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We are a nuclear power, and know how to defend ourselves: Sartaj Aziz

Nuclear bombs are dangerous. If I was in India and Pakistan shoes I would destroy all of nuclear bombs for God's sake or decrease them to the lowest number. Because if a war happens and one of the sides use nuclear weapons then both countries will get destroyed. :disagree:
It is OK to be nuclear power but threatening world on the drop of hat shows nuclear terrorist tendencies..
The real wars in a post-nuclear world are economic, and long term.
Completely agreed. Pakistan doesn't want a war and neither does India.

This sabre rattling is nothing more than political positioning. Today's actual wars are fought under the guise of third parties. (ex. Russia/Ukraine, India/Baluchistan, Pakistan/Kashmir etc. etc.)
sleep tight because you are nuclear power.... only pakistan, who repeatedly call them selves as nuclear... rest of world living peacefully...lol so much insecurity feeling...

you lost... don't try to pull stupid reasons...

I not in a competition mister and you Indians are masters of twisting facts to look big.
It is OK to be nuclear power but threatening world on the drop of hat shows nuclear terrorist tendencies..
kim jong un's psycho commie regime is the only other one who says stupid shit like that

but they're on the mend, apparently:

List of countries by Fragile States Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A drone comes every week and fire missiles to kill militants & civilians, terrorists kill school children, city of Karachi is like a informal war zone , north western frontier is nerve centre of terrorists , Country survives on foreign aid due to a lack of economic programs and still they want to show off their N power.
This sabre rattling, cancelling of talks, LOC incidents are a result of Pakistan removing Indian interests from all of the areas you mentioned.

Why didn't all this happen last year or the year before? Because Indian influence was allowed to continue unabated. These problems have only arisen after the status quo was shaken up in the form of Zarb-a-Azb and NAP.
Its funny, I thought the whole 'we have bloody Nukes!! Yea?' vibe was only limited to idiotic, immature people here really but I guess I was wrong. The foreign minister/NSA going on a ranting spree on mass media isn't really something to be proud of guys, you guys seriously need to get your priorities clear lol.
Every Pakistani know that India is Nuclear power but what Indians don't understand that if India attached and certain threshold is crossed then Pakistan can assure MAD which will distroy both not just Pakistan.
So you are a senior member so I would love to know your extinction of india yes I understand that Pakistan will be victim of its own creation by MAD but will you tell me how it will annihilate India yes we will have some wounds if our ballistic defence system doesn't work for sometime but still I will love to know it.
I am all ears
Probably but the fallout and continuous nuclear winters will probably eventually make the majority of india uninhabitable in 20 years after a nuclear war. Especially since india is more densely populated than Pakistan. The essence of Pakistan is Islam. And Islam would survive as there are so many Muslim countries even after a fully fledged nuclear war with india.
Hey bub you have a vivid imagination i give you that, why don't you try using that trait to do something constrictive instead of wasting it on dreaming up a useless scenario. Yea? Think positive, live positive, be positive. That right there is a good mantra.
Well to ALL INDIANS who are trolling here.

BACHOO listen if INDIA knew that they could hurt Pakistan in a conventional war and not get a bloody nose in return.

THE OPERATION POKHRAM IN 2002 or the drama in 2008 of surgical strikes would have been done.


Pakistan is more than capable of fighting indians conventionally.

HOWEVER, we are a nuclear power for a reason. no nation makes nukes for no reason. We made them to keep you guys from trying to do anything stupid. @locker @Scion of Indus

now both of you go back to Bharaaaat Raksaaaak and cry
We are actually installing nuclear power plants for electricity generation. by 2020 8000 MW and by 2050, 40000 MW just from nuclear energy.

Reality Check: we are still in 2015.......... and Load-shedding/Blackouts still continue all around Pakistan.
In spite of the existence of the "Bums".......
So you are a senior member so I would love to know your extinction of india yes I understand that Pakistan will be victim of its own creation by MAD but will you tell me how it will annihilate India yes we will have some wounds if our ballistic defence system doesn't work for sometime but still I will love to know it.
I am all ears

When we called MAD Indians thinks Pakistanis are fools because they don't consider Indian defense, but I want to tell you that Pakistan have overestimated Indian capability to achieve its MAD threat (if ever needed) and BMs are not only delivery system to deliver nukes and TNW level secondary strike capability is already achieved.

kisi maha purush ne kaha hai ki 'dream bigger achieve bigger' , if u dream for moon at least u'll land on stars.

ok jokes apart, seriously most of ppl (even muslims) don't give much importance to kashmir or nukes

I m also a Kashmiri dear. My forefathers were from their and had plenty relatives in armed forces.
Sartaj Aziz is an exception in the pakistani circle riddled with imbeciles (our own foreign service holds him in high regard). It says something that they haven't been able to find a suitable replacement for this guy, who i repeat again.. is 86 years old but as good as he is, hez now 26 yrs past his sell by date.

Toh point ye hai bhaiyo ki sathiyana to banta hai :sarcastic:
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