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Wars of Marri Balochs with British empire

Marris have been the bravest Baloch clan. They were well sought after by the colonial army for they were considered quite warlike. British tried to forcibly enlist them in WW1, but instead got attacked by them. I must say, a very proud and fiercely independent people. I admire their courage along with the Baloch and Brahvis' in general.
Some people are born idiots .. I didn't insult his ethnic or racial background .. bcoz I consider him my brother but ..

Bro I am sorry. I myself am so called Muhajir but we are racists. I noticed this and was hurt by our attitude so much I tried to adopt Pashtun culture. Zama kor my rules. I would now only call myself Pakistani but I can only apologize for the bullshit these MQM supporters spew. It is impossible for them not to be racist.

They ignore the brutality of the MQM and think up flaws in every other community. My entire khandaan is like that. I am sorry bro. Marris have a brilliant history as do Pashtuns. We Muhajirs have no real history so perhaps this is the reason-I don't know why they have to find racism in each thing. I don't know. But I must apologize.
Bro I am sorry. I myself am so called Muhajir but we are racists. I noticed this and was hurt by our attitude so much I tried to adopt Pashtun culture. Zama kor my rules. I would now only call myself Pakistani but I can only apologize for the bullshit these MQM supporters spew. It is impossible for them not to be racist.

They ignore the brutality of the MQM and think up flaws in every other community. My entire khandaan is like that. I am sorry bro. Marris have a brilliant history as do Pashtuns. We Muhajirs have no real history so perhaps this is the reason-I don't know why they have to find racism in each thing. I don't know. But I must apologize.

I don't know why you call yourself "muhajirs".. It's been 7 decades.. This is your third or fourth generation .. Still you guys label yourself as "muhajirs" .. You guys are the sons of sindh ... As for history everyone has a history ... Be proud of it ... Learn from it ..
I don't know why you call yourself "muhajirs".. It's been 7 decades.. This is your third or fourth generation .. Still you guys label yourself as "muhajirs" .. You guys are the sons of sindh ... As for history everyone has a history ... Be proud of it ... Learn from it ..

You are absolutely right. This ethnic identity is fake and imposed. By who? By people like rockstar and other so-called muhajirs themselves not as they claim by Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochs, Afghans, Americans, aliens or the moon.

I have discussed exactly what you are saying in this thread:

Split Discussion: Muhajir Identity | Page 8

In some of the posts I have labelled the flaws of this ethnic identity. My people come from Lucknow (which should have gone to Pakistan) and have links to other parts as well. It is not true that others want to call us muhair or treat us different. In fact it is the opposite. The Sindhis particularly want us to integrate and merge as Sindhis.

You will notice a strange situation when you see that the muhajirs who settled in Pakhtunkhwa after partition became Pashtuns, the ones in Punjab (mostly) Punjabis and the ones in Balochistan Balochs but the ones who came to Karachi adopted this identity-the identity of muhajirs or urdu speakers. You might have heard of a man Faiz Muhammed Baloch with a similar story (but migrated from Iranian balochistan) <He sang the song yeh Pakistan hamara>. Anyway so why and where did we, the ones who came in Sindh go wrong? + Do note that Jinnah too wanted us to merge within the local fabric. He wanted us to merge as Pakistanis and if they needed another identity too Sindis in Sindh, Balochs in Balochistan, Punjabis in Punjab etc.

One of the reasons that we failed to integrate was that a very large amount of Muhajirs (40% of the population of Karachi is so-called Muhajir even though I hate that term.) settled in Karachi. With limited interaction with the Sindhis (who make up less than 10% of Karachi's population) we spread and dominated the country but we never tried to merge with the Sindhis or learn their language-obviously this was our flaw. The other problem was the psyche of muhajirs. When you see a man like Altaf Hussain asking for panah in India and calling the partition the biggest blunder in the history of mankind it is an insult on every one of us who came only and only because he believed in Pakistan, it becomes clear that racism has permeated the very soul of our elders and they refuse to think about Pakistan first.

