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" We Made It " - Voyager 1 leaves Solar sytem

One of the most endearing aspects -- and there are many -- about the Voyager missions is that they were meant as a milestone in humanity's scientific achievements as a whole.

I always find it amusing when political correctness makes fools out of people.

The original statement about man -- or Man -- is proper English since it is used to denote humanity as a whole.

The politically correct revision, using the phrase "no one", is idiotic since the aliens who live "there" have surely gone there already!

Unless, of course, you assume that the Federation is the be-all and end-all of creation, and all other aliens are just there for our entertainment.
Agreed 100%!! 'Man' denotes humanity and that includes women too! And yes, we surely aren't the only ones in this huge universe! Our Solar System formed just about 4 billion years ago while the universe is 15 billion years old. There could be star systems that came into being billions of years before the Solar System was formed. That means there are super advanced civilizations billions of years ahead of us in technology!!

We've achieved tremendous progress within just the last 100 years or so, from scientists who said it was impossible for heavier than air machines to fly, to landing on the Moon, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, biological computers, spacecraft hurtling away from the edge of the Solar System and so on! Now think what civilizations billions of years ahead of us in technology must have achieved!!!

As Arthur C. Clarke famously wrote, any advanced alien technology would be indistinguishable from magic. Now, I would love to see what they and their planets look like! :woot:

Some advanced civilizations may be living in huge artificial worlds, called 'Dyson Spheres', probably bigger than any of our planets in the Solar System! Like this one.....


Countless such artificial worlds could well be journeying across the universe at FTL velocities - TO EXPLORE AND TO GO WHERE NO ONE HAS BEEN BEFORE!

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

- Hamlet (1.5.166-7), Hamlet to Horatio
Where did i say he was the father?
I was only pointing out he had influence through his book on space programmes of both USA and Russia and that not all contributions were from nazi Germany and some Chinese dude you are propagating here, while everyone knows Chinese rockets are Russian originated.

And spare me the fireworks attempts of ancient times, this is not a thread for that.
My initial post deal with origin of modern rocketry and you came out of nowhere quoting me and putting his name, which implied your desire to challenge my statement. Am I right, bud?

You keep propagating that **** again. Give evidence that Chinese rockets are Russian originated or shut up.
A history of lesson on Rocket origin:

The availability of black powder (gunpowder) to propel projectiles was a precursor to experiments as weapons such as bombs, cannon, incendiary fire arrows and rocket-propelled fire arrows. The discovery of gunpowder was probably the product of centuries of alchemical experimentation in which Taoist alchemists were trying to create an elixir of immortality that would allow the person ingesting it to become physically immortal. However, anyone with a wood fire would have observed the acceleration of combustion that accidentally-chosen saltpetre-containing rocks would have produced.

Exactly when the first flights of rockets occurred is contested. Merely lighting a centimeter-sized solid lump of gunpowder on one side can cause it to move via reaction (even without a nozzle for efficiency), so confinement in a tube and other design refinements may easily have followed for the experimentally-minded with ready access to saltpetre.

A problem for dating the first rocket flight is that Chinese fire arrows can be either arrows with explosives attached, or arrows propelled by gunpowder. There were reports of fire arrows and 'iron pots' that could be heard for 5 leagues (25 km, or 15 miles) when they exploded, causing devastation for a radius of 600 meters (2,000 feet), apparently due to shrapnel. A common claim is that the first recorded use of a rocket in battle was by the Chinese in 1232 against the Mongol hordes at Kai Feng Fu. However, the lowering of iron pots there may have been a way for a besieged army to blow up invaders. A scholarly reference occurs in the Ko Chieh Ching Yuan (The Mirror of Research), states that in 998 AD a man named Tang Fu invented a fire arrow of a new kind having an iron head.

