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We hate the CCP but love Chinese people is bullsh*t

Ascend to the top of what? You got 1.2 billion mouths to feed, and you are yet to achieve a developed nation status despite the 2nd highest GDP. You are giving away money meant for the citizens to buy yourself an alliance among teeny weeny countries ( many are quitting now). LOL, he says 'ascend.'
china has no such thing as alliance
Are you saying East Asians are genetically superior to South Asians? Do you recognize the implications of your statement?

It seems like genetically Superior is a Hitler and a Chinese thing these days.
However I do recognize hard work. The point is if the Government stays out of the way, and there is general respect for property rights along with law and order that society will thrive.
We hate the CCP but love Chinese people is bullsh*t

We hate the CCP but love Chinese people is bullsh*t

This is the same old statement of lies just they have replaced the word Iraqi people with the Chinese people. Once George Bush loved Iraqi people so much too and same sentence was used by Hillary for the Libyan people. They loved those countries so much that they have to bomb the hell of those countries to non existence. Then came the Trump who loved the Syrians so much that their cities got destroyed and poor Syrians civilians to have to run for their lives and drowned themselves while perfecting the art of walking on the sea water.
While Iraqi, Libyan and Syrian oil fields are occupied and plundered by foreign occupiers and they love those countries people so much that they don't even accept them as refugees. I just want to play the song " i need to know the meaning of love" and jump off the window ledge as i know the result of such love but not the meaning.
china has no such thing as alliance

what it has is sucker loans that eventually piss off the people of those countries.
It seems like genetically Superior is a Hitler and a Chinese thing these days.
However I do recognize hard work. The point is if the Government stays out of the way, and there is general respect for property rights along with law and order that society will thrive.

Your words, not mine. you confessed right here that you believe in genetic predisposition of behavior between ethnic groups.
I bet you have never been to China in the last 20-30 years, and had no idea what CCP means to regular Chinese folks, barring those testfying in congress.

I have but I don’t learn much. There is only so much you can see while shuttling between airports, hotels and office buildings. I hear opinions from the people I interact with, hyper nationalism is prevalent, some cloak it reasonably well others are overcome by their passion.

I learn a lot more from the everyday people I have befriended over time. Like Hotel receptionist or the office assigned driver. The social divide is startling , the covenant established by Mao’s CCP with the peasants is broken. The majority of the people that love the CCP are the ones that owe their current social standing to the CCP. The days of CCP sending a party worker to help till a peasants farm or prioritizing labor rights over commercial interest is long gone. The party is all powerful so the little people unfortunately don’t matter. The only real threat to the CCP is from an internal power struggle.

... back to flipping burgers
The days of CCP sending a party worker to help till a peasants farm or prioritizing labor rights over commercial interest is long gone. The party is all powerful so the little people unfortunately don’t matter. The only real threat to the CCP is from an internal power struggle.

Then you haven't paid attention to China's demestic affair for the past 8-10 years. Since 2013, CCP has dispatched 3+ millions members, ususally young low ranking CCP officers, to the most remote or poorest parts of rural China to alliviate extreme poverty, and 1800+ of them died in process.

When China annouced in the end of last year, that it successfully eliminated the extreme poverty nation wide, how many outsiders in the west realize or care it was not a small feat in the country of 1.4 billion?
Your words, not mine. you confessed right here that you believe in genetic predisposition of behavior between ethnic groups.

Lets us analyze your theory.
So why did superior China suffered 100 years of shame ?
How did superior Chinese CCP managed to turn China into the biggest s**thole of the known universe well into the 1980s ?

BTW CCP exists not because of Mao, but because of Stalin. Stalin transferred all surrendered Japanese weapons' to China with training in 1945. Stalin offered and gave China tons of technology transfer.

Unfortunately Mao badmouthed and backstabbed Russia at every opportunity. After Mao successfully turned China into the biggest s**thole of the known universe, it was the Americans policies helped China out of its miseries. If it wasn't for American policies against Soviet Union in Afghanistan , China would still be largest s**thole in the know universe.