Now I would like to introduce you to my real culture. My real culture is lucknowi. My fathers side has dishes like the Kakori Kebab my mothers side a tasty mouth watering pulao and is known for hospitality, aap janab. Anyway? Why am I mentioning this? Partition was done and these areas went to India. Why am bringing a dead horse back to life. Because these regions should have gone to Pakistan. Imagine this.

If the Muslims of so called India, were to join Pakistan in an assault on India what a huge advantage it would be. We would not even have to move a finger and half the fighting would be done by muslims like in my state UP. We failed to merge the people there and our family members that. This was another failure of us muhajirs. Anyway I notice I am digressing from the crux.

So I propose 2 solutions for the muhajir or urdu speaker problem, both terms I hate. One is for them to either reclaim their original culture (Each muhajir has a different culture eg Lucknowi, Bihari, Deccan etc as they came from different parts now captured and controlled by India for example operation polo)... this will not make them Indian but will only solidify our link to these places which should have gone to Pakistan. The bonds with muslims left there can help Pakistan in a rebellion. Both my parents were born in Lucknow but are proud Pakistanis as is my grandfather from fathers side. My grandfather from my mothers side married all his daughters to Pakistanis.

The second solution I propose is for us to merge with the ethnic groups within Pakistan which I believe is a better option. I tried this myself. Zama num Havi Sultan de aw za wannabe Pashtun yam. lol. It was also what Jinnah wanted of us.

So there is no such thing as urdu speaker or muhajir. We are either lucknowites or Pashtuns/Sindhis/Balochs/GB's etc or we are Hyderabadis, Lucknowis, Biharis etc. What we need is Muhajirs themselves to introduce themselves as such. The muhajir word, and identity (includes even the urdu speaker identity) will then disappear and dissipate. Do check out the link and you will notice my views on the topic. I have discussed it infinitely.
Someone posted British martial tribe list some time back and Baloch were not in it, i can see why lol

You are absolutely right. This ethnic identity is fake and imposed. By who? By people like rockstar and other so-called muhajirs themselves not as they claim by Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochs, Afghans, Americans, aliens or the moon.

I have discussed exactly what you are saying in this thread:

Split Discussion: Muhajir Identity | Page 8

In some of the posts I have labelled the flaws of this ethnic identity. My people come from Lucknow (which should have gone to Pakistan) and have links to other parts as well. It is not true that others want to call us muhair or treat us different. In fact it is the opposite. The Sindhis particularly want us to integrate and merge as Sindhis.

You will notice a strange situation when you see that the muhajirs who settled in Pakhtunkhwa after partition became Pashtuns, the ones in Punjab (mostly) Punjabis and the ones in Balochistan Balochs but the ones who came to Karachi adopted this identity-the identity of muhajirs or urdu speakers. You might have heard of a man Faiz Muhammed Baloch with a similar story (but migrated from Iranian balochistan) <He sang the song yeh Pakistan hamara>. Anyway so why and where did we, the ones who came in Sindh go wrong? + Do note that Jinnah too wanted us to merge within the local fabric. He wanted us to merge as Pakistanis and if they needed another identity too Sindis in Sindh, Balochs in Balochistan, Punjabis in Punjab etc.

One of the reasons that we failed to integrate was that a very large amount of Muhajirs (40% of the population of Karachi is so-called Muhajir even though I hate that term.) settled in Karachi. With limited interaction with the Sindhis (who make up less than 10% of Karachi's population) we spread and dominated the country but we never tried to merge with the Sindhis or learn their language-obviously this was our flaw. The other problem was the psyche of muhajirs. When you see a man like Altaf Hussain asking for panah in India and calling the partition the biggest blunder in the history of mankind it is an insult on every one of us who came only and only because he believed in Pakistan, it becomes clear that racism has permeated the very soul of our elders and they refuse to think about Pakistan first.

Now I would like to introduce you to my real culture. My real culture is lucknowi. My fathers side has dishes like the Kakori Kebab my mothers side a tasty mouth watering pulao and is known for hospitality, aap janab. Anyway? Why am I mentioning this? Partition was done and these areas went to India. Why am bringing a dead horse back to life. Because these regions should have gone to Pakistan. Imagine this.

