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We are (annoyed by) Malala!

Watch from 14:45 onwards

This is not about point scoring, what would these points get me? Candy?
The point is you are so blinded by the pain for the drone victims that you hogwash what a little girl has actually achieved for this nation. I gave you the reason that drones are being conducted on our soil against Afghan rebels. Tell me had we Pakistanis not supported these Afghan Talibs do you think they would cross over Pakistan? Do you know what they did to school girls in Afghanistan? Poisoned them with gas, threw acid on them. These arent saints, we just bear them because we cannot open a new war front. Now if drones attack them, so be it. I have no tears for them. The innocent civillians are dumb enough to help them because of misguided religious attitude or knowledge, or Pakhtunwali, then they are to blame.

I have no issues, but these drone strikes do cause resentment and mind you these drones will not stop, not even after the US pullout. So if TTP claims that they want strikes to stop when it specifically targets Afghan Taliban and not them so why do they cry? It's a game played against us. We play against them with the Afghan Taliban. Do you really believe what these TTP claim? After killing 40000 Pakistanis, i wouldnt stop killing them even if they laid their weapons down.

Malala has achieved more what we in 65 years have struggled to achieve, so it is an achievement. She is a role model for girls all around the country and as well as the world. Be Proud.

Again the same thing just because i said what i did doesn't mean in anyway that i am sympathising with the talibans in any way why does questioning an act by default lands us in the taliban land and not as somebody who wants to know about the duplicitous standards of governments and activists. The reason is because branding somebody as pro taliban in his or her opinions would once and for all reduce anything worthy in their arguments to instant indignation and mudslinging. You can have you're opinion but don't decide for others that for what reasons are they questioning any action. I never said i supported the talibans in any such act and don't claim that i am blinded by the pain of the drone victims which you claim are only the talibans so again by default you turn me into a taliban sympathiser. If raising a valid question means being a taliban sympathiser then we should all agree with all that we see our media portraying day and night without giving a second thought. You might have an opinion and i respect that but don't brand others as so and so to prove things.
Neither hate not love. I guess speaking about logic is equivalent to supporting the taliban agenda thats how i have seen people reacting here and elsewhere but the honest fact is she was not attacked because she was a girl who was attending school and that has been cleared by various statements from the talibans.

No , my dear , it doesn't , I have already clarified this point in one of my posts in the thread . It just comes under the category of believing in " conspiracy theories/theory " , something which sadly is fast becoming a norm for the average Pakistanis . Why was she attacked is already established with certainty . There's no need for terrorists to provide any justification or explaining . As for Taliban's statements clearing anything about her or anything , please for God's sake .

The rest of your post is again limited to the same logical fallacy of " Why only her ? " and " Why not someone else ? " - self refuting . Could have been anyone and that holds true for nearly everything in life .
You are right in counselling us to leave the 'conspiracy theorists' alone.
Let them find out the "hard way" if there is any difference at all between "Good Taliban" and "Bad taliban" just as if there is any diffeerence between "Good Cobras" and "Bad Cobras".

And if they are unlucky enough not to understand the difference(?); we might have to even line up to pay our condolences to them on another "RIP thread" on PDF.

You see that it makes no difference to them , since for some paranoia is a normal state of the mind , the explanations , the reasoning and the unending debate is an exercise in futility - I fully realize that . However , I still debate with them for only one reason so that the others can see their true faces and witness for themselves how they persist in believing in " nonsensical and illogical conspiracy theories " even when there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary established with " facts " . Something I explained to @Dillinger when he first talked to me :D .

They are already paying the price for the confusion , they just do not realize it actually .
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No , my dear , it doesn't , I have already clarified this point in one of my posts in the thread . It just comes under the category of believing in " conspiracy theories/theory " , something which sadly is fast becoming a norm for the average Pakistanis . Why was she attacked is already established with certainty . There's no need for terrorists to provide any justification or explaining . As for Taliban's statements clearing anything about her or anything , please for God's sake .

The rest of your post is again limited to the same logical fallacy of " Why only her ? " and " Why not someone else ? " - self refuting . Could have been anyone and that holds true for nearly everything in life .

