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War of Shameless…



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Jul 17, 2013
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All the Armies are meant to defend their countries from external as well as internal threats. But sadly in Syrian army, a defection in the military started when Syrian troops were sent to a place called Darra to quell a prolonged uprising. Upon which some units refused to take part or fire on the protesters.

Colonel Riadul Assad the commander on ground, along with about 200 men defected and joined the local opposition. This was first sharamnak mutiny in Syrian forces. Any ruling government has the right to punish the defectors and no government; may this be in the west or in the east, would allow in such like situation any foreign countries come in and interfere.

Reportedly uprising in the name of Arab spring was induced by KSA and on finding the situation ripe KSA, US. France and UK they jumped in to support the defectors. Money and arms were pumped in and other communication and other heavy weaponry supplied which also tended the other few top generals and men to defect and eventually a strong army…Free Syrian Army was raised in March 2011. Colonel Riadul Assad who initiated the revolt was lately caught in a car bomb blast. He is now in Turkey, where his leg has been amputated to save his life.

Brig General Salem Idris is presently the Chief of staff of this 100,000 men strong army. It is equipped with light arms and force being trained for guerrilla warfare. FSA declares "as of now, the security forces (Syrian forces)that kill civilians and besiege cities will be treated as legitimate targets. We will target them in all parts of the Syrian territories without exception”.

US and KSA have supplied the arms from Croatia to the FSA. France has supplied other equipment and about 10000 satellite telephones and walky-talky wireless equipment is supplied by Qatar. The army head quarter earlier raised inside Turkey near Syrian border are now shifted inside Syria for which command and control setup is supplied by US. After infiltration of Al Qaeda a spree of brutal killings, ambushes and raids on military posts and on arms-ammo depots are much more escalated. Arms and ammo is openly available on sale from al Qaeda stooges.

In the process FSA which is mostly Sunnis have killed hundreds and thousands of Alawites and others. Millions are displaced with in the countries and have migrated as refugees in all the neighbouring countries. The US-KSA induced sectarian battle which was once aimed at having a regime change and to install some Salafist party has now turned into a bloody civil war in the hands of terrorists.

Although US earlier ultimatum to attack Syria on a cooked up allegation for use of chemical weapons by Syrian Army, might have been averted in the face of better Russian diplomatic moves on providing the evidences that subject chemical weapons were since fired and used by the rebel forces. Even then the cleansing operation to evict the Al Qaeda from their sanctuaries and abolishing of FSA which is presently in control of almost half of the Syria may not be that easy. The bloody civil war may go on and it is likely to spread in all the neighbouring countries including Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and Israel.

The planned deposition and elimination of Assad regime which is an authoritarian rule in essence but it is not any different from all the other regimes of the Middle East. Syria is a peace loving and secular state and has never waged any war against their any neighbour. To wage a war against this country and subject the people to brutal killing and inhalation of their century’s old cultured society is most absurd, unethical and condemnable.

Soldiers refused to fire upon civilians when ordered to do so.

I don't see as to " What is wrong or immoral" in that act.


And Syria not waging war on any of it's neighbors is factually incorrect.

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