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Washington is proposing that it's time to kick Turkey out of NATO over it's view on Finland & Sweden

Nobody can kick Turkiye out of NATO
there is no mechanism to kick any member out of NATO

stupid American media doesnt know even how NATO works

Euros are just known for barking. Look how they barked at Russia, but when it came time they started buying gas from them again. Lolololol

Turkey is invaluable as compared to Finland or sweden. They may hate Turkey, but at the end of the day they know they need Turkey.
I am saying again USA did not sell PATRIOT to Turkiye
therefore we bought S400 from Russia
You are saying again and again and again. You have said this dozens and dozens of times. We get it. Hur dur not sell Patriot,we buy S-400,we good ally,you bad ally,now sell us F-16 because we good ally and you bad.
We all come from Adam and eve. Don't we?
Why are you questioning me.

In Pakistan we have blonde people with blue eyes.
We have ginger haired people.
We have dark black African looking people and we have brown people.
My friend from Lahore has Chinese eyes?

So my Greek friend we are all the same
I am ~1/3 european!
Probably post by some armenican/greece native member, how this is in line with american interest with problem from mother countries importing to usa :p: .
So basically west just want people and countries to agree with them, if they don't then they should be kicked out ? what happen to freedom of Expression or independent policies which every country has a right to make ? Kicking Turkey out of NATO will be a bad Idea, Turks are battle hardened Army, they are one of the best Militaries in NATO, and could also be the mediators between Europe and ME.
Stupid American Media

there is no mechanism to kick any member out of NATO
Nobody can do it ... stop dreaming

even if Turks says we leave NATO , then PENTAGON and White House will beg Turkiye , please dont leave NATO

-- Turkiye has the 2nd strongest Army in NATO
-- Turkish Military Industry is rising power in NATO
-- Turkiye was iron Castle against Soviet threat in cold war to protect Europe
-- Turkiye is the most strategic country in NATO against Russia and İran
-- Turkiye , USA , UK were most active countries in NATO's operations from Afghanistan to Kosovo , from Lebanon to Baltic
-- Turkiye control Bosphorus which is only gateway to the Black Sea against Russia
-- without Turkiye , NATO is nothing in Caucasia , Middle East and in the Eastern Mediterranean

imagine , if Turkiye allow Russia and China to open military bases to work together against USA ... ( then USA will be fcked up in İraq,Syria and in the Eastern Mediterranean )

-- even Turkish KURECIK Radar Base ( American AN-TPY2 Early warning Radar ) is major part of NATO's Ballistic Missile Defense to protect Europe from Russian and İranian Missile threat

Finland , Sweden support PKK/YPG terrorism against Turkiye
and Turkiye is 100% right to block terror supporter Countries .....

useless weak Sweden is nothing for NATO
even in the 18th century we Turks ( Ottoman Empire ) saved Sweden from Russia
ungrateful sweden

so NATO = USA , UK , Turkiye , France , İtaly , Germany , Poland , Spain
( others dont have military power and military industry )
So basically west just want people and countries to agree with them, if they don't then they should be kicked out ? what happen to freedom of Expression or independent policies which every country has a right to make ? Kicking Turkey out of NATO will be a bad Idea, Turks are battle hardened Army, they are one of the best Militaries in NATO, and could also be the mediators between Europe and ME.

But, let's be honest. When pushed comes to shove, the US and Europe would leave Turkey and not assist it at all. If anything, NATO is just used as a tool by both the west and Turkey to achieve a semi-neutral position between themselves for their own benefits. In a real war (WW3, or a war between two powers), the west will abandon Turkey. If you think otherwise, then, I don't know what to say.
You are saying again and again and again. You have said this dozens and dozens of times. We get it. Hur dur not sell Patriot,we buy S-400,we good ally,you bad ally,now sell us F-16 because we good ally and you bad.

Only stop crying , if Turkiye buys weapons from Russia

Turkiye = We want to buy PATRIOT
USA = No
Turkiye = Ok . We bought S400 from Russia
USA = No

Turkiye = We want to buy F-35
USA = No
Turkiye = ok then we want to buy F-16V
USA = No
Turkiye = Russian Jets are an option
USA = No , Turkiye can not buy weapons from Russia

Turkiye = STFO
But, let's be honest. When pushed comes to shove, the US and Europe would leave Turkey and not assist it at all. If anything, NATO is just used as a tool by both the west and Turkey to achieve a semi-neutral position between themselves for their own benefits. In a real war (WW3, or a war between two powers), the west will abandon Turkey. If you think otherwise, then, I don't know what to say.

