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"We will open trade route with India , importing if necessary to save our own farmers : PAK Finance Minister

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Oil or not. Look at the world-class infrastructure and how clean the GCC Arab Muslim nations are. The compare it to india. You will find your answer there. Venezuela and Nigeria also have oil but look at how poor they both are.
Quality of environment 75% dependent upon wealth. Oil. Also the reason poor countries are mostly dirty. Don't bring religion into this and degrade the religion.
If Pakistan wants to import food from India, the latter In exchange may want to import gas from the Central Asian countries via pipeline through Pakistan. It will be a long-term Agreement.

Will you guys accept it? After all, India is a Hindu state. Should the Pak citizens of Pakistan eat foods produced by Napak Hindustanis?
What are you saying my friend.... Food is food and has to be shared as well as has to be accepted in tough times forgetting all the bitterness....
I think this is a medium term plan to:
A. Firstly have digitalized land registry to avoid land grabbing.
B. Provide farmers technical support and assistance in the form of loans for advances in farming methodology.
However in the short term we will need help as we will be ahort on basic staples both veg and grains and pulses. This will have to be procured from somewhere. India is our neighbour and produces excess veg. They dont have the same issues with flooding as they have built enough dams and lakes to avoid devastation. We will need to do this as well on an emergency basis as the climate change could mean more rains for the reqion plus flooding.

I get your point, but its not like nobody saw this coming from miles away. After all for the most we are a farming nation. How long will this administration stay? What will the next gov. do? Believe me they dont have any plans or long term strategies.
This was the reason behind installing these thugs corrupt mafia on our heads by this fascist criminal bajwa , since the china move into ladakh this begairat pullout pak military from kashmir frontline and formed the ceasefire agreement with hindutva terrorists
I get your point, but its not like nobody saw this coming from miles away. After all for the most we are a farming nation. How long will this administration stay? What will the next gov. do? Believe me they dont have any plans or long term strategies.
I fully agree with you. We have had 70 years of complacency and not learnt anything from the whole rucus around global warming. We will need to take measures, not only to provide flood relief but to put measures in place for preventing floods in the future as well as water preservation
I think this is a medium term plan to:
A. Firstly have digitalized land registry to avoid land grabbing.
B. Provide farmers technical support and assistance in the form of loans for advances in farming methodology.
However in the short term we will need help as we will be ahort on basic staples both veg and grains and pulses. This will have to be procured from somewhere. India is our neighbour and produces excess veg. They dont have the same issues with flooding as they have built enough dams and lakes to avoid devastation. We will need to do this as well on an emergency basis as the climate change could mean more rains for the reqion plus flooding.

Let me reply u point wise what u said.
A. This was started back in musharaf time but never took off and never will because the mna mpa are the real hurdles.
B. This should be done but the problem is already sky high interest rates and subsidising might be burden on already stretched deficit.
Grains and pulses storage should have been protected during floods, don't know what's the status as I do know we had bumper wheat and rice crop last year.
wheat is usually sown in October so instead looking elsewhere why not drain water as much as possible, you have more than a month.
India did and does work for his interests. Whereas your leaders look for floods so that they can get aid and then they can take it abroad. All under the nose of l*** no 1.
You already have got IMF with literally sacrificing common man's life without any effect on the lifestyle of ruling elite. So instead of spending that money on importing machinery so to increase export you want to spend that precious dollars on importing something you can produce domestically.
Exactly. Bhartis should worry about their own starving people before trying to fake flex on anyone.

  • According to the FAO 2019 Report, near about 14.5% of the Indian population falls under the undernourished category.
  • In India, around 194 million people survive under the shackles of undernourishment.
  • National Family and Health Survey estimates exhibits that 38% of children below the five years of age fall under the category of stunted ones, and 36% of children are underweight.
  • According to the FAO 2019 Report, 51.4% of women between the ages of 15 and 49 are anaemic.
  • According to the UNICEF report, 8.8 lakh children under five years of age lost their life due to starvation in 2018.
  • Over 20 crore Indians sleep empty-stomach every day.
  • More than 7000 Indians die per day due to hunger.
  • As per the reports concluded from the recent data, 25 lakh Indians die every year because of hunger.
Why are you worrying about India, when Pakistan is going through worst natural disaster?
If Pakistan wants to import food from India, the latter in exchange may want to import gas from the Central Asian countries via pipeline through Pakistan. It will be a long-term Agreement.