Not everyone who questions an act happens to be a conspiracy theorist either. And secondly how is it established with certainty? I gave my opinion on what i considered was the case maybe you differ in you're opinion which is fine but i didn't just say why her i said why somebody who could be used i am not saying that all the rest of the victims should get this recognition but hardly if anyone even acknowledges the fact that there are survivors and victims from both the sides only those would get recognition who are victims of the talibans and not the others. That is what my point was anyways saying anything about the issue means by default being a taliban sympathiser which i have no intention of. And if that "conspiracy theorists" comment is directed at me then do feel proud that you just can't accept a different opinion without resorting to this.
I read an article some time ago that many Pakistanis have become extremely hostile to this female. Is this true, then?
Not everyone who questions an act happens to be a conspiracy theorist either. And secondly how is it established with certainty? I gave my opinion on what i considered was the case maybe you differ in you're opinion which is fine but i didn't just say why her i said why somebody who could be used i am not saying that all the rest of the victims should get this recognition but hardly if anyone even acknowledges the fact that there are survivors and victims from both the sides only those would get recognition who are victims of the talibans and not the others. That is what my point was anyways saying anything about the issue means by default being a taliban sympathiser which i have no intention of.

Well , most of the time , most of them are . Do we need a lesson in recent history to again prove how it is " established with certainty " ? Miss Malala Yousufzai - a young girl was shot by the " Taliban terrorists " whilst returning from school in a bus in Pakistan's Swat valley after being recognized by armed gunman who was trying to display his bravery by shooting an unarmed kid . According to her two friends who were also shot , but didn't sustain any serious injuries and were able to speak to the media later , the masked gunman first asked " Who is Malala ? " before carrying out the heinous act . The girl sustained near fatal injuries in head , neck and then the shoulder . Hadn't it been for the medical care , the British provided her for free , you would have happily declared " RIP " to just another martyr . The reason for this barbarism is well understood by her criticism of the barbarism and cruelty during Taliban's brief rule in Swat and her insistence on receiving education - when the religious psychopaths banned almost everything they considered " unislamic " including women education and continued to destroy schools in the region . The Taliban issued death threats and later in a meeting , decided to neutralize this " serious danger " to their ideology . Do you have anything to dispute that ?

Not everyone can get recognition and the limelight in the world , it is simply not possible to say the least . The logic of " Why her ? " is illogical . How exactly does it happen that " Quaid -e - Azam " is considered the sole " Father of the Nation " even though there had been dozens of other leaders working alongside him for the Pakistan cause ? Just why ? Why are only a dozen of people Jr.TT's at the Pakistan defense forum when there are millions of other teenagers more capable than them in the country ? :D

You can find such examples in almost everything in life which would refute the " Why him/her ? " - repeating again . As for the " Taliban sympathizer " , I didn't say you were one and I fully respect your Point Of View and the difference in opinion . There's no reason to feel this insecure .
You guys have no idea how much these girl influenced people all over the world.. In a small village like mine, there was a big flex with her picture on women's day by a political party.. I was like WTFFFFFFFFFF :cheesy: You shouldnt be annoyed by her, you should be proud of her..
Well , most of the time , most of them are . Do we need a lesson in recent history to again prove how it is " established with certainty " ? Miss Malala Yousufzai - a young girl was shot by the " Taliban terrorists " whilst returning from school in a bus in Pakistan's Swat valley after being recognized by armed gunman who was trying to display his bravery by shooting an unarmed kid . According to her two friends who were also shot , but didn't sustain any serious injuries and were able to speak to the media later , the masked gunman first asked " Who is Malala ? " before carrying out the heinous act . The girl sustained near fatal injuries in head , neck and then the shoulder . Hadn't it been for the medical care , the British provided her for free , you would have happily declared " RIP " to just another martyr . The reason for this barbarism is well understood by her criticism of the barbarism and cruelty during Taliban's brief rule in Swat and her insistence on receiving education - when the religious psychopaths banned almost everything they considered " unislamic " including women education and continued to destroy schools in the region . The Taliban issued death threats and later in a meeting , decided to neutralize this " serious danger " to their ideology . Do you have anything to dispute that ?

