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We are a part of India: Bangladeshi finance minister Mustafa Kamal

Lukhnow-Delhi-Agra belt is the motherland of Urdu. Biharis/UPwalas are native speakers of Urdu, Pathan and Punjabis are not.

Punjabi and Sindhi are intelligible to speakers of Urdu. Urdu spoken in Pakistan is very different from that spoken among Indian Muslims (except UP and Bihar origin Karachites.) Our language is much closer to Dari. Nowadays, Pakistani Urdu has also adopted many Pukhto words as well.

Influence of Punjabi was one of the major ones on Urdu, as it was the Muslim heartland and staging ground for invasions into Hindustan.

By the way, the language you are boasting as Farsi is called Dari and not real Farsi.

It is the same language, just a regional variant spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Dari means Eastern (Farsi.)

By shooting down a plane (Mig-21) you have won the 3rd world war. Congratulations. You should re-proclaim yourself a Martial Race people which even Germany cannot beat. What a small man boasting!!

The dent to India's ego was needed, because they had overstepped all decent behavior between neighborly states.

Pakistan obsession which India has will be death kneel of this fascist state.

Neighbors should live in peace and try to avoid conflicts. Conflicts with others cause the destruction of a country's internal stability.

When has India ever behaved in a manner of normalcy with Pakistan?

They unleashed the blood bath on Punjab during partition killing 1 million of us and displacing 14 million, have occupied Kashmir murdering 100,000, and used even Iran and Afghanistan to launch terrorist attacks on us responsible for the deaths of 75,000.

It is time to put an end to this constant threat, in sha Allah. Ghazwa e Hind coming soon.

There was a point most of Iran was part of our Ghanznavid empire so that went both ways ..however the right words to use are majority of PAkistani people are part of the Iranic(not to be confused with Iranian) bloc

Right, our origins are the Iranic nomads who also settled Iran and Afghanistan. Most of our blood line is Saka/Scythian, Hunas/White Hun/Hepthalite, and previous Aryan/Iranic people.

Having a brief look on the Pakistani historical timeline, I can see rich Vedic history as well as dynasties which didn't just encompass Pakistan but major parts of North, West & Central India.

Our ancestors whom Hindus call Vedics were Iranic nomads. The very word Aryan comes from the same word from which Iran takes its name.

These people came from the Altai Mountains, Tarim Basin, and Central Asia to settle into Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran.

Turks and Mongols followed the same path also when they arrived on our lands.

Many of the Muslims of present day South Asia fought with the British in both World Wars and many of soldiers came from present day Bangladesh, Pakistan, India etc. If I'm not wrong weren't the Brits and the Ottoman empire foes? Many of the Indian Muslim soldiers came from what now constitutes Pak and BD and in fact, they are extremely proud that they fought in the world wars and other theatres.

I'll agree the flag is a pile of...

He means the Khilafat movement, and the mutiny of Muslim soldiers from Pakistan, India, and BD during the Gallipoli campaign in the Dardenelles.

Nazriyat (vision) of Pakistan as an Islamic state in peace with its glorious past, bulwark of Islam, and Islamic ghazi spirit is the same which founded modern Turkey.

The Turkish national anthem written by Mehmet Akif Ersoy 'Istiklal Marşi' is a love letter to the glorious Islamic past of Turks, defense of their lands from disbelievers, and their courageous fight for freedom.
Quaid and Allama Iqbal saw this RSS nature in the Indian leadership and the masses. Gandhi himself started it by doing reconversion in Rajastan and 'purifying' Urdu of Arabic, Turkish, Persian and adding extinct Sanskrit words to common lexicon, among other examples
And that’s why they died like dogs. We all can agree on that
Hats-off to Mr. elite's knowledge of history. I guess first we need to clarify our identity....

Sometimes we become "Muslims" who ruled whole of India,Bangladesh,Pakistan etc
Sometimes we become descendent of Persians, Turks and divide ourselves into segments of lands where they were ruling in the subcontinent,
Sometime we are true people of Indus land.....whose ancestors were converted to Muslims or who adopted Islam.
Sometimes we associate ourselves with Arabs and Islamic history of Caliphates...with which we don't have to do anything in reality.

We are a confused lot..still waiting to arrive on consensus, on Whom we are....Once we come to an agreement on our identity, hope we can then focus on development.

There is no confusion here. We, the Pakistani people are the descendants of the peoples of the Indus Valley Civilisation and have by and large always had a different history to that of the lands that are now india and bangladesh. Our racial differences between both of them also proves this. That is a fact. There is no denying that. Conveying that point in terms of historical context should not be denied. Being under the British Raj or being part of the Persian empire does not make us English nor does it make us Iranian. Neither did I or any Pakistani on PDF ever claim that. Also, where did I claim that Pakistanis were Arabs as you insinuated in your post?
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And that’s why they died like dogs. We all can agree on that

BD and Pakistan are facing the same RSS menace (which has been part of the Indian psyche since the beginning.)

It is time we start working together to solve this problem. We are not enemies, but brother Muslims and should be friends.
Finance minister Mustafa Kamal said it in London.

First he said, at a time we, the Bangladeshis "were" part of India. Can't we claim that once upon a time we were a rich country? Can't we claim like that? We "are" a part of India. Is it true? So India was number one country. Can't we say that we are also number one country?

