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Washington is playing a losing game with China

You Vietnamese are an ungrateful nation. USA killed your millions and sprayed Agent Orange on you people but now you love USA, China fought the US for you guys and now you speak venom against China, What a shame
Grateful is word that should not be used between countries.
Will you be forever grateful to China although you know China uses Pakistan as bulk walk against India?
It’s just politics.
China supported Vietnam as battlefield against the US. As soon as Vietnam was no longer useful they dropped us like an used chewing gum.
Grateful is word that should not be used between countries.
Will you be forever grateful to China although you know China uses Pakistan as bulk walk against India?
It’s just politics.
China supported Vietnam as battlefield against the US. As soon as Vietnam was no longer useful they dropped us like an used chewing gum.
Pakistan needs China as much as China needs Pakistan. Vietnam government is copying many policies from China. They asked vaccine from China right now. They have more brain than you.
Many Vietnamese girls married Chinese because the life is better in China. That's the reality. Vietnam government knows they cannot play one side game so you will be disappointed.
You Vietnamese are an ungrateful nation. USA killed your millions and sprayed Agent Orange on you people but now you love USA, China fought the US for you guys and now you speak venom against China, What a shame
and despite you keep barking loudly here to "protect" CN , she still invite India to RCEP and keep ignoring u guys and keep forcing u to pay back the debt from debt trap CPEC.

what a shame for u, insulting VN just to make CN happy, begging help from CN, but she just simply ignore u but trying to make friend wt India in RCEP instead, not mentioning most of CN factories are moving to VN while completely ignore your country .
Pakistan needs China as much as China needs Pakistan.
Stop lying, CN investors completely ignore CPEC and keep moving to VN instead, rich CNese dont want to make friend wt Pak, they just want to set debt trap like CPEC there. Which country that CN tire/ auto part/ textile factories want to come now ?? Oh, thats not Pak but VN.

pls stop lying like cheap clown, dude :pop:
Stop lying, CN investors completely ignore CPEC and keep moving to VN instead, rich CNese dont want to make friend wt Pak, they just want to set debt trap like CPEC there. Which country that CN tire/ auto part/ textile factories want to come now ?? Oh, thats not Pak but VN.

pls stop lying like cheap clown, dude :pop:
You have no idea. Cpec is a long term project. They just finished infrastructure projects such as electricity and roads now. Pakistan needs those badly. Without electricity power how could investors set up factories? Vietnam is a small country. Vietnam cannot accommodate all the outflow factories from China. Chinese companies invest all over the world.
Pakistan has debts problem due to imf and other foreign banks loans. Chinese loans alone won't make the situation worse. If China doesn't invest in Pakistan, it only gets in bad circle. Cpec is a way to get out of the circle. China is decided even they lost money in those projects in developing countries, it is still better to finance USA building military industry to against China and the rest of the developing countries. China has huge surplus of foreign trade. Those foreign exchange needs to invest outside China BRI is an alternative to buy USA debts. Vietnam also joined BRI.
Debt traps are also another western media lie trying to stop BRI. If it is really debt traps USA and Europe won't worry about it so much.
We enjoy western benefits but we also pay it back to society by being a model citizen, paying tax, etc. But make no mistake: race does matter anytime, anywhere. An immigrant wil always be immigrant no matter how long one lives in host country. Born. bred, means nothing. You might be proud of your loyalty to Germany, but lets see to what extend with the rising white power extremists in europe. To average white european, you are just another slit eyes. You might think you are part of white but in the end of the day you are just another non western immigrants.
Chinese bring prosperity where ever they go.
Take the old LA China town. If not for the early Chinese immigrant, it would have been a crime infested ghetto draining tax payer money to maintain. But the Chinese made it a prosperous tourist town generating millions to the tax coffers of the local government.

In Malaysia, the contribution to the economy is already well know. But there are other contribution that are less known. In sports Malaysian Chinese bring in more Olympic medals then other ethnic groups. Going back to WWII, the Chinese formed the MPAJA to fight the Japanese for the country. We also have Michelle Yeoh, a worldwide actress. The CEO of Broadcom which almost bought over Qualcom is a Malaysian. Heck even 90% of the taxes are paid by Chinese.
These talents from heaven is out of a population of only maybe 5 to 6 million.
As for Singapore, we changes a mosquito infested swamp with zero natural resources into a first world country.

