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We are with Kashmiris in their struggle for independence: DG ISPR

We are with Kashmiris in their struggle for independence: DG ISPR
Dawn.comSeptember 04, 2019
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Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, the director general of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), on Wednesday told the people of Indian-occupied Kashmir that the Pakistani armed forces were standing by them and will go to any length to protect their land.

Addressing a press conference at the General Headquarters on the situation in occupied Kashmir since the Indian government revoked its special autonomy, the military's spokesperson also said a "befitting response" will be given to any false-flag operation staged by India.

"I want to give this message to Kashmiris that we stand by you and will continue to do so. It is sad that your independence struggle was presented as terrorism," he said.

"Kashmir is our jugular vein and we will go to any lengths to protect it."


The spectrum of conflict as shared by DG ISPR. — Screengrab

Maj Gen Ghafoor began his presser by saying that he would talk about the situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir and its effect on national security.

He said Pakistan's geographical situation cannot be ignored by regional countries or world powers.

"India is a country with a huge population, a follower of Hitler is in power [there]. The world community has interests in India.

"Then there is China, an emerging world power. China has issues with India as well but their economic relations with India are stable. Afghanistan has seen nothing but war, martyrdom and loss of lives," he added.

Maj Gen Ghafoor said Pakistan has good relations with Iran but due to the situation in the Middle East, Iran is facing some problems. "But Iran has a huge role in regional peace," he added.

'We have avoided escalation'
"In India, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Nazi ideology are in power. They endanger minorities including Muslims and Dalits," he said, adding that the situation is such in India that there is no religious or social freedom there.

In occupied Kashmir, he said, the "fascist" government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has "uprooted Nehru's step for the region".

In contrast, the armed forces have established peace in Pakistan and the country is also playing its role for regional peace.

"We have avoided escalation," he said of recent tensions with India over occupied Kashmir.

He said Prime Minister Imran Khan in his first speech after taking office had extended an offer of dialogue to India "in response to which they sent in two warplanes and received a fitting reply".

"Nuclear countries have no room for war," the military's spokesperson said.

'Kashmir is our jugular vein'
He said India has "indirectly continued to attack Pakistan", an example of which he said was Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav.

"We are playing a role in the Afghan reconciliation process. If peace is established in Afghanistan, our troops deployed at the western border will probably be removed.

"Maybe India thinks that it should take action against us that would weaken us. We want to tell India that wars are not only fought with weapons and economy but with patriotism.

"The Quaid-i-Azam's vision and our belief is that Kashmir is our jugular vein."

He recalled that there are United Nations resolutions on the conflict in Kashmir.

"Recently Modi took an immoral step and repealed Article 370 of the Indian constitution. This is no longer a conflict of ideologies."

He said Pakistan has been fighting a hybrid war for the past 20 years and considering the conflict spectrum, Pakistan's options of response revolved around economy, diplomacy, finance, intelligence, etc.


Pakistan's response spectrum as shared by DG ISPR. — DawnNewsTV

"For the first time in 50 years, the UN Security Council held a session on Kashmir. PM and the foreign minister have talked to several nations' heads and foreign ministers.

"Modi says he doesn't want mediation. If you don't want mediation, then what did you talk to [US President Donald] Trump about?" he said.

Thanking international and local media for effectively covering the oppression in Kashmir, he said the issue of Kashmir which was previously ignored by the world has now gained international attention.

"No step by Indian authorities that does not lead to the self-determination of Kashmiris is acceptable to us," Maj Gen Ghafoor said.

At the same time, he added, "Any isolated step by us that might take the attention away from Kashmir issue will be cruelty to them.

"Armies protect a nation's sovereignty. When that is threatened, warfighting becomes a compulsion instead of a choice. It is up to India and the rest of the world.

"How can you think that we can do a deal over Kashmir? we have not agreed to do that in 72 years, why would we do that now?" the ISPR chief said.

Maj Gen Ghafoor's press conference comes amidst heightened tensions between India and Pakistan following the Indian government's decision to unilaterally revoke Article 370 of its constitution, which granted special autonomy to occupied Kashmir. A communications blackout and heavy restrictions on movement imposed by the Indian authorities from the eve of this development entered their 31st day today.

Following India's decision to repeal Article 370, Pakistan downgraded diplomatic relations with New Delhi and suspended all bilateral trade. The Indian ambassador was asked to leave and train and bus services with India were also suspended.

'Army chief did not want extension'
In response to a question, Maj Gen Ghafoor said the decision to grant an extension to Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa was a prerogative of the prime minister, which he had exercised.

"Army chief did not want [an extension]. After over 40 years of service, every person wants to return to normal life and rest, but he has personal rapport with many nations' heads. It was the prime minister's prerogative and he exercised it and let's hope it pays off," he added.

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If there no room for war then why not to disban the army ? What shit is this ? In diplomacy they forgot about defence.
Nuclear states have no room for war: DG ISPR
Dawn.comSeptember 04, 2019
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Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor is addressing a press conference at the General Headquarters.

He began his presser by saying that he would talk about the situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir and its effect on national security.

He said Pakistan's geographical situation cannot be ignored by regional countries or world powers.

"India is a country with a huge population, a follower of Hitler is in power [there]. The world community has interests in India.

"Then there is China, an emerging world power. China has issues with India as well but their economic relations with India are stable. Afghanistan has seen nothing but war, martyrdom and loss of lives," he added.

