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Was the FC-20 ever officially confirmed to be the J-10 (any variant)?

Forget the jets!! This above statement has to be the most brilliant one in this discussion!

I go to New Jersey often, and I get mixed up all the time. So please Chinese Tiger, tell us how to tell the difference?

Much obliged in advance:china:

The rumor said they were many military staffs, then sure people can tell something about the uniform, isn't it?
Is that J-10C in your dream?
shi t, maybe a wt or Jun mang.
Is that J-10C in your dream?
shi t, maybe a wt or Jun mang.

If my "dream" was the Varyag aircraft carrier, then yes, the J-10C would be on there along with the J-15.
i don't see any benefit to having 2 engines instead of 1
@Blackblood and Asim Aquil

It might help you

This is what i got courtesy to EagleHannan

"A few weeks ago, I showed the leaked pics to some PAF personal and they agreed that top brass of PAF has always known of this project and the pictures are indeed the J-20. However, like all Pakistani acquisations, we are NOT interested in J-20 as it is. China is where the Stealth 5th generation MRCA will be bought from but that wont exactly be J-20.
The way PAF deals with and has always delath with Chinese manufacturers (JF-17s are exception) is that we let them present what they have. Then analyse and give them our own requirements and integrate our man power and share information we get from our own sources into the project.

Eaxmples: F-7MG --> F-7PG (Chinese couldnt come up with avionics so we bought it from theird party back when sun used to shine well in west for PAF)
J-10 --> J-10B

LIke I said before, we have no input so far in this J-20. A few have laid eyes on it. My source told me, it will be another J-20 --> J-20-B story when Chinese will put it on Table. Chances are the thing will NOT be on table anytime before 2015. For many reasons, including sales of J-10. Any plane operating with PAF is a free marketing for Chinese companies (I was so proud of it when an AVIC personal said it to me in the presence of PAF personal that the world trusts PAFs standards).
Chinese want to see J-10B in considerable number before even offering J-20. The money + interest of Chinese companies is in NOT offering Pakistan J-20 unless J-10B is flying with PAF in number.
PAF exercised their judgment back in 2007, PAF could either choose to go with large number of F-16s or bring in J-10B. My info on this is, Chinese clearly denied to do anything with J-10 unless the orders of F-16s are cut down. PAF did burn their boats after agreeing to it (I am glad they did. Thanks Allah for that) and sent thier team for a long tern partnership with China (Currently located in Chingdu). It was only after then that the Chinese let in PAF/PAC engineers tweak with J-10s and we saw the J-10B.
Time line for J-20 in small batch can easily be after 2016 and only then PAF might be invited to jump in.
They could also be Indians as well.

Indians have nothing to do near sensitive Chinese aero space facilities..

FC-20 to me sounds like an offshoot of J-10 adapted to Pakistani requirements as such it bears very little resemblance to its parent product. Might as well incorporate composite materials to reduce RCS and western engines and avionics.
@Blackblood and Asim Aquil

It might help you

This is what i got courtesy to EagleHannan

"A few weeks ago, I showed the leaked pics to some PAF personal and they agreed that top brass of PAF has always known of this project and the pictures are indeed the J-20. However, like all Pakistani acquisations, we are NOT interested in J-20 as it is. China is where the Stealth 5th generation MRCA will be bought from but that wont exactly be J-20.
The way PAF deals with and has always delath with Chinese manufacturers (JF-17s are exception) is that we let them present what they have. Then analyse and give them our own requirements and integrate our man power and share information we get from our own sources into the project.

Eaxmples: F-7MG --> F-7PG (Chinese couldnt come up with avionics so we bought it from theird party back when sun used to shine well in west for PAF)
J-10 --> J-10B

LIke I said before, we have no input so far in this J-20. A few have laid eyes on it. My source told me, it will be another J-20 --> J-20-B story when Chinese will put it on Table. Chances are the thing will NOT be on table anytime before 2015. For many reasons, including sales of J-10. Any plane operating with PAF is a free marketing for Chinese companies (I was so proud of it when an AVIC personal said it to me in the presence of PAF personal that the world trusts PAFs standards).
Chinese want to see J-10B in considerable number before even offering J-20. The money + interest of Chinese companies is in NOT offering Pakistan J-20 unless J-10B is flying with PAF in number.
PAF exercised their judgment back in 2007, PAF could either choose to go with large number of F-16s or bring in J-10B. My info on this is, Chinese clearly denied to do anything with J-10 unless the orders of F-16s are cut down. PAF did burn their boats after agreeing to it (I am glad they did. Thanks Allah for that) and sent thier team for a long tern partnership with China (Currently located in Chingdu). It was only after then that the Chinese let in PAF/PAC engineers tweak with J-10s and we saw the J-10B.
Time line for J-20 in small batch can easily be after 2016 and only then PAF might be invited to jump in.

Read it already , surely a provoking insight !
If my "dream" was the Varyag aircraft carrier, then yes, the J-10C would be on there along with the J-15.

You won't get much useful information here. Keep working hard on spreading misinformation or you'll be fired, wt. You must have Chinese employees there.
The CAC is building a new plant to J10b.
Plz see the pic:



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Forget the jets!! This above statement has to be the most brilliant one in this discussion!

I go to New Jersey often, and I get mixed up all the time. So please Chinese Tiger, tell us how to tell the difference?

Much obliged in advance:china:

very simple we dont trust india and they are our enermies there fore no indian will be allowed in the most sensitive area in china
When Pakistan opted for F-16 block 52 and when Chinese president visited Pakistan in Musharaf's GOVT and a contract was signed that China will provide AWA&C aircrafts to Pakistan, there were news circulating on many news channels that China will Also provide hi-tech F-10 fighter jet to Pakistan.also the export version of J-10 is named F-10.

"PAF wanted some modification in F-10 according to its requirements, so the delivery schedule will be followed by 2009-10" that was stated by our last ACM in an interview on ARY One World in 2006 or 07 when the anchor asked him about the delivery of F-10 to Pakistan.

Later when J-10b took first flight many well known military websites were stating that J-10B is the export version of J-10 for Pakistan.
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