The Bengal region always had the highest wealth in the world for thousands of years, you are not going to find a single BD poster bring these up.
Then you haven't paid attention to China's demestic affair for the past 8-10 years. Since 2013, CCP has dispatched 3+ millions members, ususally young low ranking CCP officers, to the most remote or poorest parts of rural China to alliviate extreme poverty, and 1800+ of them died in process.

When China annouced in the end of last year, that it successfully eliminated the extreme poverty nation wide, how many outsiders in the west realize or care it was not a small feat in the country of 1.4 billion?

millions of “low ranking“ party workers led by thousands of largely corrupt mid level party officials set lose on the low - mid income citizenry - what could possibly go wrong? And you claim you know the real China?
Japan or S.Korea is like France or Germany in Europe. China is like Russia in Europe. US would allow France and Germany to develop to certain level(certain). But it would never allow Russia to develop to that "certain level". For US, small countries are easy to control. Russia and China are too big to be controlled. China's economic success is much more difficult than other east Asian countries.

Historically the dominant power has always tried to keep everyone else in check. The next dominant power will walk the same line.
millions of “low ranking“ party workers led by thousands of largely corrupt mid level party officials set lose on the low - mid income citizenry - what could possibly go wrong? And you claim you know the real China?

The American bottom 50% got poorer in the last 30 yrs, reason for the Trump rise.
The American bottom 50% got poorer in the last 30 yrs, reason for the Trump rise.

may be true even so I didn’t claim the US government or political parties past or present is loved by Americans? Now stick to the topic please. Your attempt at whataboutism at the behest of iron bro is quite transparent and easily side stepped.
may be true even so I didn’t claim the US government or political parties past or present is loved by Americans? Now stick to the topic please. Your attempt at whataboutism at the behest of iron bro is quite transparent and easily side stepped.

Bro, I am serious here, I have good friendships with American Service families, mainly Army and Marines but also Navy and a few Airforce.

The last 20 years have these families very resentful that they have suffered and the spoils going to immigrants and minorities. They are so desperate and disillusioned that I was surprised, remember these are the best American has.
Lets us analyze your theory.
So why did superior China suffered 100 years of shame ?
How did superior Chinese CCP managed to turn China into the biggest s**thole of the known universe well into the 1980s ?

BTW CCP exists not because of Mao, but because of Stalin. Stalin transferred all surrendered Japanese weapons' to China with training in 1945. Stalin offered and gave China tons of technology transfer.

Unfortunately Mao badmouthed and backstabbed Russia at every opportunity. After Mao successfully turned China into the biggest s**thole of the known universe, it was the Americans policies helped China out of its miseries. If it wasn't for American policies against Soviet Union in Afghanistan , China would still be largest s**thole in the know universe.

The Bengal region always had the highest wealth in the world for thousands of years, you are not going to find a single BD poster bring these up.

When did I say China was superior? Find the exact words where I said this? You can't. You yourself talked about 'hard work' being a predisposition of Koreans, Japanese, Singaporeans and other East Asians. So you confessed to belief in genetic differences in behavior.

You then go on this rant about China being the biggest shithole in the universe (lmao). When people think Bangladesh, what do you think is the word that comes to mind? Again, you were the one that brought up whose a shithole and who isn't, not me. I didn't bring up ethnic differences in behavior, you did. You opened this line of inquiry, I'm just following it.
When did I say China was superior? Find the exact words where I said this? You can't. You yourself talked about 'hard work' being a predisposition of Koreans, Japanese, Singaporeans and other East Asians. So you confessed to belief in genetic differences in behavior.

You then go on this rant about China being the biggest shithole in the universe (lmao). When people think Bangladesh, what do you think is the word that comes to mind? Again, you were the one that brought up whose a shithole and who isn't, not me. I didn't bring up ethnic differences in behavior, you did. You opened this line of inquiry, I'm just following it.

You brought up the superior race thing my Chinese friend , not me. High IQ is like a fetish among some Chinese posters.
Historically ( like thousands of years ) all those nations were very poor comparing to South Asia specially the Bengal region. So if I go by your reasoning, East Asian people have only been smart for a few decades. How much sense does that make ?

So why high IQ Xi Jingping sends his daughter to Harvard University, located in a nation rapidly becoming a 2nd class power ?

BTW who paid her annual $60,000.00 a year tuition and other fees ?
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