a books instead of embarrassing yourself like this. Chal
The concept of freedom, rights and justice aren't pagan. Speaking of embarassing yourself, did you check why Socrates was executed? It was because he believed in one God. And, you think slavery was invented by Monotheists, although it existed as legacy of the wider pagan culture. Pagan rulers demanded absolute loyalty to themselves and their gods which were extensions of their ego. Remember, Romans with multiple of gods and slaves fed Christians to hungry lions for big entertainment spectacles.
The concept of freedom, rights and justice aren't pagan. Speaking of embarassing yourself, did you check why Socrates was executed? It was because he believed in one God. And, you think slavery was invented by Monotheists, although it existed as legacy of the wider pagan culture. Pagan rulers demanded absolute loyalty to themselves and their gods which were extensions of their ego. Remember, Romans with multiple of gods and slaves fed Christians to hungry lions for big entertainment spectacles.
Freedom, rights and justices are neither Abrahamic. They come from deep philosophies of Romans and Greeks it can be argued even monarchies had some forms of Freedom, rights and justices provided to their citizens.
Haha nice, Socrates believed in one god? He wasn't a monotheist at all, the monotheist scholars especially the Jewish and christian scholars interpreted his style of arguments as monotheistic by reading commentaries not from Socrates but one of his students, Plato. Who himself believed in Pagan deity and even the last words of Socrates as explained by Plato is about Deity and not "God" and that deity is Apollo the god of Philosophy. The dialogue of Socrates trials he specifically talks about Apollo refer Plato's - Apology not the one god.
The point is not about who invented slavery. But when you blame athenians for some lack of modern etiquettes all the while attributing all the good things to Abrahamic is just intellectual dishonesty. Don't lay it down bare that'll expose your fallacy.
Freedom, rights and justices are neither Abrahamic. They come from deep philosophies of Romans and Greeks it can be argued even monarchies had some forms of Freedom, rights and justices provided to their citizens.
Haha nice, Socrates believed in one god? He wasn't a monotheist at all, the monotheist scholars especially the Jewish and christian scholars interpreted his style of arguments as monotheistic by reading commentaries not from Socrates but one of his students, Plato. Who himself believed in Pagan deity and even the last words of Socrates as explained by Plato is about Deity and not "God" and that deity is Apollo the god of Philosophy. The dialogue of Socrates trials he specifically talks about Apollo refer Plato's - Apology not the one god.
The point is not about who invented slavery. But when you blame athenians for some lack of modern etiquettes all the while attributing all the good things to Abrahamic is just intellectual dishonesty. Don't lay it down bare that'll expose your fallacy.
You are clueless about the life of Prophet Ibrahim [as]. Plato wrote an "apology" on behalf of Socrates. As a monotheist, I also believe in Apollo as one of the attributes of God, but the facts are;

Socrates, Wikipedia: "The official charges [against Socrates] were: (1) corrupting youth; (2) worshipping false gods; and (3) not worshipping the state religion.[59] ... The accusations against Socrates were initiated by a poet, Meletus, who asked for the death penalty in accordance with the charge of asebeia*.[60]. ...The religious charges certainly had substance to them; Socrates had criticized the anthropomorphism of traditional Greek religion, and moreover he was seemingly believing in a daimonion- an inner voice linked to a deity.[60]"

He was a Monotheist. Google 'Socrates belief' and see what comes up.

*Asebeia, Wikipedia - Asebeia (Ancient Greek: ἀσέβεια) was a criminal charge in ancient Greece for the "desecration and mockery of divine objects", for "irreverence towards the state gods" and disrespect towards parents and dead ancestors.[1]
You are clueless about the life of Prophet Ibrahim [as]. Plato wrote an "apology" on behalf of Socrates. As a monotheist, I also believe in Apollo as one of the attributes of God, but the facts are;

Socrates, Wikipedia: "The official charges [against Socrates] were: (1) corrupting youth; (2) worshipping false gods; and (3) not worshipping the state religion.[59] ... The accusations against Socrates were initiated by a poet, Meletus, who asked for the death penalty in accordance with the charge of asebeia*.[60]. ...The religious charges certainly had substance to them; Socrates had criticized the anthropomorphism of traditional Greek religion, and moreover he was seemingly believing in a daimonion- an inner voice linked to a deity.[60]"

He was a Monotheist. Google 'Socrates belief' and see what comes up.