If the Muslims of so called India, were to join Pakistan in an assault on India what a huge advantage it would be. We would not even have to move a finger and half the fighting would be done by muslims like in my state UP. We failed to merge the people there and our family members that. This was another failure of us muhajirs. Anyway I notice I am digressing from the crux.

So I propose 2 solutions for the muhajir or urdu speaker problem, both terms I hate. One is for them to either reclaim their original culture (Each muhajir has a different culture eg Lucknowi, Bihari, Deccan etc as they came from different parts now captured and controlled by India for example operation polo)... this will not make them Indian but will only solidify our link to these places which should have gone to Pakistan. The bonds with muslims left there can help Pakistan in a rebellion. Both my parents were born in Lucknow but are proud Pakistanis as is my grandfather from fathers side. My grandfather from my mothers side married all his daughters to Pakistanis.

The second solution I propose is for us to merge with the ethnic groups within Pakistan which I believe is a better option. I tried this myself. Zama num Havi Sultan de aw za wannabe Pashtun yam. lol. It was also what Jinnah wanted of us.

So there is no such thing as urdu speaker or muhajir. We are either lucknowites or Pashtuns/Sindhis/Balochs/GB's etc or we are Hyderabadis, Lucknowis, Biharis etc. What we need is Muhajirs themselves to introduce themselves as such. The muhajir word, and identity (includes even the urdu speaker identity) will then disappear and dissipate. Do check out the link and you will notice my views on the topic. I have discussed it infinitely.

Now muhajirs make 45-50% of Karachi population. Back then i think muhajirs were around 80-90% before punjabis, pashtuns, sindhis etc started to migrate in 70's and 80's.

So they needed separate identity for politcal reasons once they saw muhajirs numbers were diminishing.
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I know about pashtuns but that list didn't include Baloch because they rebelled and never joined British army?

The Baluch regiment in British Indian army was made exclusively for them. And in ww1, most clans gave some soldiers and cavalry begrudgingly except for Marris, who attacked them instead. Some Baloch like Jamali were very pro-brit.
Some people are born idiots .. I didn't insult his ethnic or racial background .. bcoz I consider him my brother but ..

if i was born idiot than you can easily confront me with a normal discussion :)
those who have nothing to say use , personal attacks :)
and everyone see who is doing ...
and my ethnic is Pakistani , i dont give a damn about been Muhajir , Pathan , Sindhi , Punjabi aur proud Balouch ....
and that doesnt matter if none of my family belongs to Army , but at least i love my army and country that i want to see only good about Pakistan , and since i join this forum i do realize the word muhajir been used by our so called Brothers Pathans, balouch , Sindhi and others ...

calling someone a brother doesnt make him a brother , you have to prove it :)

Even our religion makes every muslim around the world makes us brothers, but that doesnt means i can have a lunch with the prince of KSA :)
talking about a collective Pakistaniate and than calling one a muhajir , lolz so much for PDF think tank analyst you are , if idiots like you can be TT than no wonder why we have all sort of troubles in Pakistan ... and who are you by the way ??
a punjabi who's forefathers once do " malish " for sadaars ? or a sindhi , who still in age of Dinosaur ? marrying their women with Quran and digging their daughters into grave a live ? or you are a pathan ? who like to blow up peoples with no reason ?? and when some beard devils come to their house they start hiding under the burqa of their moms and wife ?? or maybe you are a proud baluch too who have a history of betraying Pakistan ?? we have to send army to take control of Balouchistan by kicking some of the assEs of the balouchi's and still doing so .... choose what ever you are and than we talk further , and please feel free to banned or give me negative rating because , doing this will show your courage to face reality , and other TT on PDF