Watch the video:

So long as Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans or Bhutanese keep living with that mentality that their respective countries were a part of India, they wouldn't ever come to grips with the reality that we are indigenous people of our respective countries and were never a part of India. There has existed a country, state, kingdom or empire that encompassed all countries in question, called "India".

The Mughals were the only ones who managed to conquer and/or administer most of what is the large peninsula in Southern Asia. Followed by the British, who are the imbeciles that coined the word "India" to refer to their ill-gotten colony. There never was anything in historical records of any empire called India, nor would it ever exist in the future. So I would suggest to the Bangladeshi finance minister to kindly get his head outta his @$$ and start behaving in a more dignified manner, and be proud to be a Bangladeshi, more over, a MUSLIM!!!
Its December 1971 in Bangladesh in all of every parallel universe.

One can only admire the consistency that comes in the form of humiliation when you rebel against Pakistan.

Anyhow for people living in 2019.

Nazi Germany annexed Austria.
Nazi India has annexed Bangladesh.
No, you have given up Kashmir and Sind water to Nazi India. On the contrary, BD got 10,000 acres of contested land from India. Did you also forget how many thousands of sq. km. of BoB area we received from India?

Also, do not you see how Nazi India has implanted thousands of Mullah fanatics in Pakistan? The Mullahs do not know themselves who is funding their terrorism. Do not forget also Baluchistan. Nazi India has also its agents there.
He means the Khilafat movement, and the mutiny of Muslim soldiers from Pakistan, India, and BD during the Gallipoli campaign in the Dardenelles.

That was only once instance though, wasn't it? Apart from that, most of the South Asian Muslims were proud to fight and represent for the British Indian army units..

So long as Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans or Bhutanese keep living with that mentality that their respective countries were a part of India, they wouldn't ever come to grips with the reality that we are indigenous people of our respective countries and were never a part of India. There has existed a country, state, kingdom or empire that encompassed all countries in question, called "India".

The Mughals were the only ones who managed to conquer and/or administer most of what is the large peninsula in Southern Asia. Followed by the British, who are the imbeciles that coined the word "India" to refer to their ill-gotten colony. There never was anything in historical records of any empire called India, nor would it ever exist in the future. So I would suggest to the Bangladeshi finance minister to kindly get his head outta his @$$ and start behaving in a more dignified manner, and be proud to be a Bangladeshi, more over, a MUSLIM!!!

True talk.
So long as Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans or Bhutanese keep living with that mentality that their respective countries were a part of India,

When ever have Sri Lankans thought they were part of India ???!!?? For over 3500 years it's people have been fighting off invaders from the sub continent against immense odds.. The latest being in the early 90's when thousands of Indians were sent back in body bags after their attempted adventures with the IPKF

Even the British accepted Lankans were distinct from rest of the British raj and governed it as a separate colony of Ceylon when they could have easily amalgamated the island to British India but even they knew better.
I have been saying this for years. The people in power in Bangladesh are Indian slaves. However, the people's loyalties may differ. The sad part is that the Bangladeshi race lost relevance in world politics in 1971.
Pakistani establishment at that time were also cruel and the delusion of power got to them.
There is no confusion here. We, the Pakistani people are the descendants of the peoples of the Indus Valley Civilisation and have by and large always had a different history to that of the lands that are now india and bangladesh. Our racial differences between both of them also proves this. That is a fact. There is no denying that. Conveying that point in terms of historical context should not be denied. Being under the British Raj or being part of the Persian empire does not make us English nor does it make us Iranian. Neither did I or any Pakistani on PDF ever claim that. Also, where did I claim that Pakistanis were Arabs as you insinuated in your post?

That was not aimed at your post but a general comment based on the other posts here in PDF.

On Indus Valley civilisation...it was there in India also.....Besides, civilisations are not monolith...they mix and evolve.....Sure it would have been the case with people of I V civilisation.
That was not aimed at your post but a general comment based on the other posts here in PDF.

On Indus Valley civilisation...it was there in India also.....Besides, civilisations are not monolith...they mix and evolve.....Sure it would have been the case with people of I V civilisation.

The IVC per se, WAS NOT in the area that is modern day india as the River Indus runs through Pakistan. Not india. That was another civilisation that existed around the time of the IVC but WAS NOT a part if it.
Lukhnow-Delhi-Agra belt is the motherland of Urdu. Biharis/UPwalas are native speakers of Urdu, Pathan and Punjabis are not.
You are 100% right. Wish British would had given West UP (including Dehli) to Pakistan as it was rightly ours
Since the word 'India' is a perverted British colonial invention, no wonder why a British graduate like this slave finance minister tried to promote the very same perverted ideology of Indo-centric worldview. Beware of all British graduates who are Trojan horses in disguise.
Since the word 'India' is a perverted British colonial invention, no wonder why a British graduate like this slave finance minister tried to promote the very same perverted ideology of Indo-centric worldview. Beware of all British graduates who are Trojan horses in disguise.
In historical times a Pathan was no longer regarded as Pathan once he crossed the three Khaibar, Bolan and Gulan pass. It was more so when he crossed attock. He became a Hindustani. The words India or Hindustan are interchangeable and the British did not invent India.

Probably reading Megasthenes will let you know about the name of India during the time of Alexander.
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