*Asebeia, Wikipedia - Asebeia (Ancient Greek: ἀσέβεια) was a criminal charge in ancient Greece for the "desecration and mockery of divine objects", for "irreverence towards the state gods" and disrespect towards parents and dead ancestors.[1]
Some google search and wikipedia with keywords and figured out Plato wrote apology on behalf of Socrates lol! Plato's Apology is a dialogue of Socrates and what transpired during his trial. Talk about being clueless.

Even then none of his charges where for worshipping the one true god of monotheistic belief. He questioned the way the belief system works and sometimes he appointed himself between god to argue a point. This however was not well received. In his trial he even argued he believe in the gods just like other Athenians. Often in Plato's Apology Socrates invoked the God of Delphi (Apollo) and Apollo wasn't some attribute of God but a god. The God is Zeus, in Plato's commentary. In the trial Socrates argued that the Oracle of Apollo told him there are no man wiser than him and to which he seeked to find out if there was anyone wiser than him. None of the commentary is about monotheism of Socrates and I wouldn't bank on to charges against him as a credible defense to say he believes in one true god.

Also monotheism was an idea among different civilization be it Egyptians, Tao, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain etc... be it eastern or western. Only that Judaism is the first to conform to one god without any other forms of Gods.
Some google search and wikipedia with keywords and figured out Plato wrote apology on behalf of Socrates lol! Plato's Apology is a dialogue of Socrates and what transpired during his trial. Talk about being clueless.

Even then none of his charges where for worshipping the one true god of monotheistic belief. He questioned the way the belief system works and sometimes he appointed himself between god to argue a point. This however was not well received. In his trial he even argued he believe in the gods just like other Athenians. Often in Plato's Apology Socrates invoked the God of Delphi (Apollo) and Apollo wasn't some attribute of God but a god. The God is Zeus, in Plato's commentary. In the trial Socrates argued that the Oracle of Apollo told him there are no man wiser than him and to which he seeked to find out if there was anyone wiser than him. None of the commentary is about monotheism of Socrates and I wouldn't bank on to charges against him as a credible defense to say he believes in one true god.

Also monotheism was an idea among different civilization be it Egyptians, Tao, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain etc... be it eastern or western. Only that Judaism is the first to conform to one god without any other forms of Gods.
Pay attention - "Socrates had criticized the anthropomorphism of traditional Greek religion, and moreover he was seemingly believing in a daimonion- an inner voice linked to a deity.[60]"

They wrongly accused him of worshiping other gods, but they rightly accused him of rejecting the state religion. He was sentenced to death because he rejected idolatry of the deities [anthropomorphism] as he believed in the unseen Deity [daimonian].

Yeah, Monotheists aren't new. We have been around since the parents of the modern human species. Look at the cave paintings from over 30,000 years ago. No portrayal of deities.

More about his account - "Socrates did not document his teachings. All we know of him comes from the accounts of others: mainly the philosopher Plato and the historian Xenophon, who were both his pupils; the Athenian comic dramatist Aristophanes (Socrates's contemporary); and Plato's pupil Aristotle, who was born after Socrates's death. The often contradictory stories from these ancient accounts only serve to complicate scholars' ability to reconstruct Socrates's true thoughts reliably, a predicament known as the Socratic problem.[2] The works of Plato, Xenophon, and other authors who use the character of Socrates as an investigative tool, are written in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and his interlocutors and provide the main source of information on Socrates's life and thought. Socratic dialogues (logos sokratikos) was a term coined by Aristotle to describe this newly formed literary genre.[3] While the exact dates of their composition are unknown, it is believed that many were written after Socrates's death.[4] As Aristotle first noted, the extent to which the dialogues portray Socrates authentically is a matter of some debate.[5]"
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