You do not represent the urdu speaking community of Pakistan, so don't pretend to be their ambassador. With that said, ok don't respect Punjabis, Pashtun, Baloch etc, but at least have a bit of respect for the Sindhis at least. By god, you sound no different than a zionist jew who hates Palestinians.
You do not represent the urdu speaking community of Pakistan, so don't pretend to be their ambassador. With that said, ok don't respect Punjabis, Pashtun, Baloch etc, but at least have a bit of respect for the Sindhis at least. By god, you sound no different than a zionist jew who hates Palestinians.

i am not reprresentative of anyone , but a Pakistani , but when i try to present the faults in our society ,
first i become muhajir , than lunatic, and now a jew agent awesome :)
i get promoted guys
i am not reprresentative of anyone , but a Pakistani , but when i try to present the faults in our society ,
first i become muhajir , than lunatic, and now a jew agent awesome :)
i get promoted guys

But this section is ''Military History of Pakistan'', i don't know what you expected in OP?
But this section is ''Military History of Pakistan'', i don't know what you expected in OP?

i know , and all i was saying that there is not much about chanting about bravery , and the culture of bravery lots of peoples are praising them about is cause of the most of terrorism in Pakistan ...
what should i say ?
" oh wow what a bunch of Super humans Balouch marri are .. wow they defeat the gora on their land ... "
behind every cause there is a root which is holding the cause , and if one want to clear the Pakistan from the wrath of terrorism we have change the mindset of peoples ...we should not praise about how we defend our self from Britisher but we have look today how this gun culture ruined us , and how this tribal culture is ruining us ...
and on topic we know what Marri are doing to Pakistan , i have posted in one of my post the banned organization run by one of proud MARRI's might be his relative :)
i thought you were a little sensible poster here , but doesnt seems so , well you are a proud marri , i am a proud urdu speaking person , and i cant trash a person who is already living like a animals and among-st animal with animal culture ..
for peoples like you i dont have anything besides pity for you ...

Shabash. We always have one from Karachi to show the mindset of my people. We had darkinsky, he went pink. Then we had W11 went pink too. And guess what. Both displayed the same racism you are displaying right now. You are giving a very negative image of muhajirs for the world to see (I don't believe in muhajir identity anyway but there is no other word to call them so I apply the term they use for themselves)

Do you know how much Balochs and Pashtuns did for ingrateful people like you. They sent lashkars to fight in kashmir. They sent lashkars to protect families migrating from parts now taken over by India. They even cleared their homes and allowed so called muhajirs to settle in their homes. So show some respect to people who sacrificed much for the country and our people.

I for one will never tolerate racism. I condemn my own race so that I set an example and so that people do not take ethnicity too seriously. But you have given this forum nothing but insults and muhajir chauvinisim. I have seen the mentality of people like you from the start of my life and it makes me want to puke.

talking about a collective Pakistaniate and than calling one a muhajir , lolz so much for PDF think tank analyst you are , if idiots like you can be TT than no wonder why we have all sort of troubles in Pakistan ... and who are you by the way ??

So called Muhajirs have made many mistakes. Bengal was divided because we did not want to give up the primacy of urdu. We called the Bengalis traitors. Also we created a terrorist mafia known as the MQM whose leader said partition was the biggest blunder in history. So the real traitors are from amongst us. Syed Jamaluddin is a terrorist who supports MQM. He

a punjabi who's forefathers once do " malish " for sadaars ? or a sindhi , who still in age of Dinosaur ? marrying their women with Quran and digging their daughters into grave a live ? or you are a pathan ? who like to blow up peoples with no reason ?? and when some beard devils come to their house they start hiding under the burqa of their moms and wife ?? or maybe you are a proud baluch too who have a history of betraying Pakistan ?? we have to send army to take control of Balouchistan by kicking some of the assEs of the balouchi's and still doing so .... choose what ever you are and than we talk further , and please feel free to banned or give me negative rating because , doing this will show your courage to face reality , and other TT on PDF ..
This is blatant racism. I will never let brothers like desert fighter and Taimi Khan or Hyperion or rafay be insulted like this. You should apologize or be ready to get pink.

