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We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

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Representative of Indian Muslims? Howcome ? Is there any separate voting system for Muslims in India ?

Is there any Muslim political party in India ?

he is not representative of Muslims but the rep of majority Hindu political party that had got him elected.

Otherwise Modi was also voted by Muslims can you call him rep of Muslims who had massacared 5000 Muslims in Gujrat.

Agree to whatever you say.

One person's opinion needn't be generalised. True, but then if an muslim is illtreated or shot dead by the police you should not generalise it as Indian muslims been mistreated. Deal ?
Go check statements from your own govt that says cross border movement is a fraction of what is was from before.
We have followed through on our word that if india is willing to have sincere negotiations we will take the first step and put a stop the border movement......a condtion you wanted forfilled before negotiations could start.....whats your excuse now.
Its your turn to make a major concession or we end up where we where a decade ago.

Why dont we ask the kashmiris what they want.......if they hate pakistan so much would they not vote to join india under a UN vote?:cheers:

There is no provision in the Indian constitution thats allows us to do that.
Agree to whatever you say.

One person's opinion needn't be generalised. True, but then if an muslim is illtreated or shot dead by the police you should not generalise it as Indian muslims been mistreated. Deal ?

Agreed we should avoid generalization but when an entire Gujrat State machinery is supporting the killing of Muslims then it can not be called work of an individual.

When mob of thousands of hardliner Hindus are attacking Babri Mosque that can not be called isolated case.

The mistreatment of Muslims is not something new since independence India failed to integerate them into mainstream owing to the only reason that they are Muslims.

Once they are considered Indians in true sense it will add to progress of India instead of any harm.
The only reason why this thread has been viewd 3000 times is because Pakistanis cant come to terms that with the brutal reality of having their sympathies rejected by Indian Muslims. And now they make the noises that Maulvi is a hindu in disguise.

What is rocket science for them is the failure to comprehend how India is one despite having the most number of religions in the world. But this can never be understood who by those who were born out of hate.
The only reason why this thread has been viewd 3000 times is because Pakistanis cant come to terms that with the brutal reality of having their sympathies rejected by Indian Muslims.

Out of 3000 hits believe 2999 would be Indian vistors because they cant miss any chance to prove it to the world that real face of India is not what has been shown in Slumdog but it is all goody goody shining India.
Agreed we should avoid generalization but when an entire Gujrat State machinery is supporting the killing of Muslims then it can not be called work of an individual.

When mob of thousands of hardliner Hindus are attacking Babri Mosque that can not be called isolated case.

Has not any Hindus or christians died in riots, or is it that only muslims die.
Among those who are criticizing the standards of Indian Muslims, did you ever had an opportunity to visit India?....I am from Hyderabad, and being an advocate I know how muslims or for that matter rule of law which prevails in our Judicial System... We had a Muslim Women as the Chief Justice Of India and we have prominent Muslims as Chief Justice's of various High Courts of the states and in Law making positions..

... If you ever come to Hyderabad you would understand the unity which prevails among us. My best friend happens to be a Musalman, we in India celebrate Ramzan and other festivals and you will not believe that even the Best of MNC's in India allow the muslims who work to take time off to offer the prayers and in HSBC's premises they had a Huge Shamyanee put up for the muslims to offer their prayers...

... Its hard to believe that such learned members on these forum had forgotten the basic fundamentals of Islam that it is not confined to Pakistan but every Muslim in India has a strong attachment towards Islam and would abide by holy Quran...

... Its just the misconception in your minds that Indian Muslims doesn't have rights where in different states in India have special budgetary allocation for welfare of Muslim community and I know for use the state of Andhra Pradesh has a huge allocation this time around in constructing more schools and higher educational institutions...

... So take a step back when you are trying to hardline an approach of a country towards its own people coz you don't have a dime of an Idea as to how Indian Muslims are treated, they happen to be our brothers and sisters, friends, spouses, relatives and a part of Integrated India..
Just to remind you ... thats not Indian Governments way
Indian Govts way is to incorporate entire state of J and K.
LoC is somewhere between all our ways.

Yes keep on dreaming about that way.
No it was not 1000 even independent sources claimed more than 2000 Muslims were massacared to death in Gujrat.

And yet you quoted 5000? :tdown:

the fact is that both the state govt run by BJP and the central govt run by the Congress have declared rehab and compensation packages, infact very generous ones by indian standards based on the official numbers (1000, 600+ muslims, 300+ hindus). so if these numbers are incorrect, they will be updated as people come forward to claim compensation. after all there are scores of NGOs working to help the victims and they are very vocal. same applies to the wiley hindu reporters / bloggers / activists etc who spoke out against the riots.

Compare that to the relative silence in pakistan where in the past year probably a higher no of shias have been killed in bajaur alone. you don't want to see it, but muslim indians do.
What i understand by your statements is that, you are blinded by the hate against hindus. And that mind can only see the a part of the picture but never the big picture. And i dont know what would be your response to the people who blame islam for spreading terror across the world???

So please try to get the logic, all hindus are not terrorists the same way all muslims are not moderates.

Yeah thats why I stopped replying him.....

He is not for a debate but just wants his views imposed. According to him since this is a Pakistani forum he can say whatever he feels and we should not even contest ....it leave alone another opinion.

Let him be happy, their are many resonable Pakistanis around with whom one can engage in a good debate.
atleast this MOD EDIT could have show some respect to an ex pres.
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Yeah, you are omnipresent, aren't you?

Stop acting like a magician. You know what was on the mind of Madani, you know what was on the mind of Musharraf and you know what is on the minds of all the Indian Muslims. What a piece of crap.

It is YOU, who seems to be trying to score some 'browny points' on this forum and talking without knowing any facts.

Only you Hindus believe in magicians and stuff, I don't.
I do think that I know that Musharraf's intentions weren't ill and that he tried to reach out to the Muslims in India, unfortunately, someone had to score some browny points with his Hindu masters, ohwell, Madani got a fitting reply, and it shows Musharraf's professionalism.
I don't know what's on the mind of all Indian Muslims, what I do know is that they have nothing to be proud of in India, and if anyone want's to prove me otherwise, please do go ahead.
The fact is that the statement from Madani was utterly useless and that Musharraf had no ill intentions at all, it's as simple as that, and the fact that you said that Musharraf is a "nobody" shows your lack of respect, atleast he isn't a midget, and you know who i'm referring to. ;)
Contrary to what you posted Blain, there is indeed a reason why Pakistani Muslims are in denial about Indian Hindu's and Muslims getting along. That is because Pakistan has been founded on the base of the logic that Hindu's and Muslims CANNOT get along.

Thus if they see Hindu's and Muslims getting along in India, the logic for the creation of Pakistan is challenged. And thus, the denial-that Muslims in "Hindu India"(as they are taught in Pakistan) are oppressed. This justifies Pakistan for them.

pakistan was formed and thats all, and will remain forever and don,t come here and talk to US about creation of pakistan and try to insinuate that the creation of pakistan was wrong.
i,m 100% satisfied of pakistan.i born in it free without any fear of being killed by hindus ect. i had all opprtunities.
we pakistanis don,t care what pakistan gave to us but what can we give to pakistan.and we care less of indian muslims
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