Chinese will go to what ever place where there is money to be made, even to Africa. And they will bring prosperity with them.
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China supported Vietnam as battlefield against the US. As soon as Vietnam was no longer useful they dropped us like an used chewing gum.
China supported Vietnam as battlefield? What kind of a nonsense is this? Russia supports Syria as battlefield now? So whenever a country coming to aid in a foreign war it is because it wants to support the country in need as battlefield? How old are you 3 year old still sucking your mom's breasts for milk? Everybody knows China supported Communist Vietnamese against the traitorous South Vietnamese government. After 20 years of fighting and when the Americans left what did you expect from China? Give free money while China was still a very poor country?
Grateful is word that should not be used between countries.
Will you be forever grateful to China although you know China uses Pakistan as bulk walk against India?
It’s just politics.
China supported Vietnam as battlefield against the US. As soon as Vietnam was no longer useful they dropped us like an used chewing gum.

They didn't dropped you, as you bit the hand which was feeding you and went on to invade Cambodia which was much smaller then Vietnam and another China friend. China have to invade Vietnam to teach a lesson and after that, their was no turning back for China and that was the gratefulness Vietnam have shown to China. How much China helped you during US Vietnam war and how many thousands of Chinese soldiers laid their lives so Vietnam can kick out US and how you repaid back. Don't be ungrateful and go and educate yourself when some one helps you show some appreciation and say thank you not bad mouthing China. If your history writers are twisted then ask your parents and grand parents to find out the truth about Chinese help.
China supported Vietnam as battlefield? What kind of a nonsense is this? Russia supports Syria as battlefield now? So whenever a country coming to aid in a foreign war it is because it wants to support the country in need as battlefield? How old are you 3 year old still sucking your mom's breasts for milk? Everybody knows China supported Communist Vietnamese against the traitorous South Vietnamese government. After 20 years of fighting and when the Americans left what did you expect from China? Give free money while China was still a very poor country?
Of course during the Cold War USSR and China wanted a communism world.
However unlike USSR, China under Mao Zedong wanted to achieve that goal by violence. That led to the split between the two big communist brothers.
They didn't dropped you, as you bit the hand which was feeding you and went on to invade Cambodia which was much smaller then Vietnam and another China friend. China have to invade Vietnam to teach a lesson and after that, their was no turning back for China and that was the gratefulness Vietnam have shown to China. How much China helped you during US Vietnam war and how many thousands of Chinese soldiers laid their lives so Vietnam can kick out US and how you repaid back. Don't be ungrateful and go and educate yourself when some one helps you show some appreciation and say thank you not bad mouthing China. If your history writers are twisted then ask your parents and grand parents to find out the truth about Chinese help.
Cambodia under Pol Pot was a marionette of Beijing. Pol wanted to establish a society with peasants. He killed everyone from kids to elders.
i can tell you only speak/think from 1 perspective/dimensional proved by your statements. Claiming ethnic chinese living everywhere in the world as some kind of parasite/fifth column and no contribution whatsoever to the host country. Delusional much?

We enjoy western benefits but we also pay it back to society by being a model citizen, paying tax, etc. But make no mistake: race does matter anytime, anywhere. An immigrant wil always be immigrant no matter how long one lives in host country. Born. bred, means nothing. You might be proud of your loyalty to Germany, but lets see to what extend with the rising white power extremists in europe. To average white european, you are just another slit eyes. You might think you are part of white but in the end of the day you are just another non western immigrants.

The true colour of western europe can be seen in the international politics. Take for example ISIS fighters who denied access to host countries in Europe, although born there. How comes white isis fighters are allowed to go back to western countries but dual citizen coloured immigrants cant? Double standards all the way.
Ah come on I was born and raised in Vietnam before coming here. I know the good and bad sides of East and West. Don’t need to educate me. China supporting us during the war against America does not give you the rights to play God and put us in concentration camps when the war is over.
You have no idea. Cpec is a long term project. They just finished infrastructure projects such as electricity and roads now. Pakistan needs those badly. Without electricity power how could investors set up factories? Vietnam is a small country. Vietnam cannot accommodate all the outflow factories from China. Chinese companies invest all over the world.
Pakistan has debts problem due to imf and other foreign banks loans. Chinese loans alone won't make the situation worse. If China doesn't invest in Pakistan, it only gets in bad circle. Cpec is a way to get out of the circle. China is decided even they lost money in those projects in developing countries, it is still better to finance USA building military industry to against China and the rest of the developing countries. China has huge surplus of foreign trade. Those foreign exchange needs to invest outside China BRI is an alternative to buy USA debts. Vietnam also joined BRI.
Debt traps are also another western media lie trying to stop BRI. If it is really debt traps USA and Europe won't worry about it so much.
Okay, then pls tell us when will your tire/auto part/ Apple assembly factories come to Pak ??

