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We Will Surprise You | DG ISPR

They waited 10 days to bomb an empty field :partay:

Why put our jawans at risk when we can have Pulawama type attacks at will. Inshallah more soon.

But we never claimed any attacks and they still violated and bombed our territory, even if it was empty space. An equal and immediate retaliation would have settled the score. But the longer you wait, the heavier you will have to respond. If it takes us a week to bomb some empty fields then they have won. Remember, this isn’t a war but battle of egos.
i dont understand the language.
Here's a summary from Dawn:

ISPR Briefing Details

Early on Tuesday, the army spokesperson had said that Indian military planes violated the LoC, intruding from the Muzaffarabad sector, following which "Pakistan Air Force immediately scrambled" and Indian aircraft went back.

The ISPR DG started with a presentation, debunking claims made by India that the country's air force had "struck the biggest training camp of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) in Balakot". "They are claiming that they remained in the Pakistani airspace for 21 minutes and killed 350 terrorists. They claim that the second strike was in Muzaffarabad and the third in Chakothi.

"Allah almighty is the greatest and we should not make tall claims, but come and try to spend 21 minutes in Pakistani airspace."

"According to war methodology, our entire Air Force could not have stayed airborne. Our safeguards on land were in place. So if they had tried an on-ground incursion, they would have met the response that we had planned.

"Last night, our radars were observing them. They had earlier come closer to our border but did not cross it. Last night, their first visibility was observed near the Sialkot and Lahore border. They were seen approaching the border. Our Combat Air Patrol (CAP) team approached and challenged them. They did not cross.

"As per the SOP (standard operating procedure), when the first team got committed there, the next CAP team automatically was airborne. During this, another one of their formation was picked in Bahawalpur sector. The second standby team went down south and challenged it. We then observed that the more heavier of their teams was approaching Muzaffarabad sector from Kiran Valley. When our third CAP team challenged them, they had crossed the LoC.

"Their approaching of the border, the challenge and their return took four minutes," said the ISPR DG.

"If they had struck any military position, then an engagement would have happened. But they did not do that because if they had done so, our soldiers were ready.

"India's purpose is not that — Modi's government, even when it violates ceasefire violations in Azad Kashmir, deliberately targets civil population. Had they struck the military last night, then uniformed personnel would have been martyred and it would not have served their purpose.

"They wanted to target a place where civilians could have died, so they could claim that they targeted a terrorist camp.

"This would have benefited their war mongering and politics. They entered from Kashmir's Tangdhar — they were timely and effectively challenged, and repulsed by the Air Force. On their way back, they jettisoned their payload. Four of their bombs fell in [Balakot's] Jabba and they went back.

"The ground troops' job is to ascertain if anything has fallen or not. When they [Indian aircraft] went back, we checked through our line of communication and found that there were no strikes."

Personal attacks deleted.
And I'll remind all members to stick to the facts and rational arguments while posting. Inflammatory comments in an already inflamed atmosphere are not going to help.
Strike within next 24 or 48 hours or Pakistan will find itself in some serious deep shite.

You have to understand enemy mindset. Since now Pakistan has committed itself towards the retaliation, it will only take Indian establishment a false flag on its own people and go mental on international scene and blame it on Pakistan.

We must hit India hard militarily with properly defined targets without any delay. There is really no other option now.

Taking out airbase from where their mirages took off if possible...
Pakistan has no military options which would not take things out of hand.
The only room for response was when their jets were in our airspace.
There are some 'unconventional' targets I can think of that would not necessarily constitute an escalation.

Taking out airbase from where their mirages took off if possible...
No direct attack on the military - that would be an escalation.

Threads merged
Then you hit them hard. They kill themselves and you kill them too. Filthy Modi deserves that. Anyhow, Pak response should be born out of solid planning and strong action rather than coming out of emotions without proper planning. India must pay dearly and squarely so that they think a thousand times before launching even a drama strike in Pakistan in future. We are still full of anger for their last fake surgical strike. If we had actually conducted a real surgical strike in response to their fake one, they wouldn't have had courage to stage this second fake strike. I hope our leadership understands the situation and knows how to deal with the situation courageously and wisely. I am sure they will get advice from many powers asking for restraint. Pak needs to tell every one politely that a violation of our sovereignty is not acceptable at any cost. We must hit back and hit them real hard.
As an outsider I'd judge the following way: with IA's 700K forces bogged down inside the IOK for decades in and decades out, and that too by only <1K Mujahidin is more than an embarrassment!!!! Not to mention the LOC!!! Now, the world is expecting it to be more spiced up!! And, now Pak has the initiative to test India's break point....
they didnt even killed a single living being on earth ? how can you say those words for air force..infact our force make them run like rabid dogs and in fear they drop payload in the middel of nowhere, what do you want us to avenge ? trees? in loc area? thats not even a international border mind you.Now
remain in denial including you , we are happy as long as they are confused..remember " a lion takes two steps backward intially before leaning forward" now they will able to learn the defination of real surgical strike.
man, let see. too much retrotic. need to let the smoke settle down.
We never claimed any attack. So for us, they were not responding but initiating based on accusations.
Point being, the public pressure after Pulwama on the Indian government was similar, but they waited, planned an event that really did little other than inflame public opinion and Pakistan and increase public support in India for Modi.

You don't let the enemy force you into reacting on their time frame, you react when the situation suits you. Rushing into some kind of 'retribution' would not be wise.
Point being, the public pressure after Pulwama on the Indian government was similar, but they waited, planned an event that really did little other than inflame public opinion and Pakistan and increase public support in India for Modi.

You don't let the enemy force you into reacting on their time frame, you react when the situation suits you. Rushing into some kind of 'retribution' would not be wise.
As far as the IOK and LOC are concerned, Pak's options can't be exhausted.....

Modi has done a big disservice to India.......

Ajele ishe Sheytan karishir - Satan messes with the stuffs done in a haste....
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