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.We Pakistani the drama queen

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
For few days every 1 is going mad Why cz Some guY made a movie abt Our beloved Holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( PEACE.BE.UPON.HIM) he disrespected our beloved prophet its up 2 us what can we do against that but Burning buildings police checkpoints or beating each other So now what is the difference between us and him he disrespect Our prophet and we disrespect his followers

NOW we banned youtube and some other sites now what will happen nothing if is that your love to holy prophet some 1 making insulting movies about him we just change the channel lol =)) wow that a thinking ok then why we are using laptops these jews chrstn own these company the drink we love pepsi cola 7up ,,, west made these fans electricity cars shoes ur jeans almost every thing its from west stop listng songs in our daily life we are coping them our fashion is also from west who made internet
USA if you really wana boycott t then stop using everything CZ our Holy prophet dont need fake love cz on the judgement day when Allah gone ask what were you doing when they were disrespecting my prophet and what you gone say Dear Allah we stopped watching youtube =)) cz pakistani govrt banned it or we broke some cycles some shops and beaten some other muslims stop these all fake love
cz if u love Holy prophet then start following his teachings be a good muslim thats why Holy prophet ever wanted from You just be a good Human if some 1 disrespect Holy prophet their are 100s how respect him also


You are thinking too much.Did those pepsi cola make videos of prophet?..
Radical image of islam gives such videos to propagate and what do u expect from muslim country to do with those sites? obviously they will be banned.
yup pepsi cola didnt made these videos but u tell me does this guy made that movie if he didnt then why these guys are breaking his car
The mistake of person in car is that as believer he didnt join the protest to denounce the filmmaker who made blasphemous movie against Prophet.Since he is giving silent support to the film maker by not joining the protest he is being punished for not a true muslim according to the protesters.
The mistake of person in car is that as believer he didnt join the protest to denounce the filmmaker who made blasphemous movie against Prophet.Since he is giving silent support to the film maker by not joining the protest he is being punished for not a true muslim according to the protesters.

Have you never heard the term "mob justice"? People in mobs tend to do this sort of stuff everywhere, it's not just Muslim Pakistans. Hasn't the Tea Party movement never burnt anything? Or these mass protests against austerity or financial mismanagement all across Europe?
The enemy within is much more dangerous than the enemy outside.
The mistake of person in car is that as believer he didnt join the protest to denounce the filmmaker who made blasphemous movie against Prophet.Since he is giving silent support to the film maker by not joining the protest he is being punished for not a true muslim according to the protesters.

This is among the most bizarre explanations one can ever read to justify stupidity.

The man in question may be returning or going to a hospital or any other errand.

He may simply not agree with the idea of violent protest..

But then does it matter ?
Bad and bad people exist every where. Not just in Pakistan

and its not Pakistan
This is among the most bizarre explanations one can ever read to justify stupidity.

The man in question may be returning or going to a hospital or any other errand.

He may simply not agree with the idea of violent protest..

But then does it matter ?

That was AJTR's sarcasm. She is already fighting a two front war on other threads, lets not open one more front.
It's not about Christians, Muslims and Hindus. It's about humanity as a whole. We're turning into a civilization of aggressive zombies. I shudder to think to point we would have degenerated after another 10-20 years!
i think the drones dont get as much attention as this protest, in south asia every protest turns into a bloody protest, this is a reality check, but this is being made a propaganda tool to yet again insult pakistan
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3439743 said:
i think the drones dont get as much attention as this protest, in south asia every protest turns into a bloody protest, this is a reality check,
Drone attacks don't result in violence as they kill human beings which are an expendable commodity that become just a statistic and forgotten no sooner the strike is completed.

This video has insulted the Prophet (PBUH) and Islam. There's a vast difference between the two especially where the Muslims are concerned. But I guess they should be equally concerned about Muslims dying whether by drones or during violent clashes as witnessed recently.
There are bad apples in every society hence we are no exception.
On the plus side, it's heartening to witness the enlightened youth of Pakistan are well aware of the situation and their responsibilities. College and Uni students took upon themselves to clean up the streets after rioting. :pakistan: :tup:


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