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‘Wars of religion will start in Europe’ – Turkish FM

what europe does wrong is giving equal rights to women, minorities, lgbt, jews, muslims etc

no one cares for india or pakistan
The religious Europeans are also the Russians
Lol True.

Omg, what is this guy on about. Cringes.....
Lol To be honest, i don't think people should take this seriously. I believe E.U-Turkish relations will continue unabated. Erdogan is just a politician trying to pass a referendum granting him more powers as president. So in other to achieve that he obviously has to make such inflammatory remarks and create a foreign enemy while ramping up the "us against them mentality" thereby drawing in more votes on his side while sidelining those who voted against him as western stooges/puppets/liberals etc. It's an old political trick politicians around the world often use. Nothing new here, so it's not just Erdogan.

You people should ask yourselves why he didn't say such things all this years/decade he has been in power .lol
Even more hilarious is the fact that he accuses one of Europe's most peaceful/liberal/soft country Germany as wicked evil Nazis. LMAO. :lol:

Sorry Merkel seems you letting in millions of middle eastern refugees without checks isn't enough. :lol:. There's always room for improvement i guess. :rofl:

So, we shouldn't take this seriously, after the referendum everything will be back to normal and people will move on with life and forget about this. So people should stop insulting Turkey as a nation just because of Erdogan's current politically motivated words (which is only temporary by nature anyway).
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European Christian governments spread their religion through forced colonization and they're complaining about Muslim civilians moving to Europe? Talk about double standards.

How about Europeans and their descendants leave North America, Australia, and all other lands not connected to the European continent and Muslims will gladly leave Europe.
A good but misguided person will learn from their mistake and not do it again. But a bad person will not learn from their mistake until they are given a taste of their own medicine. With that said, if good people (Muslims) stand by and do nothing then bad people (colonizers) will inherit the world.

Irreligiousness is the reason why Western men don't want to get married because the majority of their women have become gold diggers, whores, and feminist. Can't turn a hoe into a house wife.

The same could be said of having no religion.
"Irreligiousness is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"

For everything we have a procedure and we have to follow that accordingly.
Lol True.

Lol To be honest, i don't think people should take this seriously. I believe E.U-Turkish relations will continue unabated. Erdogan is just a politician trying to pass a referendum granting him more powers as president. So in other to achieve that he obviously has to make such inflammatory remarks and create a foreign enemy while ramping up the "us against them mentality" thereby drawing in more votes on his side while sidelining those who voted against him as western stooges/puppets/liberals etc. It's an old political trick politicians around the world often use. Nothing new here, so it's not just Erdogan.

You people should ask yourselves why he didn't say such things all this years/decade he has been in power .lol
Even more hilarious is the fact that he accuses one of Europe's most peaceful/liberal/soft country Germany as wicked evil Nazis. LMAO. :lol:

Sorry Merkel seems you letting in millions of middle eastern refugees without checks isn't enough. :lol:. There's always room for improvement i guess. :rofl:

So, we shouldn't take this seriously, after the referendum everything will be back to normal and people will move on with life and forget about this. So people should stop insulting Turkey as a nation just because of Erdogan's current politically motivated words (which is only temporary by nature anyway).
Erdogan is playing a sinister game. He is riling up tensions between native Europeans and non native Muslim populations. This does not help the native European or the Muslim...someone else stands to gain...why is Erdogan playing into this...?
Its a horror in NATO as well. And this is openly adressed right now through all political parties.

Lets face reality. Turkey is not one of us. Never was and never will be. Its oriental. It has not our culture. It doesnt share our history and values. The only thing we shared in past is conflict. There is not one positive episode in history between our people.

The recent meltdown of the turkish regime is a perfect example for that.

You honestly believe we could build trust on turkey? Trust that would hold stand under conflict? We have not enough trust in turkey to depend the security of our troops on them. There are serious opinions in EU that turkey might use european military staff stationed in turkey as hostages.

Beside that it would create a border with Syria, Iraq and Iran. Something that is definitly not in the interest of Europe.

