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Watch what Traitor Gawher Rizvi Says of Teesta Water

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Gawhar Rizvi was a traitor long before he spoken about Teesta, it just brought out his traitor character even more. Poor indians desperate to defend their stooges.

India owns the region. Get used to it dalals :lol:

By the way, you guys make pretty good target practice dummies for our BSF forces :sniper: Keep up the good work!
Halar Shikhastakhor,
Just look how short, skinny Namasudra of ours have kicked the arse of the fair, tall of yours...
And remember to preach it at Guru Duara,
'Dhanna Marich Jhal Beshi, Bengali Hyena ra debe Bharati-Bolod der Faschi'.

If I started posting videos of cricket games where India has beaten Bangladesh, there would be no end to this thread :hang2:

Here is the reality of your cricketers according to Pakistanis :lol:

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^^ After this video, Indians wins exclusive right on transit aid from Begalis.
If I started posting videos of cricket games where India has beaten Bangladesh, there would be no end to this thread :hang2:

Here is the reality of your cricketers according to Pakistanis :lol:

Perhaps, little exaggeration but Mohammad Rafique kind of dark. This is not a political video rather a comedy show for little laugh. I found nothing wrong with it except few laugh out of it, you annoying irrelevant vegie head Bharti.
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If I started posting videos of cricket games where India has beaten Bangladesh, there would be no end to this thread :hang2:

Here is the reality of your cricketers according to Pakistanis :lol:

OMG hahahaha! :lol:
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What's with Indians and skin color? lol...
Halar Shikhastakhor,
Just look how short, skinny Namasudra of ours have kicked the arse of the fair, tall of yours...

And remember to preach it at Guru Duara,
'Dhanna Marich Jhal Beshi, Bengali Hyena ra debe Bharati-Bolod der Faschi'.
Oye laale de jaan!!You see!!This is the problem. . . U guys are so delusional maan!!On one hand u claim that you'll are Muslim's and on the other hand u are contradicting yourself by referring to him as a Namahsudra!!Do u really know that Namahsudras were hindus but were treated as an outcast in the Bengali society. . . .And thats the reason they onverted in the first place.I know that there were many evils within the Bengali or for that matter the entire Hindu society for that matter which led to all this but we eventually have mend our way and in todays India Brahmins and other upper cast people hope that they had been born in a lower caste to avail all those lucrative facilities which are available to them. . . u know why we were able to achieve this??Because we were never in a state of denial.For eg:Dr. B.D. Nag who is a Bengali scientist and also a Namasudra is the one who was the progenitor of the NAG Anti Tank missile system and the system have actually been named after him.This would not have been possible a hundred years before but we did it now.You guys converted but even after that the caste system still exist even within the Bangladeshi Muslim fold just as it exists amongst the Keralite Christians!!Either be a Muslim or a Hindu.Both cannot go hand in hand!!
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Oye laale de jaan!!You see!!This is the problem. . . U guys are so delusional maan!!On one hand u claim that you'll are Muslim's and on the other hand u are contradicting yourself by referring to him as a Namahsudra!!Do u really know that Namahsudras were hindus but were treated as an outcast in the Bengali society. . . .And thats the reason they onverted in the first place.I know that there were many evils within the Bengali or for that matter the entire Hindu society for that matter which led to all this but we eventually have mend our way and in todays India Brahmins and other upper cast people hope that they had been born in a lower caste to avail all those lucrative facilities which are available to them. . . u know why we were able to achieve this??Because we were never in a state of denial.For eg:Dr. B.D. Nag who is a Bengali scientist and also a Namasudra is the one who was the progenitor of the NAG Anti Tank missile system and the system have actually been named after him.This would not have been possible a hundred years before but we did it now.You guys converted but even after that the caste system still exist even within the Bangladeshi Muslim fold just as it exists amongst the Keralite Christians!!Either be a Muslim or a Hindu.Both cannot go hand in hand!!
Namasudra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey stupid guy.. BD never had caste system. It was a Buddhist land. Why you people hell bent in making us Hindus. Hindu is a derogatory term in Bangladesh. Sikh belongs to Hindus according to us so dont...
Your avatar shows you are a monkey faced low caste Achyut. Sikhs are the low caste Achyuts of India who were not a part of Hindu society to start with. This is why these dirty unclean monkeys keep on drinking throughout the day. Sikhs are the traitor group of people who sided with their British fathers in 1857 war.