Less controversially, one of the earliest devices recorded that used internal-combustion rocket propulsion, was the 'ground-rat,' a type of firework recorded in 1264 as having frightened the Empress-Mother Kung Sheng at a feast held in her honor by her son the Emperor Lizong.

Subsequently, one of the earliest texts to mention the use of rockets was the Huolongjing, written by the Chinese artillery officer Jiao Yu in the mid-14th century. This text also mentioned the use of the first known multistage rocket, the 'fire-dragon issuing from the water' (huo long chu shui), used mostly by the Chinese navy.

Spread of rocket technology

Rocket technology was first known to Europeans following its use by the Mongols Genghis Khan and Ögedei Khan when they conquered parts of Russia, Eastern, and Central Europe. The Mongolians had acquired the Chinese technology by conquest of the northern part of China and by the subsequent employment of Chinese rocketry experts as mercenaries for the Mongol military. Reports of the Battle of Mohi in the year 1241 describe the use of rocket-like weapons by the Mongols against the Magyars. Rocket technology also spread to Korea, with the 15th century wheeled hwacha that would launch singijeon rockets. Additionally, the spread of rockets into Europe was also influenced by the Ottomans at the siege of Constantinople in 1453, although it is very likely that the Ottomans themselves were influenced by the Mongol invasions of the previous few centuries. In their history of rockets published on the Internet, NASA says "Rockets appear in Arab literature in 1258 A.D., describing Mongol invaders' use of them on February 15 to capture the city of Baghdad."

Between 1270 and 1280, Hasan al-Rammah wrote al-furusiyyah wa al-manasib al-harbiyya (The Book of Military Horsemanship and Ingenious War Devices), which included 107 gunpowder recipes, 22 of which are for rockets. According to Ahmad Y Hassan, al-Rammah's recipes were more explosive than rockets used in China at the time. The terminology used by al-Rammah indicated a Chinese origin for the gunpowder weapons he wrote about, such as rockets and fire lances. Ibn al-Baytar, an Arab from Spain who had immigrated to Egypt, gave the name "snow of China" (Arabic: ثلج الصين‎ thalj al-Sin) to describe saltpetre. Al-Baytar died in 1248.[14][15] The earlier Arab historians call saltpeter "Chinese snow" and " Chinese salt;" The Arabs also used the name "Chinese arrows" to refer to rockets. The Arabs attached "Chinese" to various names for gunpowder related objects. "Chinese flowers" was the name for fireworks, while "Chinese Snow" was given to saltpeter and "Chinese arrows" to rockets. While saltpeter was called "Chinese Snow" by Arabs, it was called "Chinese salt" by the Iranians/Persians.

The name Rocket comes from the Italian Rocchetta (i.e. little fuse), a name of a small firecracker created by the Italian artificer Muratori in 1379.
My initial post deal with origin of modern rocketry and you came out of nowhere quoting me and putting his name, which implied your desire to challenge my statement. Am I right, bud?

lol chi bot, throughout this thread you've trying to peddle some crap about how ancient fireworks and some Chinese dude that happened to interrogate von Braun (who knows if he really did, no source was given while you demand source from others) were fathers of modern rocketry. Please.....you've hijacked another thread just for the sake of 50 cents, but at least i'll make you look like a tool that knows nothing but reading from a script for it.

#edit: Also, in that post you talked about contribution to both Russian and US space programmes, making my comment spot on.
But you just try to score brownie points by fabricating claims like i said Potocnik is the father of rocketry and trying to mock me with it because you can't do it on your own. Weakling.
No wonder your government is putting up jailtime laws for spreading rumours on the net, if censors are so weak like you...i'd be scared too if i was CCP. :lol:

You keep propagating that **** again. Give evidence that Chinese rockets are Russian originated or shut up.

