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It's a Time of Celebration Eid E Milad Un Nabi SAW MubArak

So SAd People are making Fun of the Holy Prophet SAW
Curse OF ALLAh and his Angels be on them .ameen

Who is making fun of anybody let alone Prophet Muhammad (saws)? Are you talking about me? Or are you just acting insanely as far too often in some threads?:o:o_O

What kind of avatar is that anyway?
Read the post #6 and 8

We dont celebrate it, Its neither in Quraan or sunnah.

Its not for you.
About Avatar
Its RSS member in india its just random picture nothing much.

Who is making fun of anybody let alone Prophet Muhammad (saws)? Are you talking about me? Or are you just acting insanely as far too often in some threads?:o:o_O

What kind of avatar is that anyway?
Read the post #6 and 8

None of those speak about celebrating a birthday. It was a cultural tradition that started during the Fatimid Caliphate that later turned into a religious festival for some. Nothing more than this.

Post the originals in Arabic anyway. Which madhhab do you follow? None Sunni Muslim madhhab from what I am aware of regard the Mawlid as a religious demand. At most it was recommend by some scholars.

No need to fool yourself or make false claims about any disrespect. I see no disrespect from anybody on this thread rather the opposite.
i quess you did not read it
let me put it again here

Certainly, Allah has shown a special favour to the believers by raising among them a (Prophetic) Messenger from among themselves who recites to them His revelations, and purifies them, and teaches them the Scripture and the Wisdom, although before (he came to them) they were in manifest error. (3:164)

Prophet Muhammad SAW is a special favour of Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala

"And publicize well the favor of your lord"
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Duha, Verse 11)

The companion of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbas (Allah is well pleased with Him) explained the word favors. He says here, In this verse favor signifies the prophet hood and Islam.
(Tafseer Ibne Abbas, Sure Al Duha, Page 651).
So by Celebrating Eid Milad Un Nabi SAW thats what we are doing

Are you a fool who cannot see the insult he is posting in post #35,38,44

None of those speak about celebrating a birthday. It was a cultural tradition that started during the Fatimid Caliphate that later turned into a religious festival for some. Nothing more than this.

Post the originals in Arabic anyway. Which madhhab do you follow? None Sunni Muslim madhhab from what I am aware of regard the Mawlid as a religious demand. At most it was recommend by some scholars.

No need to fool yourself or make false claims about any disrespect. I see no disrespect from anybody on this thread rather the opposite.
Do muslims have 3 eids a year? I swear there were 2 in october.
Do muslims have 3 eids a year? I swear there were 2 in october.
No, there are only two eid in Islam but if people want to add their own opinion and follow own thoughts than this is their right too. Man created religion, Religion is for man, Man is not for religion.
There is nothing called "Wahhabis". Nor can anyone ban what you do in private.

Simple this is a new creation that originates in practices that were created during the Fatimid Caliphate. Since it is not a harmful innovation I don't have a problem with this but there is no religious obligation to celebrate it the way some people do it.

Actually there are wahabbis you may not be one but there definitely are.
We dont celebrate it, Its neither in Quraan or sunnah.

You should look up to Hazrat Umar (R.A) actions. Adding a line in Fajar, Taraweeh prayers, banning Muttah etc etc. If something is not so far from Islam, Innovation (Bid'ah) is to be tolerated
ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ
The Praise is for Almighty


"Durood" is a prayer that we ask Almighty for Prophet. Durood is NOT praising of Prophet. It's a dua FOR messenger.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ

Oh ALLAH (I pray to YOU to) send peace\mercy\forgiveness upon Muhammad...***

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ
Oh ALLAH (I pray to YOU to) send blessings upon Muhammad...


Allah orders in Quran:2:285: ...We make no difference between any of His messengers...
Prophet orders in Hadees: 2:136:...We make no distinction between any of them(Messengers)... 3:84:...We make no distinction between any of them(Messengers)...