The distrust is that high that not even visa free travel is granted.
And still Turkey is NATO member, it must be frustrating to know that you can do absolutely nothing about it. :lol:
And still Turkey is NATO member, it must be frustrating to know that you can do absolutely nothing about it. :lol:

no, its not frustrating. Things develop in politics and the current developments are positive regarding that. Turkey is treated like a paria by european nations. Doesnt get weapons delivered. Germany alone blocked 12 deals within last year.

I guess there will be some transformations regarding turkey.

In the end we both know that its just a paper membership and not based on political reality. No european soldier would fight for turkey.
Erdogan is playing a sinister game. He is riling up tensions between native Europeans and non native Muslim populations. This does not help the native European or the Muslim...someone else stands to gain...why is Erdogan playing into this...?
Well, it's obvious, it's merely for political reasons since he's trying to pass a referendum for his own political ambitions. Why should he care about the repercussions(there will be none anyway) on some Muslims or the millions of Turks(there are almost 4 million of them in Germany ALONE) living in Europe?
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European Christian governments spread their religion through forced colonization and they're complaining about Muslim civilians moving to Europe? Talk about double standards.

How about Europeans and their descendants leave North America, Australia, and all other lands not connected to the European continent and Muslims will gladly leave Europe.
Christian governments? In Europe?? Hahaha.
Colonization (let alone forced) by European governments today? Hahahaha
What are you on (about)?

Europe is continiously asking for it
For what?

Yes, that's what 'enlightened' souls like Wilders and his cronies are saying.
Wilders is not saying anything. Actually failed to campaign.
Well, it's obvious, it's merely for political reasons since he's trying to pass a referendum for his own political ambitions. Why should he care about the repercussions(there will be none anyway) on some Muslims or the millions of Turks(there are almost 4 million of them in Germany ALONE) living in Europe?
He should be sensitive to these issues as a leader of a country. It could be that he does not realize the full implications...in that case he is foolish.

no, its not frustrating. Things develop in politics and the current developments are positive regarding that. Turkey is treated like a paria by european nations. Doesnt get weapons delivered. Germany alone blocked 12 deals within last year.

I guess there will be some transformations regarding turkey.

In the end we both know that its just a paper membership and not based on political reality. No european soldier would fight for turkey.
No but European soldiers would and are fighting for Zionism.

European Christian governments spread their religion through forced colonization and they're complaining about Muslim civilians moving to Europe? Talk about double standards.

How about Europeans and their descendants leave North America, Australia, and all other lands not connected to the European continent and Muslims will gladly leave Europe.
They are not really Christian governments...rather anti Christian.
Wilders is not saying anything. Actually failed to campaign.

Wilders did not need to win the election because he had already set the tone of the Dutch politics. His opponent had to adjust his tone to this new reality and that was the actual victory for Wilders.
no, its not frustrating. Things develop in politics and the current developments are positive regarding that. Turkey is treated like a paria by european nations. Doesnt get weapons delivered. Germany alone blocked 12 deals within last year.

I guess there will be some transformations regarding turkey.

In the end we both know that its just a paper membership and not based on political reality. No european soldier would fight for turkey.
Nothing is gonna happen, if something was gonna happen then after Cyprus war, but you are free to sing yourself into sleep. :)
Europeans are within their rights to ban immigration from Muslim states. China, Japan and South Korea do not allow immigration. Neither does Saudi Arabia or any of the rich GCC states.
True to some extent. However, European countries have already set a high standard for themselves about freedom, democracy and tolerance , so it's harder for them to adopt East Asian countries strict immigration policies. Plus, there's also historical reasons.
Moreover, the funny thing is many of these East Asian countries you mentioned (China, Japan, Korea etc) don't even give citizenship to foreigners(no matter how many decades you have lived there or even if you were born and raised there) as far as you are not a native or ethnic Chinese/local. In fact getting even permanent residence there is an uphill task much less citizenship, but nobody criticises them as racists (which i don't think is racism anyway) or descriminatory unlike in liberal western countries. The thing is , when you have been too open and tolerant towards others for a long time, they obviously expect much more from you than they will expect towards others who haven't been that way from the start . That's life. Lol. :)
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Nothing is gonna happen, if something was gonna happen then after Cyprus war, but you are free to sing yourself into sleep. :)

No need to sleep. Just watch and laugh. :D You must admit that current times are really great for a right wing conservative european. I think an external enemy is something priceless. And Turkey would make an excellent choice

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