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Watch Iron Fist of Mighty IAF.

So our commandos still dont have gloves and such stuffs. Can someone explain me about this instead chest thumping?
So our commandos still dont have gloves and such stuffs. Can someone explain me about this instead chest thumping?

What stuffs??? Please be more precise. And they wear gloves, but thats often a personal choice as well, maybe too hot or what ever.

So our commandos still dont have gloves and such stuffs. Can someone explain me about this instead chest thumping?

Like @Koovie has pointed out your info is outdated. Look at the most recent pics of NSG- they have all the gear any of their contemporaries have.

+@suren Are you looking at the same pic we are:


They ARE wearing gloves!!
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Superb Display By LCH Prototype :devil:

And Fly Past by Pilatus :tup:

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Why do you folks keep crying about this???

This was a demonstration infront of spectators and TV cameras, pure show!
Those "experts" here on PDF and their analysis are worth nothing with out any more details.
IAF has shown its ground attack skills more that one time! (Kargil, Dhaka, Longewala were the IAF annihilated an entire tank regiment just to name a few).

Furthermore the IAF wont use its latest fukcing expensive weapons like Spyder sams, MICAs or sensor fused bombs to make the crowd happy.

May i remind you that two weeks of non stop attacks including night bombing raids by the IAF, failed to destroy even a single of the 11 grounded PAF F-86s at Tezgaoun airfield in Dacca. !!
Don't mean to digress, but this is how you score a bullseye even without a guided weapon.





May i remind you that two weeks of non stop attacks including night bombing raids by the IAF, failed to destroy even a single of the 11 grounded PAF F-86s at Tezgaoun airfield in Dacca. !!
Don't mean to digress, but this is how you score a bullseye even without a guided weapon.






I dont know much about it, but I was referring to the rocket attack on the governors residence.
May i remind you that two weeks of non stop attacks including night bombing raids by the IAF, failed to destroy even a single of the 11 grounded PAF F-86s at Tezgaoun airfield in Dacca. !!
Don't mean to digress, but this is how you score a bullseye even without a guided weapon.

Hi, I think it will be little unfair to compare what happened something 42+ years back with these pictures, which were taken probably very recently?
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