Not everyone can get recognition and the limelight in the world , it is simply not possible to say the least . The logic of " Why her ? " is illogical . How exactly does it happen that " Quaid -e - Azam " is considered the sole " Father of the Nation " even though there had been dozens of other leaders working alongside him for the Pakistan cause ? Just why ? Why are only a dozen of people Jr.TT's at the Pakistan defense forum when there are millions of other teenagers more capable than them in the country ? :D

You can find such examples in almost everything in life which would refute the " Why him/her ? " - repeating again . As for the " Taliban sympathizer " , I didn't say you were one and I fully respect your Point Of View and the difference in opinion . There's no reason to feel this insecure .

Why would i feel insecure? i have an opinion which doesn't match your's and probably with a lot others and i respect that as well but twisting it into something like "conspiracy theories" and treating people who differ as taliban sympathisers is maybe considered the norm here by most people for me it is just my opinion.
This isn't the first time , I am hearing some conspiracy theories , you do not necessarily have to be an extremist or Taliban lover/sympathizer to do so , since today the whole Pakistani nations seems obsessed with rumors/hearsay/conspiracy theories taking them as " truth " over " established facts " . That is the most saddening part of this whole story . I didn't specifically blame you but most of the people who cast doubts or say such things - are well most of the time , people who think Taliban haven't caused any harm to Pakistan and are good , gentlemen people .

I do not care for America , I care for my own country since the Americans are safe thousands of miles away in the mainland . I am a strong critic of this " peace with the psychopaths " initiative by the political parties when they fail to realize that the only way to deal with them , is how the army dealt with them in Swat and dozens of other areas . Get the political will , thy will be done , you cant hope to do so with so much confused leaders .

first of all i dont talk about any conspiracy theories , but at least i can see the truth , when a person like salman rushdee writes a book against islam the UK govt give him symbol of "Sir" ? why who knows him before his book ? if after all these incidents you keep close your eyes on propaganda of international media than you are free to go search about " islamophobia " i have nothing more to say , because you are nothing much but a mixed generation of western and eastern mixed up .. trying hard to live according to western cultures .... as now i talk about religion and its right so i am sure i will become a taliban lover or supporter , i cant do anything for peoples like you

How is it wrong first of all ? Is everyone who's promoted by the West , its not just the media , I am starting to think that you do not even quite follow the news about her , somehow used by them later ? What exactly can they use her for if I may ask ?

So damned if they do and damned , if they do not is at work here ? :D Hadn't they done that , you would have been saying why aren't the praising and promoting her , but since they doing so , you are going the other way . Just like the " Why only her ? " logical fallacy . Whats with these insane logic ? @jaibi I am proud of all the brave daughters of the nation who are working for women education in the country . Why shouldn't I be ?

The soft image that there still are people standing up to counter the threat of extremism in the face of overwhelming odds and difficult situations - not to mention the societal resistance . This soft image is what I am talking about . We all know very well , how Pakistan is represented in the International media , at least the little girl is going something good . Why cant we learn to appreciate it instead of casting doubts and making her controversial ?

Can you differentiate between " bravery " and " foolishness " ? Why exactly should she return to Pakistan , if the Govt cant even provide her security and she will be under constant threat by the extremist ? Does being brave mean that you should take irrational decisions and keep putting your life at risk ?

You are more than welcome to do so , please begin . :)

just as you mentioned there is a difference between bravery and foolishness ... there is also a difference between achievement and sympathy . i hope you get my point
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She is not a hero for being shot, she is a hero for...

* transforming personal trauma into an opportunity for global change
* displaying phenomenal courage in confronting her violent oppressors
* having immense wisdom in choosing peace and forgiveness over anger
* inspiring, empowering and educating millions around the world - especially girls

Your logic has holes, unfortunately you are too blind to see them. Not everyone can be given due share of importance. Such is life, but then again if you are stubborn even God wont be able to help you. The drone issue is quite serious one with American public opinion against it. Plus drones target Afghan Taliban, a legitimate military target. It is our govt that lets them use Pakistani soil which results in civillian deaths. Were they not on our soil these strikes wont happen. They live amongst the people, and people dont mind it. Well then dont blame anyone for their lack of intelligence.