Will you guys accept it?

After all, India is a Hindu state. Should the Pak citizens of Pakistan eat foods produced by NaPak Hindustanis?

Pakistan won't mind importing beef from India.
These numbers are collated by NGOs with phony methodologies.

lmao! Yes data from Safron government is only trust worthy. For all the rubbish you wrote about Pakistan (thanked by 6 Indian posters) you shut up quick when the data with India having the worst food security in South Asia.
Maybe you should import rice from ‘iron brother’!
lmao! Yes data from Safron government is only trust worthy. For all the rubbish you wrote about Pakistan (thanked by 6 Indian posters) you shut up quick when the data with India having the worst food security in South Asia.
Maybe you should import rice from ‘iron brother’!

I will take the bait, you are an admin afterall.

Can you ascertain Prevalence of Undernourishment (POU) in any country by taking opinions of people on phone?- Y/N
Pakistan won't mind importing beef from India.
And India will love to see Pakistan opening its territory for the central Asian gas to reach India.

But, is Pakistan willing to accept a pipeline corridor if India demands it in exchange for an uninterrupted supply of beef (read bovine) and staple food like wheat and rice?
And India will love to see Pakistan opening its territory for the central Asian gas to reach India.

But, is Pakistan willing to accept a pipeline corridor if India demands it in exchange for an uninterrupted supply of beef (read bovine) and staple food like wheat and rice?

No other trade with India other than import of beef.

No air transit or No land transit or No gas transit.
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I had once asked if your parents were cousins, my question was deleted by the mods.
It was an honest question, because you seem to copy paste the same stuff all the time like a broken record.

Something wrong with your brain, bro?


Obviously I hit a nerve there.........................:azn:......................ALL the CREDIBLE and GENUINE evidence proves that the malnourishment levels of india are worst than that of Pakistan and similar to that of afghanistan. india has a hunger and malnutrition level of 27.5% and afghanistan has one of 28.3%. These are not my figures, these are from official sources:

IF what the statistics say above is wrong or you don't accept it, then present the evidence that disproves it..............:azn:
I will take the bait, you are an admin afterall.

Can you ascertain Prevalence of Undernourishment (POU) in any country by taking opinions of people on phone?- Y/N

So the people are lying then? What about credible figures from agencies on the ground who help those in need? They are all lying?

From an expert;

the prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity in India rose by about 6.8 percentage points in 2018-20,” Vaishali Bansal, a research scholar at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, wrote in The Indian Express newspaper. Data suggest that the number of people staring at moderate-to-severe food insecurity has risen by about 97 million since the outbreak of Covid-19.

“The irony is that this happened when the government had an unprecedented 100 million tonnes of food grains in its godowns—larger than the food stocks of any country,” Bansal said.

This, then, points to a larger policy problem of access to food and fixing the leakages in India’s public distribution system.

So the people are lying then? What about credible figures from agencies on the ground who help those in need? They are all lying?

From an expert;

the prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity in India rose by about 6.8 percentage points in 2018-20,” Vaishali Bansal, a research scholar at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, wrote in The Indian Express newspaper. Data suggest that the number of people staring at moderate-to-severe food insecurity has risen by about 97 million since the outbreak of Covid-19.

“The irony is that this happened when the government had an unprecedented 100 million tonnes of food grains in its godowns—larger than the food stocks of any country,” Bansal said.

This, then, points to a larger policy problem of access to food and fixing the leakages in India’s public distribution system.

The hunger and malnourishment levels of india are worst than that of Pakistan and similar to that of afghanistan:

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