People like you will never understand that forming Pakistan was a collective effort and people of each ethnicity deserve to be loved and respected. Palay Khan fought for Pakistan, so did Furqan force, so did thousands of tribals who fought 48 war in Kashmir. Give them respect and you will gain respect yourself.

even army Retired Generals accepted that jinnahpur was fake .. you should come up with something better , you should be nominated not for TT but for SM " Stupid Moron of PDF "

Sure, go ahead. You have produced gems like Syed Jamaluddin.

Here is a link for you:


Syed Jamaluddin used to work with Altaf Bhai. He proposes Jinnahpur. The divisive mentality is in no one but us.
Shabash. We always have one from Karachi to show the mindset of my people. We had darkinsky, he went pink. Then we had W11 went pink too. And guess what. Both displayed the same racism you are displaying right now. You are giving a very negative image of muhajirs for the world to see (I don't believe in muhajir identity anyway but there is no other word to call them so I apply the term they use for themselves)

Do you know how much Balochs and Pashtuns did for ingrateful people like you. They sent lashkars to fight in kashmir. They sent lashkars to protect families migrating from parts now taken over by India. They even cleared their homes and allowed so called muhajirs to settle in their homes. So show some respect to people who sacrificed much for the country and our people.

I for one will never tolerate racism. I condemn my own race so that I set an example and so that people do not take ethnicity too seriously. But you have given this forum nothing but insults and muhajir chauvinisim. I have seen the mentality of people like you from the start of my life and it makes me want to puke.

So called Muhajirs have made many mistakes. Bengal was divided because we did not want to give up the primacy of urdu. We called the Bengalis traitors. Also we created a terrorist mafia known as the MQM whose leader said partition was the biggest blunder in history. So the real traitors are from amongst us. Syed Jamaluddin is a terrorist who supports MQM. He

This is blatant racism. I will never let brothers like desert fighter and Taimi Khan or Hyperion or rafay be insulted like this. You should apologize or be ready to get pink.

People like you will never understand that forming Pakistan was a collective effort and people of each ethnicity deserve to be loved and respected. Palay Khan fought for Pakistan, so did Furqan force, so did thousands of tribals who fought 48 war in Kashmir. Give them respect and you will gain respect yourself.

Sure, go ahead. You have produced gems like Syed Jamaluddin.

Here is a link for you:


Syed Jamaluddin used to work with Altaf Bhai. He proposes Jinnahpur. The divisive mentality is in no one but us.

i am not here praise my Urdu speaking identity or play the card of Muhajir or sindhi whatever ...
do you even know what Racism is ?? Rasicm is when you call certain peoples who's generation are born , lived and died here " Mujhair " even after 67 years of independent ... are we really independent ??

and no matter what peoples of Karachi do for Pakistan we will remain muhajir for other superior cast peoples living in Pakistan right ? when a kid born in a urdu speaking family he by default become a MQM supporter ? lolz or we have to take the oath on Quran to prove that we do not support MQM or AH .. Lolz

you will smell the racism within your own post mr TT , you praise about pathans , balouch but again forget to mentioned what urdu speaking peoples did for Pakistan ... but again , you know what , we dont give a damn if peoples praise us or not , that was not our Duty , that was our " Responsibility to help Pakistan , because we come for the land we give our blood to make ... i have to say because you bring up the favors pathan and balouch do for Pakistan ..

and we all know how Bangladesh was seperated , the language was never been the real case ... our army and Politicians equally involved ,but for i still not accept that Army did something wrong in BD , i support Army ...

and by banning members who support MQM , doesnt make your hero's of PDF , its again a image of Racism towards some peoples , if peoples here can support TTP , ISIS and other banned organizations than why not MQM ?? now please dont tell me MQM is worse than TTP , BLA , ISIS etc....
this reflect nothing but the narrow minded peoples in pdf easily become PDF TT's ...

formation of Pakistan was collective effort but it give a little Pain in the A$$'s of other Pakistani to openly praise the efforts of Urdu speaking Peoples AKA muhajirs ... if you dont believe have a look at your own post bro :D

and when you use offensive language against Urdu speaking peoples as whole than i have to use it ....
i hope you believe in give and take Respect theory , cause i do
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