They are all in VN now, paying VN workers from 380 to 430 USD per month, and willing to expand their business. Not mentioning RCEP is a good deal that help Pak increase her export to RCEP market, why didn't CN want to invite her in like CN keep asking India to join ??:pop:

for example

Yicai Global) Dec. 11 – Shares of China’s Sailun Jinyu Group surged to an all-time high today after the Chinese tire maker said that it will expand its production in Vietnam.

Sailun's stock price rose by 9.8 percent to CNY7.82 (USD1.20) by noon. The shares are almost 20 percent up this year.

The tire manufacturer will build a new plant in Ho Chi Minh City with an annual production capacity of 3 million semi-steel radial tires, 1 million all-steel radial tires, as well as 50,000 off-the-road tires, the Qingdao-based firm said in a statement published over the weekend.

The factory is expected to be ready after 36 months of construction. It should bring CNY2.8 billion (USD431.8 million) in revenue and CNY604 million (USD93.1 million) in net profit to its parent every year.

Sailun started manufacturing tires in Vietnam in 2013. It formed a USD280 million joint venture with US Cooper Tire & Rubber in the Asian country in 2019.

If China doesn't invest in Pakistan, it only gets in bad circle. Cpec is a way to get out of the circle.
RCEP is also is a very good way to get out of the circle, but CN didnt want PAk to join. CN just give Pak a big debt trap called CPEC, CN want India to join RCEP instead :pop:
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He just gives lip service like his usual posts in Far East section.

I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about Frankly, Because I mean what I say. No lipservice necessary. Have a nice day
most of those islands are empty, at most has a flag on them.

Among the big islands with air bases, China dominates.

thank you for Clarifying. I know China has air bases etc. on its islands.

I assumed Vietnam had its own troops and maybe smaller bases on some of its islands. Because in the past it had definitely punched Its weight.
Okay, then pls tell us when will your tire/auto part/ Apple assembly factories come to Pak ??

They are all in VN now, paying VN workers from 380 to 430 USD per month, and willing to expand their business. Not mentioning RCEP is a good deal that help Pak increase her export to RCEP market, why didn't CN want to invite her in like CN keep asking India to join ??:pop:

for example

Yicai Global) Dec. 11 – Shares of China’s Sailun Jinyu Group surged to an all-time high today after the Chinese tire maker said that it will expand its production in Vietnam.

Sailun's stock price rose by 9.8 percent to CNY7.82 (USD1.20) by noon. The shares are almost 20 percent up this year.

The tire manufacturer will build a new plant in Ho Chi Minh City with an annual production capacity of 3 million semi-steel radial tires, 1 million all-steel radial tires, as well as 50,000 off-the-road tires, the Qingdao-based firm said in a statement published over the weekend.

The factory is expected to be ready after 36 months of construction. It should bring CNY2.8 billion (USD431.8 million) in revenue and CNY604 million (USD93.1 million) in net profit to its parent every year.

Sailun started manufacturing tires in Vietnam in 2013. It formed a USD280 million joint venture with US Cooper Tire & Rubber in the Asian country in 2019.

RCEP is also is a very good way to get out of the circle, but CN didnt want PAk to join. CN just give Pak a big debt trap called CPEC, CN want India to join RCEP instead :pop:
I said cpec is not ready yet because many infrastructure projects are not finished yet.

China doesn't care if India join recp or not. ASEAN is the number one trade partner of China. India has very little value in supply chain. ASEAN and Japan South Korea are more important links.
India is not even larger than Africa in China's trade. China never needed to import cheap goods from overseas even at the same economy stage as India now. Domestic goods were much cheaper. India is importing even cheapest goods from other countries. The costs of the manufacturing are just too high. Poor population is not equal to market or population dividends. Many people mistake the concept and think India is very important. It is not.
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