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War is not an option,Pakistan ready for ‘conditional’ talks with India says Qureshi

In the geopolitics, negotiations and wars, whether under compulsion or by choice, invariably go hand in hand and none can be totally dispensed with, at any time. I don't think that SMQ is saying, what he is saying, on his own. He, in my view, is following the policy laid down by PMIK, in consensus and consultation with COAS. All are on the same page.

Better read some history, from independent sources, before giving such ridiculous statements. The current situation is the result of the dream and fantasy of the elite Hindu of subcontinent to acquire a supremacy and hegemony over the Muslims of this region. The roots of conflict between India and Pakistan lies in that psyche. Kashmir issue is a manifestation of that psyche. And I am sure that you know it.
There is or was no supremacy theory as you speak. This has come up as a result of some hyper ventilating by your PM in the last month. Jinnah wanting Pak is only to protect the muslim elites wealth and to perpetuate the jagirdaar system. That's the only reason why he did not care about poor muslims left in India. And he infamously said that too bad that they will face the consequence. However it's the greatness of hindu indiantgat they are thriving here , unlike the minorities in pak who have been eradicated. Case in point t being the Sikh girl abduction and lies that she has been returned.
Good cope, bad cope policy .....

Army chief consecutive visits to Strike corps, LOC and Gujranwala corps are not which we can take as routine ....

Well spotted
But does this mean that we are expecting an attack rather than planning an attack? Or is it just a case of keeping the troops on their toes
because he switched parties?

No. That is not the reason. Most of the Pakistani politicians, present as well as past, have done it, for good or bad reasons.

please be specific because I admire him

My dislike for him relates more to his personality and his style of expression. To me, he is too self centered and ambitious, with hardly any broader political goals, which, in any case, is quite common among the politicians of Pakistan. Otherwise, nothing much against him, to be fair.

anyways I find him a million time better than that retarded khoja M. Asif last FM from the pandit modi league (n)

Here, you are right. He is far better than, in fact, most of the current lot of politicians. Talking of Noon League; most of them are mere thugs and rascals.
but when Shah Sahib speaks in any language it is sheer poetry to my ears, it is just perfect and pure as it should be

Here, again I agree with you. The contents and eloquence of his communication is excellent, no doubt. By "style of expression", I meant something else. But, let us leave it at that. As I said earlier, I have not much against him. In "style of expression", my measure of standard is Quaid e Azam and Zufiqar Ali Bhutto.
BC ....IK alag raag ga raha hey ....SHQ alag laga para hy......

IK is a hypocrite, never take his words for granted.
Actions speaks louder than words. Remember he released Abhinandan in dark... and now making speeches.
IK is a hypocrite, never take his words for granted.
Actions speaks louder than words. Remember he released Abhinandan in dark... and now making speeches.
Agreed ...but he is not acting alone....you know what i mean. He is trying to avoid direct confrontation. and the ppl behind him trying to buy time ....so that they can push the Taliban style Kashmiri Movement into the valley.

I don't know this may work or not....Kashmirs are not afghans pushtoon....

Situation is now out of our control .... its not because of IK govt. it is because of so many factors.....mostly related to Pakistan's relations with the rest of the world...
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Agreed ...but he is not acting alone....you know what i mean. He is trying to avoid direct confrontation. and the ppl behind him trying to buy time ....so that they can push the Taliban style Kashmiri Movement into the valley.

I don't know this may work or not....Kashmirs are not afghans pushtoon....

Firstly let's clear, we had nothing to do with Taliban movement. It was all natural. However anti Taliban force i.e. Northern Alliance was built by Indians and now we are suffering from them.

Indian airforce has refused to fly vs. Pakistan and so does their navy and army are inclined to go to war with Pakistan.
All they are doing is defensive measures and preemptive propaganda that Pakistan is talking of war etc.
Every passing day, we are loosing this war and this is where India is winning.
PTI has rejected the proposal of closing airspace, basically it's Iran behind milking favors for India out of Imran Khan.
Here, again I agree with you. The contents and eloquence of his communication is excellent, no doubt. By "style of expression", I meant something else. But, let us leave it at that. As I said earlier, I have not much against him. In "style of expression", my measure of standard is Quaid e Azam and Zufiqar Ali Bhutto.

Quid e Azam was a gem...gifted by Allah......his each and every trait in life was perfect....talking, walking, listening, even smoking cigar......love him.
Quid e Azam was a gem...gifted by Allah......his each and every trait in life was perfect....talking, walking, listening, even smoking cigar......love him.

Of course. No doubt.
Firstly let's clear, we had nothing to do with Taliban movement. It was all natural. However anti Taliban force i.e. Northern Alliance was built by Indians and now we are suffering from them.

Indian airforce has refused to fly vs. Pakistan and so does their navy and army are inclined to go to war with Pakistan.
All they are doing is defensive measures and preemptive propaganda that Pakistan is talking of war etc.
Every passing day, we are loosing this war and this is where India is winning.
PTI has rejected the proposal of closing airspace, basically it's Iran behind milking favors for India out of Imran Khan.
Sir I said Taliban style....Not Taliban to be moved there.....They were our brain child....but later that child grown to fully independent souls.

PTI ....i think we wasted our votes in 2018.

Of course. No doubt.
but bro ...if you read history of his last days and how he died.....you will cry hard.
but bro ...if you read history of his last days and how he died.....you will cry hard.

It is alleged that there was some sort of conspiracy. I don't believe that. Yes, it was a mishap. But, in any case, he was suffering from certain dangerous ailment, for quite sometime, which he successfully concealed from everyone, again, in the interest of cause of Pakistan, and for which there was hardly any treatment available then. In ultimate analysis, he lived a magnificent life and died an honorable death.
It is alleged that there was some sort of conspiracy. I don't believe that. Yes, it was a mishap. But, in any case, he was suffering from certain dangerous ailment, for quite sometime, which he successfully concealed from everyone, again, in the interest of cause of Pakistan, and for which there was hardly any treatment available then. In ultimate analysis, he lived a magnificent life and died an honorable death.

He had TB....known....try to read rarely available book written by Fatima Jinnah.....that was published ...32 yrs later after her death
hey you jehadi teesmaar khan, listen to this:

and for the rest of you keyboard warriors:
Pakistan wins if it succeeds in avoiding a war with the gungoos. It is NOT a war between Pakistan and bharat but between China and NATO (USA) through proxies. told you this last year when talking to el sidd the retired troll that it was starting in spring 2019. but Pakistan avoided it once this last February by playing smart and it will keep on trying to avoid it as long as humanly possible.
Ok still didn't prove nothing you fassadi. And stop quoting me I dont comment on your posts and ignore them completely please do the same with the material that I post. Address me when you are able to write a post in civilized manner.Thanks
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