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We won't eat halal meat, say British MPs

Nowadays you can get a religious, scientific or political argument for or against any hot current topic. Depends who you are willing to believe.

Off course it is matter of debate but from what I have seen & read online, my view is that if you have the right equipment stunning is the best method because it is instant like switching off a light switch.

Someone made a good point about the size of the animals like a chicken is ideal for cutting the throat with a sharp blade but say a cow or a larger animal you may well end up doing it more than once.
Veggie all the way :enjoy:

well except for eggs.........
People arguing against halal meat are very big chutiyas, pardon my urdu.

Does it really make a difference? The animal is going to get killed and eaten in the end anyway.

So why you insist on halal meat only? As per your above (blasphemous :D) logic any meat is eatable, it does not make any difference if it is halal or haram, it is going to be killed anyway, right?
People arguing against halal meat are very big chutiyas, pardon my urdu.

Does it really make a difference? The animal is going to get killed and eaten in the end anyway.

Animal rights activists need to get it in their thick skulls than no one gives a fuçk about how food is killed. :D

That is absurd when Islam itself states the animals must be killed with the least amount of pain.
Dont know but in UK-
I have seen many non- muslim indians looking for halal meat shops to eat-
I am not so sure. I rarely go to those halal shops because they stink. I usually buy from supermarket where it is nicely packaged(also I dont have to make a separate trip).
I only go there if I have to invite some muslim friend otherwise no.
LMAO, Brits are so anti-islamic. Like they can taste whether the meat is halal or not. The article mentions they will not eat meat because it supports Sharia Law. HOW? :rofl:
I am not so sure. I rarely go to those halal shops because they stink. I usually buy from supermarket where it is nicely packaged(also I dont have to make a separate trip).
I only go there if I have to invite some muslim friend otherwise no.

I live in Bangalore and mostly buy clean meat from Malls or supermarkets as local shops are stinky. But most of the mall keep Halal Meat as Hindus don't complain about Jhatka vs Halal and Muslims prefer Halal Meat only.
Well you have to hand it to the Brits for one thing. Non of their major newspapers published the sacrilegious cartoons

Seeing as the country is Englistan, they wouldn't have the juraat.
Halal or non-halal, pain or no-pain doesn't mater the animal ends up dead alright! and we eat it.
A life has been forcefully taken.
it is ok long as the animal is treated well and the execution is done in proper hygienic manner.
When the animal's throat is cut without stunning it, the brain of the animal tells the heart that it is short of blood, consquently the blood is 'pumped' out of the body, reducing the chlolestrol level of the meat.

I went to a recommended 'halaal' abbotoir thirty years ago for a 'kurbani', imagine my surprise to be met by an englishman. He said that all the meat from this English abbotoir was 'halaal', it made distribution easier.

With a sharp knife, ritual slaughter is as painless as you can make it. I have often sufferred cuts that I only realise afterwards, simply because it was painless at the time.

Isn't kosher the same?
When the animal's throat is cut without stunning it, the brain of the animal tells the heart that it is short of blood, consquently the blood is 'pumped' out of the body, reducing the chlolestrol level of the meat.

I went to a recommended 'halaal' abbotoir thirty years ago for a 'kurbani', imagine my surprise to be met by an englishman. He said that all the meat from this English abbotoir was 'halaal', it made distribution easier.

With a sharp knife, ritual slaughter is as painless as you can make it. I have often sufferred cuts that I only realise afterwards, simply because it was painless at the time.

Isn't kosher the same?

i believe it is similar but they don't use the lower half of the animal . :)
i believe it is similar but they don't use the lower half of the animal . :)

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