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Warning no 69: Step back from Doklam to avoid confrontation - PLA Col Lili

This laugh still gets me

The Chinese started falling for their own propoganda (China is the next global superpower and India is a disorganised messy democracy unable to take care of its own needs let alone stand up to mighty China). Remember it is in the CPC's interests to project their form of governence as superior to democracy hence they cannot afford to be seen as weak in front of India.

The Chinese have been talking about taking on the US in a peer-peer conflict for years now, they thought they had India covered, they were wrong. It's going to be interesting to see if the Chinese have the capacity to introspect and revise their ambitions as a result.

Uhh will it? India is more than capable of holding its own against these bullies.

The speed with which chinese moved in SCS is missing here. They found out they cannot buy or bully certain countries.

Let's see if they take a step.
a) 40K soldiers were down there to kill the uprising...
b) Backed by "Defense of west lies in East"....

so you clown trying to say 40000 were enough to control mutiny in territory more populated then west Pakistan? they must be superman if you believe so,
Many of my Chinese friend have mentioned this issue not even publicised much in China, infact a large majority of people not even aware of anything like this in China, there are only three parties hyping this up

1. Indian media
2. Random Chinese generals
3. People in PDF.

They only after affect so far is endless trolling with same content, please people stop This, let's open new thread when actual bullet is fired.

Guys , he is an Indian!!!! :woot::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Wrong : a false flagger, probably someone from pakistan, I can proof same, but I guess that's not required.

Actually there are many profiles with flags from China, Singapore etc. With sole purpose of trolling anything India, this guy Is perfect example of Elite troll.
The Chinese started falling for their own propoganda (China is the next global superpower and India is a disorganised messy democracy unable to take care of its own needs let alone stand up to mighty China). Remember it is in the CPC's interests to project their form of governence as superior to democracy hence they cannot afford to be seen as weak in front of India.

The Chinese have been talking about taking on the US in a peer-peer conflict for years now, they thought they had India covered, they were wrong. It's going to be interesting to see if the Chinese have the capacity to introspect and revise their ambitions as a result.
Nah...propaganda is fine...however road was not build by an average chinese falling prey to this propaganda...it was done by the officials who are part of spreading this propaganda...so it has to be something more than - they fall to their own propaganda....because if this is the reason...then it is outright lunacy...
Nah...propaganda is fine...however road was not build by an average chinese falling prey to this propaganda...it was done by the officials who are part of spreading this propaganda...so it has to be something more than - they fall to their own propaganda....because if this is the reason...then it is outright lunacy...
Well that was just my opinion.

The Chinese leadership is used to nation after nation capitulating to them over the past 2 decades, one way or another they have been able to overcome anyone that stood in their way until they started trying this with India.

The Chinese are victims of their own hubris.
I am yet to hear back from the Guinness Book of World Records. China has created a World Record for the number of warnings issued by any country in recorded history for one stand-off. Their record will stand the test of time and must find a place in the Guinness Book.
The Chinese started falling for their own propoganda (China is the next global superpower and India is a disorganised messy democracy unable to take care of its own needs let alone stand up to mighty China). Remember it is in the CPC's interests to project their form of governence as superior to democracy hence they cannot afford to be seen as weak in front of India.

The Chinese have been talking about taking on the US in a peer-peer conflict for years now, they thought they had India covered, they were wrong. It's going to be interesting to see if the Chinese have the capacity to introspect and revise their ambitions as a result.

Uhh will it? India is more than capable of holding its own against these bullies.
I do believe that ,the reason for not Chinese attacking India is not because of we are stronger than Chinese,it's simply the economical after effects pulling them back.
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