If Allah is so Powerful then why does he starve and kill millions upon millions little children in Africa. God's plan and what not. Sure i see your logic. Oh everything is planned and written by Allah, even the rapes of little girls. Please dont divulge into religious lines, i would make you doubt your faith.

either you an idiot or an uneducated person man , how Allah or God is responsible for all killing and rapes ? Allah creates you , he is not controlling your mind ? plus you got one thing which non of the other creations get which Allah make , freedom of choice , you have freedom to choose what is write , even after 1,24,0000 messenger peoples still becomes atheist . first i highly recommend you what islam is than open your mouth here , and just give me one answer why western media become so pro-pakistan and pro-islam ? that they are start supporting educational cause in pakistan ? i am still waiting to see any positive achievement in pakistan in terms of education ..... and i knew from the day 1 that she will be promoted because the way they created a image of malala they are increasing sympathy for her in their peoples are for their intentions are to give extension to their so called war on terror. pakistani dont have their own minds , always need someone to dictate for them , if american says that this is good so it becomes good for us , if they say its bad so its becomes bad ...... pity on you guys

Well , most of the time , most of them are . Do we need a lesson in recent history to again prove how it is " established with certainty " ? Miss Malala Yousufzai - a young girl was shot by the " Taliban terrorists " whilst returning from school in a bus in Pakistan's Swat valley after being recognized by armed gunman who was trying to display his bravery by shooting an unarmed kid . According to her two friends who were also shot , but didn't sustain any serious injuries and were able to speak to the media later , the masked gunman first asked " Who is Malala ? " before carrying out the heinous act . The girl sustained near fatal injuries in head , neck and then the shoulder . Hadn't it been for the medical care , the British provided her for free , you would have happily declared " RIP " to just another martyr . The reason for this barbarism is well understood by her criticism of the barbarism and cruelty during Taliban's brief rule in Swat and her insistence on receiving education - when the religious psychopaths banned almost everything they considered " unislamic " including women education and continued to destroy schools in the region . The Taliban issued death threats and later in a meeting , decided to neutralize this " serious danger " to their ideology . Do you have anything to dispute that ?

Not everyone can get recognition and the limelight in the world , it is simply not possible to say the least . The logic of " Why her ? " is illogical . How exactly does it happen that " Quaid -e - Azam " is considered the sole " Father of the Nation " even though there had been dozens of other leaders working alongside him for the Pakistan cause ? Just why ? Why are only a dozen of people Jr.TT's at the Pakistan defense forum when there are millions of other teenagers more capable than them in the country ? :D

You can find such examples in almost everything in life which would refute the " Why him/her ? " - repeating again . As for the " Taliban sympathizer " , I didn't say you were one and I fully respect your Point Of View and the difference in opinion . There's no reason to feel this insecure .

sooner she will be replace quaid-e-azam on our currency and soon she will be on dollar :omghaha:
i dont like her at all.....
There are millions of people who have been killed brutally either by US military force

No need to go offtopic but one thing is sure, No country will become Super Power without wars. Do you think China will surpass the U.S. as the superpower... No, this is not possible without wars.....

i am not a maulvi nasal but now i really doubt on your nasal
No need to Bash him.... Personal attack, Off topic post and Rant is sign of losing the argument....

but sawati TTp dog fazalullha was after MALLALA nt veena malik? why
TTP have already killed Benazir and others.... They are already killing high profile people........ Veena is nothing for them....
Anyway, Veena malik is good and very friendly girl...
No need to go offtopic but one thing is sure, No country will become Super Power without wars. Do you think China will surpass the U.S. as the superpower... No, this is not possible without wars.....

Mate, no need to Bash him.... Personal attack, Off topic post and Rant is sign of losing the argument....

TTP has already killed Benazir.... They are already killing high profile people........ Veena is nothing for them....
Anyway, Veena malik is good and very friendly girl...

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