During the cordial Sino-Soviet relations of the 1950s, the USSR engaged in a cooperative technology transfer program with the PRC under which they trained Chinese students and provided the fledgling program with a sample R-2 rocket.
The first Chinese missile was built in October 1958 as a reverse-engineered copy of the Soviet R-2 short-range ballistic missile (SRBM), itself an upgraded version of a German V-2 rocket. Its range was 590 km, weighing 20.5 tons and propelled with liquid oxygen and alcohol.

Chinese space program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just imagine! it's taken 36 years for a spacecraft to leave the Solar System traveling at 1.6 million km per day! Now check out this video. It's just mind blowing. Yes! The universe is so huge it's incomprehensible! Trillions upon trillions of galaxies, each with billions of star systems and ours is just one miniscule part of our galaxy somewhere in the nondescript outer periphery of one of the galaxy's spiral arms.

Here...Enjoy....(This is just the KNOWN universe. Also don't forget to read the descriptions on the top and bottom edges of the screen).

And Voyager has just left the Solar System after 36 years traveling at more than 70,000 kmh!!! :woot:
One of the best cosmos maps I have seen yet
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Götterdämmerung;4766424 said:
The article of OP was published by TOI. Title of thread and title of article don't match. Didn't know that TOI is US American.

Having seen you guys taking credit of others, it's reasonable to assume that you guys also take credit of the Voyager.

Oh, look a bunch of Indian, like a pack of hyenas going after me. LOL
From what I remember when these launched....a lot of international cooperation in scientific and cultural input.
lol chi bot, throughout this thread you've trying to peddle some crap about how ancient fireworks and some Chinese dude that happened to interrogate von Braun (who knows if he really did, no source was given while you demand source from others) were fathers of modern rocketry. Please.....you've hijacked another thread just for the sake of 50 cents, but at least i'll make you look like a tool that knows nothing but reading from a script for it.

#edit: Also, in that post you talked about contribution to both Russian and US space programmes, making my comment spot on.
But you just try to score brownie points by fabricating claims like i said Potocnik is the father of rocketry and trying to mock me with it because you can't do it on your own. Weakling.
No wonder your government is putting up jailtime laws for spreading rumours on the net, if censors are so weak like you...i'd be scared too if i was CCP. :lol:
Typical white-trash redneck spilling rubbish and manipulation of information. This is a common knowledge in Space and Rocket Science and do not need citation unless you are willing to read. If yes, go read the history of Rocket Science, and two guys biography of Wernher von Braun and Qian Xuesen that you can find on Google. And come back to me after you finish and stop wasting my time.

Man, grow a ******* brain first. You are talking about a sample of a missile.
Typical white-trash redneck spilling rubbish and manipulation of information. This is a common knowledge in Space and Rocket Science and do not need citation unless you are willing to read. If yes, go read the history of Rocket Science, and two guys biography of Wernher von Braun and Qian Xuesen that you can find on Google. And come back to me after you finish and stop wasting my time.
Man, grow a ******* brain first. You are talking about a sample of a missile.

lol, i'm talking about the Russian foundation of what you call "indigenous", but in your desperate attempts to spew garbage paid for by the CCP you call it a sample.......i know, you have to make it look like China takes credit for most of the things that happened, because this is the Chinese shit narrative and you're an agent for it's propagation.

But surprise, surprise it isn't so indigenous as soon as one takes a more thorough look at it, just like everything in the copy cat kingdom.
Even the "indigenous" DF family of missiles is cobbled up together from scraps of knowledge Qian brought from the USA and it's familiarity to Russian systems it's predecessors we're clones of is evident from the shape of the crew module and crew escape system, which is identical to Russian.

This would be called misinterpretation and manipulation of information on your part, yellow trash bot.
From what I remember when these launched....a lot of international cooperation in scientific and cultural input.

If there was any co-operations, then it was with either with Canada, Western Europe and Japan, nobody else, certainly not with India.
Götterdämmerung;4772076 said:
If there was any co-operations, then it was with either with Canada, Western Europe and Japan, nobody else, certainly not with India.

get over your narrow thinking...

its an achievement for whole mankind. no one is denying US the credit for this great step.
Is the rest of the world even trying? America, in her incredibly short history, has shown that it is the greatest country to have ever existed. The sum of all the achievements of all other countries through time do not amount to a fraction of America's. Truly awe inspiring.