Prophet himself orders:
Bukhari:volume:4, Book:55: Hadith Number:624 (also 608, 625, 626)
Narated By 'Abdullah : The Prophet said, "None of you should say that I am better than Yunus (i.e. Jonah).

Bukhari:Volumn 004, Book 055, Hadith Number 626.
Narated By Abu Huraira : Once while a Jew was selling something, he was offered a price that he was not pleased with. So, he said, "No, by Him Who gave Moses superiority over all human beings!" Hearing him, an Ansari man got up and slapped him on the face and said, "You say: By Him Who Gave Moses superiority over all human beings although the Prophet (Muhammad) is present amongst us!" The Jew went to the Prophet and said, "O Abu-l-Qasim! I am under the assurance and contract of security, so what right does so-and-so have to slap me?" The Prophet asked the other, "Why have you slapped". He told him the whole story. The Prophet became angry (on that muslim), till anger appeared on his face, and said, "Don't give superiority to any prophet amongst Allah's Prophets, for when the trumpet will be blown, everyone on the earth and in the heavens will become unconscious except those whom Allah will exempt. The trumpet will be blown for the second time and I will be the first to be resurrected to see Moses holding Allah's Throne. I will not know whether the unconsciousness which Moses received on the Day of Tur has been sufficient for him, or has he got up before me. And I do not say that there is anybody who is better than Yunus bin Matta."

Bukhari:Volumn 8, Book 82, Hadith Number 817.
.. Then Allah's messenger said, 'Do not praise me excessively as Jesus, son of Marry was praised, but call me Allah's Slave and His Apostles.' ...






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Prophet Muhammad SAW is a special favour of Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala

"And publicize well the favor of your lord"
(Kanzul Iman the translation of Holy Quran, Sura Al Duha, Verse 11)

The companion of the Holy Prophet (Allah’s Grace and Peace be upon him) Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbas (Allah is well pleased with Him) explained the word favors. He says here, In this verse favor signifies the prophet hood and Islam.
(Tafseer Ibne Abbas, Sure Al Duha, Page 651).
So by Celebrating Eid Milad Un Nabi SAW thats what we are doing

Kidhar ki Kidhar Jaa Key Milai haay...!!!

Stop twisting everything to suit your fabrications\innovations:

In Quran:93:11 Prophet is being asked to mention (thank for) the favours of ALLAH that HE sent upon Prophet, From which angle this verse proposes celebrating birthdays, which is a ritual Western in origin. To "publicize favours of ALLAH" you don't to wait for one particular day in whole year. You should do that EVERY single day. Five times a day, each day, at least.

تو تم بھی یتیم پر ستم نہ کرنا (۹) اور مانگنے والے کو جھڑکی نہ دینا (۱۰) اور اپنے پروردگار کی نعمتوں کا بیان کرتے رہنا (۱۱)

Does this verse suggest that you should publicize the favours of ALLAH ONLY on 12-rabi-ul-awal???
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Allah orders in Quran:2:285: ...We make no difference between any of His messengers...

Allah says in Quran [2:253]

تِلْكَ الرُّسُلُ فَضَّلْنَا بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ ۘ مِّنْهُم مَّن كَلَّمَ اللَّهُ ۖ وَرَفَعَ بَعْضَهُمْ دَرَجَاتٍ
Those messengers - some of them We caused to exceed others. Among them were those to whom Allah spoke, and He raised some of them in degree ....
یہ پیغمبر (جو ہم وقتاً فوقتاً بھیجتے رہیں ہیں) ان میں سے ہم نے بعض کو بعض پر فضیلت دی ہے۔ بعض ایسے ہیں جن سے خدا نے گفتگو فرمائی اور بعض کے (دوسرے امور میں) مرتبے بلند کئے..

so please stop twisting everything to prove your point . Quote full Ayahs . I dont know what are you trying to prove here . Even Ahmadis believe that Muhammad (pbuh) was the greatest of all prophets ....

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