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We could see Pulwama coming – and there’s more to follow


Apr 28, 2011
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Pulwama attack that has claimed multiple CRPF jawans’ lives coming.


The Pulwama attack: Is this only the beginning? (Source: Reuters)

In fact, the preparation for today’s attack — apparently the worst terror strike in Kashmir over two decades at least — began in right earnest on January 17, with a grenade thrown right inside Srinagar, in the city’s central Rajbagh area, full of homes, offices and media outlets, wounding several police officers.

The discredit for this cowardliness was claimed by the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM). Two more grenade attacks then followed within 48 hours, in Srinagar, in Shopian, spread across the region.

On February 10 — just four days ago — a grenade was hurled at a CRPF contingent in Srinagar’s Lal Chowk, injuring over 11 people.

The aim was clearly perfected. The target was absolutely evident.


The Srinagar grenade attack was a statement. It should have been read as that. (Source: ANI)

These were no accidental explosions, set off by the usual feeble-minded Kashmiri militants whose idea of a joyful time is to explode whatever they can lay their hands on. This was a clear statement of intent — a series of small dry runs, deadly little dress rehearsals, all with one single aim in mind.

A big strike.

A big attack.

A big outrage.

Today’s Pulwama terrorist assault is exactly that.

And this is only the first.

As the situation in Afghanistan is poised to totally unravel, and as Pakistan plays a deadly game of chance with its homegrown lunatics, ever-itching to cross our border into our Kashmir and play with our lives, India can now expect a series of such craven attacks. Knowing that it cannot take on our extraordinary forces in full-blooded combat, terror groups — full of unwashed, brain-washed dimwits from across the border and within India too — will resort to throwing grenades and quickly running, setting off IEDs and scurrying, and occasionally blowing their own miserable selves up (the Pulwama suicide bomber, reports suggest, was trained in Afghanistan and drove an SUV containing around 200 kg of explosives) to earn the pathetic title of ‘fidayeen’.


This act of cowardliness in Pulwama was claimed by the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM). (Source: Twitter)

This is the time when India needs to gather its wits and its heart — not to mention, its military intelligence and resources — with great swiftness and sagacity.

This is also the time when we need to put aside the pettiness of our everyday politics and stand together, as one nation united against the lunacy of the neighbour and their backers.

And this is the time when we need to do all we can to strengthen our armed forces, with the best resources, the sharpest knowledge, the toughest weaponry, rather than lose the plot — perhaps even willingly — in political wind-bagging that only amounts to hot air.

And lost lives.

Indian lives.

Which are invaluable.

Which must be protected.

Whoever is behind this attack will pay dearly...they are already paying a heavy cost..but it seems that cost is not enough..they want to pay even more for it..be prepared for it
Allah jahannum waasil karay in murdaaron ko.
Allah insaaf ka saath deta hai..agar insaaf hindustan ke taraf hai to hindustan ka saath deta hai..agar pakistan ke taraf hai pakistan ka saath deta hai...Allah seems to be taking the side of Hindustan going by the recent incidents...Pakistan on the brink of economic collapse and India progressing
Politicians and generals play their games, soldiers and civilians, who have had no role in the animosities that exist today, have been dying, died today, and only God knows how many more will be killed in its retaliation. Whether in Pakistan or India or Kashmir.

The only solution that would come out one day is LOC being made Intl Border and easy movement of Kashmiris across LOC. One day this will happen maybe in a few decades or few centuries. Only God knows how many poor souls will die till that day. Since nukes no country can occupy each other's occupied territory, the sooner we accept this and move on, the better.

Its saddening whenever a soul is lost whether a Pakistani at the hands of RAW and NDS backed TTP, any Kashmiri at the hands of Indian Army, Brainwashed youth dying for the sake of 72 hoors or an indian army jawan dying for the politics played by dehli and rawalpindi.
Allah insaaf ka saath deta hai..agar insaaf hindustan ke taraf hai to hindustan ka saath deta hai..agar pakistan ke taraf hai pakistan ka saath deta hai...Allah seems to be taking the side of Hindustan going by the recent incidents...Pakistan on the brink of economic collapse and India progressing
HAHAHAHA! who is saying that Allah is on the side of Pakistan? all I know is that these assh*les were killing innocent kashmiris, and they hit back, and Allah is on the side of the oppressed not the oppressor. Plus, you dont really know much about Islam do you?

Politicians and generals play their games, soldiers and civilians, who have had no role in the animosities that exist today, have been dying, died today, and only God knows how many more will be killed in its retaliation. Whether in Pakistan or India or Kashmir.

The only solution that would come out one day is LOC being made Intl Border and easy movement of Kashmiris across LOC. One day this will happen maybe in a few decades or few centuries. Only God knows how many poor souls will die till that day. Since nukes no country can occupy each other's occupied territory, the sooner we accept this and move on, the better.

Its saddening whenever a soul is lost whether a Pakistani at the hands of RAW and NDS backed TTP, any Kashmiri at the hands of Indian Army, Brainwashed youth dying for the sake of 72 hoors or an indian army jawan dying for the politics played by dehli and rawalpindi.
i dont think anyone in delhi asked indian soldiers to tie a kashmiri man to their jeep. they did it on their own. and kashmir is not because of the politics, it is because it has been occupied against the wishes of its people.
HAHAHAHA! who is saying that Allah is on the side of Pakistan? all I know is that these assh*les were killing innocent kashmiris, and they hit back, and Allah is on the side of the oppressed not the oppressor. Plus, you dont really know much about Islam do you?

i dont think anyone in delhi asked indian soldiers to tie a kashmiri man to their jeep. they did it on their own. and kashmir is not because of the politics, it is because it has been occupied against the wishes of its people.
I know enough of Islam..but my Allah is not the Allah who rejoices at the killing of Kafirs...My Allah is not the Allah who divides humanity on the lines of Momeen and kafirs...My Allah is not the Allah who throws me into hell just because I don't worship him..My allah is not the Allah who orders his followers to raise his flag throughout the world by waging a bloody war...My allah gives you back good if you have done good and bad if you have done bad...he is above petty egoistic needs...he doesn't care whether a mere mortal like you and me worships him or not...for him every life form in this universe is same...he is neither biased nor jealous
I know enough of Islam..but my Allah is not the Allah who rejoices at the killing of Kafirs...My Allah is not the Allah who divides humanity on the lines of Momeen and kafirs...My Allah is not the Allah who throws me into hell just because I don't worship him..My allah is not the Allah who orders his followers to raise his flag throughout the world by waging a bloody war...My allah gives you back good if you have done good and bad if you have done bad...he is above petty egoistic needs...he doesn't care whether a mere mortal like you and me worships him or not...for him every life form in this universe is same...he is neither biased nor jealous
I rest my case.

Who said we're out of options? We have a lot of options, one that includes a great deal of Human rights violations and unmarked graves. This time there will not be much sympathies from Indians themselves.
there you go, truth, finally. therefore what happened was fully justified and an act of defensive war, not terrorism.
there you go, truth, finally. therefore what happened was fully justified and an act of defensive war, not terrorism.
Since when I denied using high hand approach in dealing with terrorism.

We have killed terrorists without blinking an eye thinking about their human rights. We might have tortured them, and I hope they did more.
Since when I denied using high hand approach in dealing with terrorism.

We have killed terrorists without blinking an eye thinking about their human rights. We might have tortured them, and I hope they did more.
and then paid with you worthless soldiers' lives. so why the hue and cry?
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