Maj Gen Ghafoor said Pakistan has good relations with Iran but due to the situation in the Middle East, Iran is facing some problems. "But Iran has a huge role in regional peace," he added.

"In India, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Nazi ideology are in power. They endanger minorities including Muslims and Dalits," he said, adding that the situation is such in India that there is no religious or social freedom there.

In occupied Kashmir, he said, the "fascist" government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has "uprooted Nehru's step for the region".

In contrast, the armed forces have established peace in Pakistan and the country is also playing its role for regional peace.

"We have avoided escalation," he said of recent tensions with India over occupied Kashmir.

He said Prime Minister Imran Khan in his first speech after taking office had extended an offer of dialogue to India "in response to which they sent in two warplanes and received a fitting reply".

"Nuclear countries have no room for war," the military's spokesperson said.

He said India has "indirectly continued to attack Pakistan", an example of which he said was Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav.

"We are playing a role in the Afghan reconciliation process. If peace is established in Afghanistan, our troops deployed at the western border will probably be removed.

"Maybe India thinks that it should take action against us that would weaken us. We want to tell India that wars are not only fought with weapons and economy but with patriotism.

"The Quaid-i-Azam's vision and our belief is that Kashmir is our jugular vein."

He recalled that there are United Nations resolutions on the conflict in Kashmir.

"Recently Modi took an immoral step and repealed Article 370 of the Indian constitution. This is no longer a conflict of ideologies."

Maj Gen Ghafoor's press conference comes amidst heightened tensions between India and Pakistan following the Indian government's decision to unilaterally revoke Article 370 of its constitution, which granted special autonomy to occupied Kashmir. A communications blackout and heavy restrictions on movement imposed by the Indian authorities from the eve of this development entered their 31st day today.

Following India's decision to repeal of Article 370, Pakistan downgraded diplomatic relations with New Delhi and suspended all bilateral trade. Train and bus services with India were also suspended.

More to follow.

so finally they have given to a shut up call to all the war mongers . yesterday IK said this and today the military.

india made a very calculated move. they knew our weaknesses and played their cards. pakistanis should forget kashmir.
why not to disban the army ?
Disbanding army is like disbanding Pakistan without pak army there won't be any Pakistan army is the only thing which is keeping Pakistan united
Aur bhi Kam Hain dunya main jang Kay siwa
@waz @Dubious @WebMaster

Post reported and so as the poster. Mods please take action against such trolls.

Against what? We are not a banana republic - people are allowed opinions.


I am listening to the actual press conference - he says a lot of stuff that isn't printed in the article. This article is pure spin from Dawn.

For example;

- He says PK has 200,000 soldiers deployed on Afghan border, peace in Afghanistan will mean they are redeployed away from there. He says Afghan peace process is important for that. He says India is trying to take advantage of that deployment thinking it is a weak point for us that we are unable to respond fully.

- He says India thinks we are stuck, but any misadventure will be met by the same fate as they got on 27th Feb.

He talks about this diagram;

View attachment 577543

He says India has launched sub conventional war on us for 20 years.

He talks about a spectrum of responses. He states;

View attachment 577545

Military, intelligence, diplomacy, information, finance, law etc. He says Pakistan is responding on all of these fronts.

Talks about false flags and potential for loc violations - says they're ready to respond.

Denies any deal over Kashmir - "over our dead bodies".

Asked if war is not an option. Said it is the role of FM to resolve things via diplomacy, says PM has a similar role. Says if other options don't succeed, war becomes an option, sometimes by compulsion. We will go to any extent.

Asked about nuclear red lines, including cold start. He said it is a detterence, but won't say anything specific, it is state policy. He says such policies aren't made or changed in press conferences.

Asked about redeployment away from Afghan border. He said once there is peace, focus will be 100% on eastern border. He said no plans of decisions will be announced in press conferences. He said every scenario is planned for. He said we don't take the first step until we've prepared the last step.

Asked about recognition with Israel - He said Pakistan has been under a hybrid war and propaganda is a component on that. Such talk is to sow division. Any such conversation is propaganda. He said it is a decision of the state and a question to put to the foreign office, but as far as he knows nothing has changed from our historical stance.

Talks about Iran - he says cooperation on fencing carrying on, increasing cooperation.
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Something is wrong.... if Kashmir is Pakistan's jugular vein and it is under the enemy's control then how come he can say "War is no option"....then what happens if tomorrow the enemy attack AJK and GB... will war still be a no option..and what if the enemy attacks the Lahore.. will the war still be no option?
Something is wrong..

However one good thing, after his statement of "war no option", we should stop blaming PM or FM of being peaceful / coward.

PS: I request all to watch the full Press Conc. before commenting. My comment above is before watching the press conf. just based on OP.
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Finally... India you can continue killing Kashmiris, raping women and abducting children, we will continue with the diplomatic assault and kill your conscience.. save yourselves Indians.. we are ruthless.
@waz @Dubious @WebMaster

Post reported and so as the poster. Mods please take action against such trolls.
TBH, I won't second his stance but still I don't find anything offensive enough that an action is warranted by the mods. Institution and their perception are based on performance. PA lost popularity during Mush and Kiyani for several reason about which one can argue but I'm just stating the facts. Army regained its popularity during Gen Raheel Sharif's tenure rather it reached one of the highest points and since Gen Bajwa it has stayed approximately at the same level. People judge the performance by actions...not by PR campaigns and songs.
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