Awesome comment! Thank you!

No one ever credits America for anything, like EVER.. lol

The USA deserves credit for putting together a set of minds and people. The "people" in this regard is international. Two of the biggest player in rocket science is Wernher von Braun and Qian Xuesen. This sum up beautifully, "The American journal Aviation Week & Space Technology would name Qian its Person of the Year in 2007, and comment on his interrogation of von Braun, "No one then knew that the father of the future U.S. space program was being quizzed by the father of the future Chinese space program."

Bull, of course you had to add your own guy in there. Have you taken a look at a pic of the Voyager designers?

LOL The USA recruited and forced Nazi German scientists, physicians, intellectuals, and engineers and these people are Nazi member. Let not kid ourselves that these people want to immigrate to America. They were force and imprison, giving a special identity to work under US govt.

As for achievement, obviously our Ethnic Chinese population is small relative to European immigrant to America. But giving our ratio population, we contribute immensely in the US's scientific achievement, namely Qian Xuesen for rocketry and his cousin Roger Tsien in chemistry, Steven Chu, Samuel Ting in Physics. Not to mention, half of the America's Math and Physics Olympiad candidates are Ethnic Chinese. We also build railroad in America. Outside of Jew and German, we are probably the 2nd most accomplished minority in the USA.

If you consider ethnic Germans a minority, then who the hell are the majority? Irish, Italian, French, Dutch, Scottish, Welsh, Swedish, Belgian, Spanish, Norwegian, Russian, Finnish, Swiss, Austrian, and many others have contributed more than Chinese.
Congratulations to NASA and the Voyager I team.

get over your narrow thinking...

its an achievement for whole mankind. no one is denying US the credit for this great step.

It's an achievement for the whole of mankind but not by all of mankind.
But now NA can not go ahead without the Chinese and South Asian immigrant students. Only one white girl(Canadian) and a white guy(Student from Austria) Graduate student in my electrical engineering department. It is almost the same in USA as well
LOL The USA recruited and forced Nazi German scientists, physicians, intellectuals, and engineers and these people are Nazi member. Let not kid ourselves that these people want to immigrate to America. They were force and imprison, giving a special identity to work under US govt.

As for achievement, obviously our Ethnic Chinese population is small relative to European immigrant to America. But giving our ratio population, we contribute immensely in the US's scientific achievement, namely Qian Xuesen for rocketry and his cousin Roger Tsien in chemistry, Steven Chu, Samuel Ting in Physics. Not to mention, half of the America's Math and Physics Olympiad candidates are Ethnic Chinese. We also build railroad in America. Outside of Jew and German, we are probably the 2nd most accomplished minority in the USA.
Here is why your argument strains credulity...

Whenever something is said to be 'Chinese invention' or 'American accomplishment' or 'German engineered', the proper context is that there is a political entity involved, such as 'China' or 'The United States of America' or 'Germany', that were behind that effort. The Apollo program was a pure American accomplishment. Not Chinese. Not Germany. Of course there were people of either Chinese and Germany descent involved, but those individuals were part of the collective effort sponsored by a political entity called 'The United States of America' to land humans on the Moon. National resources, from human to material, were involved. If the US imported rare metals from Africa for the Apollo vehicles, does that mean it was a Zimbabwean or Nigerian project as well since native Africans must have extracted and sold the rare metals to US?

If an ethnic Chinese or even a Chinese citizen contributed to the Space Shuttle in anyway, his ideas would be worthless if it were not for other contributors to the program who took his ideas, refined them, and implemented them. But in the end, the Space Shuttle would be a purely American accomplishment.

Petty jealousy is what I see here...
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