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We salute Pak fight against terror: Israel


You say:

There is apparently a whole article on this by our old forum hand.. solomon2.. on his blog..
Solomon's House: Debunking "Ben-Gurion on Pakistan"

Why not punish the person who deliberately spread lies and hatred on this forum -- How many Pakistanis, Israelis, Indians and Americans, and English and Aussies and who ever else, who read on this forum, will think that we as a forum support or are not really too interested in stopping this kind of abuse of free speech --- promoting hate speech is no right that I am aware of -- make an example of this individual.

You say:

Why not punish the person who deliberately spread lies and hatred on this forum -- How many Pakistanis, Israelis, Indians and Americans, and English and Aussies and who ever else, who read on this forum, will think that we as a forum support or are not really too interested in stopping this kind of abuse of free speech --- promoting hate speech is no right that I am aware of -- make an example of this individual.

Where he violated the rules.. he got his..
I just quoted his article.. as a link.

My opinion of him. isnt all that .. peachy.
Ordinary view of thinking, any way your point of view.

Ordinary, even after so much terror, mayhem and destruction, its still ordinary. Religion is a great tool indeed and will keep its followers in denial for what seems like an eternity and I am not talking about the river in Egypt.

My irrelevant statement more relevant then your post which full of contradictions. Once you want religion to be a personal level but don't want to understand how & when & is it possible or not. (Discussion never consist over straight line methods but there need to look examples to understand).
Your thinking remains with yours but if you want any implementation then only your words are not enough you have to take a broad look.

Irrelevant, I have constantly maintained that religion should be restricted to a personnel level. Your religiosity limits your thinking.

Linked this paragraph with paragraph (relevant and shortsighted argument.) May be you get something.

What with what now?

I am not getting anything at all.

Very short sighted view & emotional touch. There are different stages of human mind status psychology, There is stage when a people or nation after achievement of goal get time to concentrate over own structure.
There is stage when people or nation never achieve its goal and busy for particular status of rest.

Trust you don't any kind of sight to truly understand the extent of damage that this political Islam has caused us but your psychological analogy is straying off into another field entirely.

You can't mix them. My answer in one of two stages so find time for think over it.

There are stages involved.

To criticize own religion in actual very easy job, blame whole setup because of some ill minded actions of some people also very easy, but to eradicate them from this system is hard job. As you pointing out, these are not right methods to solve problems. Yes there is so many additions came into our religion but problem is, now people's minds are oriented over these additions. You are not only one but many other who have pain for this destruction of religion even can't express their ideas in public. Change educational policy, revise Madrissa education structure, slowly and steadily. At this moment if you want to reshape it it will break and result of more violence, Bring it into mold form so then you get (not only you) what you are looking for.

Who criticized religion, I am only criticizing its political use and violent variance that it at odds with an entire life set.

In our religion there is very simple law, if somebody complaint for something or in criminal act then he must have to provide 3 witnesses to prove, Couple of day after assassination of Suleman Taseer there an application registered in Dera Ghazi Khan, applicant said that HE HEARD FROM HIS FRIEND & HE ASSUMED THAT (J) INSULTED QUR'AN E PAK & PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH).

Laws are updated according to time and environment, the application remains constant but the process is improved, doesn't seem to be the case here.

So any sensible person cant believe over this pathetic application totally illogical & ill minded behavior, and more interesting that after application had submitted police arrested that alleged blasphemer. So what you will do if social religious lever reached that point?

The source of this problem is the violent variation and the politicization of Islam.

You got very emotional and i think you are replying me without making a look over my post.
Thread title named as "Hero of Afghan war General Akhtar Abdul Rehman" he is not my hero at all. I just referred you to thread and if you don't want...up to you.

Not emotional, just angry.

I don't like these kind of people who killed our own country men.

I will not oppose you where i also stand on point from you are thinking about peace, patience & tolerance in our country. If people closed their eyes & ears from real words of Islam then we can't pointing our finger over religion.

So who is stopping you from spreading the real words of Islam.

Thus the debate.

Debated, was deemed to be sub standard and not authentic.

Ok if they exist then there need to terminate them, either they will come on proper line or otherwise get out from Pakistan and let they preach their self made ideas somewhere else. We have no place for these kind of people. Question who will take responsibility to do it?

Only government.


They exist and they need to be terminated.

Everyone should be involved in exterminating them.

Because of, this is international community, we cant do it as you stated, in my point of view we have to discuss with our Arab partners over this issue and clear our coming position. I don't think there will be any hurdle in making relations with Israel except our people.

Why do we have to consult the Arabs?

They are neither intelligent nor clever.

Very good point, you have put in mind while making move toward Israel as may be Israel knows how to hurt us.

Thats even worse, this means he have been hurt by those who do not know how to hurt and we have been spared from those who know how to hurt.
oh believe me, we know.....


And you really think your saying so is enough?

Trust comes from credibility. Credibility comes from delivering what you say on a sustained basis.

You really think you have the credibility to demand trust? ;)
And you really think your saying so is enough?

Trust comes from credibility. Credibility comes from delivering what you say on a sustained basis.

You really think you have the credibility to demand trust? ;)

nice writing there my dear... trust is earned... not demanded..
dont worry Pakistan wont trouble you to grant it.
Thank you so much for your offer we already having lots of trouble in Pakistan even though you do not interfere directly but through american embassy and indian embassy you have created hell of myth in pakistan so with due to respect keep your offer with your favorite countries america and india and try to support dollar as it is falling rapidly as compare to other currencies.We do not have any kind of relation with you leave phalastine and then come to us we will consider your offer to some extent ... and we do not care if some of arab traitors have relationship with you ....... but have you forgotten first speech ever made by your president against pakistan ....... we do have love for arab and it will increase instantly because we can see Mahdi's arrival is very near even you can see it because you are planing for it since ages ...................so please don't pull us because we won't bow down to you i do not know about our leaders as one of them named musharaf is traitor but others are question marks aswell........but being a pakistani and muslim we will not accept you INSHALLAH

Well said!!!
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