-- Not Russia , not China but NATO Countries USA,France,Germany,etc use PKK/YPG Terror organization to destroy Turkiye's territorial integrity

-- Not Russia , not China but NATO Countries led by USA did military coups ( 1960,1971,1980,1997,2016 ) in Turkiye to destroy real patriotic leaders

-- Not Russia , not China but NATO Countries USA,France are trying to steal oil/gas reserves and 150.000 km2 territory from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

-- Not Russia , not China but NATO Countries USA,France,Germany,etc use arms embargo on Turkiye

( Turkiye develops its national defense Industry to be self sufficiency )

Where does the real threat come from ?
from Russia - China or NATO Countries USA,France,Germany ?

and Turkiye was neutral in ww2 ....
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This won’t happen. Turkey is too strategically important to be kicked out. No doubt, most of the Europeans and white Christians want Turkey out but it will be too costly.

So basically west just want people and countries to agree with them, if they don't then they should be kicked out ? what happen to freedom of Expression or independent policies which every country has a right to make ? Kicking Turkey out of NATO will be a bad Idea, Turks are battle hardened Army, they are one of the best Militaries in NATO, and could also be the mediators between Europe and ME.
The west is a global empire and machine controlled from the US. It’s leadership is the global financial cabal however.
the exit of Turkey would have a very high cost, more than 40 billion dollars, among other changes of codes, bases, authorizations, tens of thousands of Turkish personnel assigned to NATO. All this would take between 3 and 5 years for NATO members.

Who wants to pay?
Finland Sweden ?
Quick Questions:

Why does Turkey stay in Nato?

What is the benefit to it since Russia is no longer any conventional threat and the Nato nuclear deterent won't apply to Turkey?
Turks won't be kicked out. But regime change is always an option for Brussels + Washington. Was tried in the past.
NATO criteria
1. A functioning democratic political system based on a market economy
2. Fair treatment of minority populations
3. A commitment to resolve conflicts peacefully
4. An ability and willingness to make a military contribution to NATO operations;
5. A commitment to democratic civil-military
Obviously, Turkey is failing at fulfilling NATO membership criteria

They won’t, NATO would collapse without the Turkish Military. They are the second largest army in NATO and the only way to keep the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Check.
EU alone has 1.8 millions militaries, USA has 1.3 millions... Most of them professionals... Turkey is a draft army, well, you know, Ukraine has about 1 million drafted people today... And considering the leadership's behaviour... Just buying blood oil from ISIS should have been enough to be done with Erdogan and his mafia, if not considering that they lead a proxy war against us...
Largest army in nato is Turkey...nato would lose control if access to the middle east as well as the black sea.

Turkey knows how to play the game. These white fuckers need to wake up

There are many countries in partnership with NATO...
Once Turkey out, Kurdistan, including Rojava may reclaim independence and a NATO v.2.0 may have much faster sign-in process

No access to the Mid-east???
BTW, you can't cross the Bosphorus without using Greek national waters too and, mark my words, just call the Germans and get some Bagger 293...

218,880 tonnes of soil moved per day means it won't take long...
to enlarge areas that may not be OK for large ships on the Rhein-Main-Danube canal

The channel allows 190m length and 11.75mwidth ships
Then... Whatabout an unlimited support to...

in terms of access to the Middle-East, it would sound rather good...😇
NATO criteria
1. A functioning democratic political system based on a market economy
2. Fair treatment of minority populations
3. A commitment to resolve conflicts peacefully
4. An ability and willingness to make a military contribution to NATO operations;
5. A commitment to democratic civil-military
Obviously, Turkey is failing at fulfilling NATO membership criteria

New Troll account with terror propaganda

1-- even Turkiye has better democracy than USA and Europe
USA and Europe never can allow AL QAEDA , ISIS to open a political party to be in their parliaments

on the other hand , There are PKK/YPPG Terror organization's political party ( HDP ) in Turkish parliaments

2-- USA and Europe are bandits who illegally stole money and property of Russian businessmen

3-- Kurds are not minority population , Kurds are real citizens of Turkiye who became even Prime minister and President

4-- Turkiye , USA and UK are top Countries to make a military contribution to NATO operations from Afghanistan to Kosovo , from Lebanon to Baltics

even Turkish Army is only NATO Army which fought against ISIS in Syria
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