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Water is the new weapon in Beijing’s armoury


Nov 4, 2011
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recently a lot of reports say that the most formidable weapon China has is water,China is in the control of the water tap of Asia,and water resource in the future will be much more valuable than oil and the lifeline of every nation.so if China turn off the water tap,all the countries south of China will be dying out of thirst.

Water is the new weapon in Beijing’s armoury

By Brahma Chellaney

China has aroused international alarm by using its virtual monopoly of rare earths as a trade instrument and by stalling multilateral efforts to resolve disputes in the South China Sea. Among its neighbours, there is deep concern at the way it is seeking to make water a political weapon.

At the hub of Asia, China is the source of cross-border river flows to the largest number of countries in the world – from Russia to India, Kazakhstan to the Indochina peninsula. This results from its absorption of the ethnic minority homelands that make up 60 per cent of its land mass and are the origin of all the important international rivers flowing out of Chinese territory.

Getting this pre-eminent riparian power to accept water-sharing arrangements or other co-operative institutional mechanisms has proved unsuccessful so far in any basin. Instead, the construction of upstream dams on international rivers such as the Mekong, Brahmaputra or Amur shows China is increasingly bent on unilateral actions, impervious to the concerns of downstream nations.

China already boasts both the world’s biggest dam (Three Gorges) and a greater total number of dams than the rest of the world combined. It has shifted its focus from internal to international rivers, and graduated from building large dams to building mega-dams. Among its newest dams on the Mekong is the 4,200 megawatt Xiaowan – taller than Paris’s Eiffel Tower. New dams approved for construction include one on the Brahmaputra at Metog (or Motuo in Chinese) that is to be twice the size of the 18,300MW Three Gorges – and sited almost on the disputed border with India.
Water will be the New Oil of the future.

---------- Post added at 03:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 AM ----------

We should use it when Necessary Tibet holds a good amount of water resources and the Glaciers as well
Good post beijingwalker there are many other sources that confirm this as well.
China Will Have Mastery of Asia's Water Tap by 2020
3/8/11 17:04 BST
China has a damming programme for six of the world's great rivers that rise in Tibet - the Indus, Sutlej, Mekong, Brahmaputra, Salween and Yangste - and feed by irrigation an estimated 1.3 billion people.

On the eight great Tibetan rivers alone, almost 20 dams have been built or are under construction while some 40 more are planned or proposed.

China is hardly alone in disrupting the region's water flows. Others are doing it with potentially even worse consequences. But China's vast thirst for power and water, its control over the sources of the rivers and its ever-growing political clout make it a singular target of criticism and suspicion.

"Whether China intends to use water as a political weapon or not, it is acquiring the capability to turn off the tap if it wants to – a leverage it can use to keep any riparian neighbors on good behavior,'' says Brahma Chellaney, an analyst at New Delhi's Center for Policy Research and author of the forthcoming "Water: Asia's New Battlefield.''

"Whether China intends to use water as a political weapon or not, it is acquiring the capability to turn off the tap if it wants to – a leverage it can use to keep any riparian neighbors on good behavior,''

will China do that ?to turn off the water tap of Asia.
Using water supply as a weapon is akin to dropping nukes, in no international sense will China ever get support for doing such a genocidal act even in times of war, so it's a useless issue, you can't use water to threaten anyone, to even suggest it is stupid.

---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 AM ----------

stop posting worthless threads little kid. What if someone nuke the Tibetan plateau, ever think what will happen to these precious water source? For every action expect an equal reaction.
You should be smart enough not to feed these fear-mongering articles.
So if India threatens China with nukes, it will simply drown them with plain water...
Industries needs water. I guess China don't have to cut off water completely, just enough to slow other's war machines.

But this step will not be taken unless things start going really bad.
So if India threatens China with nukes, it will simply drown them with plain water...

Actually China controls the Indus (Pakistan) and the Brahmaputra (Mostly Bangladesh). India is not really affected as the Ganges, Krishna, Kaveri and Godavari originate in India ;)
Actually China controls the Indus (Pakistan) and the Brahmaputra (Mostly Bangladesh). India is not really affected as the Ganges, Krishna, Kaveri and Godavari originate in India

The Brahmaputra feeds all of North East India.

Try again.

Industries needs water. I guess China don't have to cut off water completely, just enough to slow other's war machines.

But this step will not be taken unless things start going really bad.

Yes, that is much more likely. Reduce the water flow to impede industry and economy.

Completely shutting off the water supply, is just as bad as using a nuclear weapon.
China won't even consider this as an option for sure.

Of course it won't, the backlash would be too great to justify it. Water is an unalienable human right according to the UN. Of course we see bartering on an everyday level between individuals, but something on the state/political level would be unprecedented and taken very badly.
Of course it won't, the backlash would be too great to justify it. Water is an unalienable human right according to the UN. Of course we see bartering on an everyday level between individuals, but something on the state/political level would be unprecedented and taken very badly.

Look at the author of the article. "Brahma Chellaney".

This guy always writes the most ridiculous scaremongering articles, seemingly with the intent of frightening his fellow Indians.
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