Most of today's monkey faced Indians are Achyuts. Even you guys convert you will look as monkey faced Achyuts as you are today. Don't you ever dare to send hate posts and racial slurs any more. Go to Bharat Raskhak forum and piss off your real enemies, the Hindus who do not think the Achyuts are any part of their society.
This goes on to show that u know nothing about Hindus and nothing about Sikh's!!
Guru Nanak-A kshatriya!!
We are Rajputs (Kalal)and are Rajputs!!
First get your facts straight and then argue.There might be some Sikh brothers who are from lower castes but there are many higher caste Sikhs as well.It has nothing to do with Achyut and all that!!
And BTW my brother in law is a bengali Hindu Brahmin to whom I have married my sister!!
U see things in India are not really the same as is taught to u guys in the madarsas!!:cheesy:
It is the other way around. Indian baniyas need to fix their mentality first. Here everything was clear. Initially bangladesh asked 50-50 share, indian government said 55-45, later decided at 52-48. But baniya mamata created problem by saying no more then 25% of water can be given.

I really dislike this sort of traitor. If everything is clear and bangladesh is getting its due share then why indian baniyas are not signing the agreed treaty.

No Indian Baniyas wont do anything. We dont owe you ****. This is probably the only thing I support Mamata di for. Kar lo kar bangis. After all what's the max you can do ? Can jump up and down your chair, pouting with rage while furiously pounding on the keyboard lambasting the ghaddar, munafiq rawamy regime.
Hey stupid guy.. BD never had caste system. It was a Buddhist land. Why you people hell bent in making us Hindus. Hindu is a derogatory term in Bangladesh. Sikh belongs to Hindus according to us so dont...
What the hell!!Just because u guys excavated some Buddhist ruins in ur country all of a sudden u guys become Buddhists!!??Then how come there are so many hindus and Devi peeths in Bangladesh.U guys are referring to a Muslim guy as a namasudra and going on to say that Hinduism never existed in BD!!What a shame. . . hopefully scientists are working upon an anti-delusion pill!!BTW dont u guys still use surnames such as Mondal and all that?? If things had been the way u are saying then all Biharis and Bengalis in India would have become Buddhists due to the presence of Nalanda in Bihar and Sheelbhadra (A Bengali Brahmin and the teacher of Kriya Yoga to Heun Sang)being the first rector of Nalanda!!:lol:
Won't have to, it's gonna happen regardless. We are prepared to suffer if it ensures that you suffer too. ;)

Good to see...all Bangladeshi now should have this same mentality.

No delusional bangi. We wont suffer. You dont realize that ? Our North East doesnt not practise agriculture on a large scale. Moreover its not the yarlung tsangpo alone that becomes brahmaputra on entering India. Its the numerous mountain streams, rivulets that arise inside India and are glacier fed perennially that join the yarlung tsangpo and become the brahmaputra. So guess what - we still wont have any water scarcity...but we do have a nice excuse to deny you a single drop of water.

So the only one that is going to suffer is you and you alone. Let go of the wet dreams of India suffering too.
Well, it is not surprising.

Conspiracy theories and this pathetic victim mindset (coupled with sudden useless false bravado) is a dime a dozen in most Islamic countries.
Indians should be the last people on planet earth to talk about conspiracy theories when ISI gets their pants wet.
Your avatar shows you are a monkey faced low caste Achyut. Sikhs are the low caste Achyuts of India who were not a part of Hindu society to start with. This is why these dirty unclean monkeys keep on drinking throughout the day. Sikhs are the traitor group of people who sided with their British fathers in 1857 war.

Most of today's monkey faced Indians are Achyuts. Even you guys convert you will look as monkey faced Achyuts as you are today. Don't you ever dare to send hate posts and racial slurs any more. Go to Bharat Raskhak forum and piss off your real enemies, the Hindus who do not think the Achyuts are any part of their society.

Primitive self loathing.

Well that is your fate now.

And it is sealed for as long as you are alive.

Enjoy. ;)
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