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War in August? US sends fourth aircraft carrier, dozens of underwater drone

Nuclear talks stall as usual but the main focus of Iran has been Saudi Arabia not Israel. America would lose Influence if Iran got a Nuclear Weapon I've read several analysts and other sources Iran would get rid of the Pro Western Monarchy and they could go into Bahrain, Saudi Arabia is more Afraid of a Nuclear Iran then Israel it would seek to get a weapon buying or from a another Nuclear State.

Thats correct.

Apart from Israel, if there is another country that wants to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, its Saudi Arabia.
I think the US is following some sequence to counter all the muslim nations in the Asian region.first they attacked Afghanistan,next Iraq, would be iran or next would be another nation beside to iran??? :usflag:
Thats correct.

Apart from Israel, if there is another country that wants to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, its Saudi Arabia.

USA has been in a silent war to try and halt Iran Nuclear Program from cyber attacks etc etc but so far no success, But the problem is the Arab Countries don't have the resources to make their own Egypt but their program is slow so the Saudis will buy a Nuclear Weapon and Israel cannot destroy Iran Nuclear capability on it's own like they did to Iraq and Syria.
USA has been in a silent war to try and halt Iran Nuclear Program from cyber attacks etc etc but so far no success, But the problem is the Arab Countries don't have the resources to make their own Egypt but their program is slow so the Saudis will buy a Nuclear Weapon and Israel cannot destroy Iran Nuclear capability on it's own like they did to Iraq and Syria.

The cyber attacks were very effective...they atleast slowed down Iran's nuclear progress by several months thereby giving international community more time to engage Iran for dialogue.

Anyways, war seems inevitable now. End of summer is what we are waiting for.
I think the US is following some sequence to counter all the muslim nations in the Asian region.first they attacked Afghanistan,next Iraq, would be iran or next would be another nation beside to iran??? :usflag:
The cyber attacks were very effective...they atleast slowed down Iran's nuclear progress by several months thereby giving international community more time to engage Iran for dialogue.

Anyways, war seems inevitable now. End of summer is what we are waiting for.

But no sign of Iran stopping ,Iran getting a Nuclear Weapon will probably be something the USA will have live with but no chance. But US is economically weakened can they afford another war. Would be Israel Iran Saudi Arabia with Nuclear Weapons.
Okay great development in the middleeast politics....guyz get ready with the popcorns. The show can begin anytime......:lol:
what a selfish remark you passed mr.k :lol:

Would you like a situation where people can aford to buy cars , but cant afford to buy petrol to Run these Cars

Even today in many places in India , Beer is Cheaper than Petrol
Iran does not want a war. Its statements have been aggressive at times, but its leadership knows that there is a limit to what it can do against an adversary like the US.

If the US decides to attack Iran, there's nothing it can do except target American assets in neighboring countries with massive collateral damage. Iran would then be fighting the US and everyone else in the region at the same time.

The only countries to gain anything after the imminent Iranian defeat would be Israel and Saudi Arabia and all those defence corporations supplying arms to all sides.
India is friend of Iran and Israel at the same time and I think there is no other country in world who is. Why India don't play its role as a friend of both nations to defuse the tension

There are much big players in this game with lots of power (USA and other western countries) and resources and money (GCC) and agenda (Israel). They all see their profit in this war.
In case of war USA will able to kick Russia out of middle east (Iran falls , Syria doom) , Israel will get rid of all power enemies and their proxies as same time. GCC (specially SA) will able to established it self as leader of middle east without any rival and will earn billions of billions dollars with increased price and total control on market. All money eventually land in western countries for investment. Even some benefit will go to Turkey as they are in some kind of proxy competition wit Iran and they will gain influence in north of middle east after war.

If any of above nation had made their mind to declare war with Iran it will gonna happen. It is big ego clashes as well as long term gain by elimination rising enemy.

Would you like a situation where people can aford to buy cars , but cant afford to buy petrol to Run these Cars

Even today in many places in India , Beer is Cheaper than Petrol

90% will not gonna able to buy 1 KG of grain to eat.... and you are worried about beer and car.. and petrol tooooo

what a selfish remark you passed mr.k :lol:

holds true for Pakistan also.. you guys are planning to get Gas, electricity and taking Petrol already .. and you share border too.. hopefully again you don't get refugees again..
The US Navy has unexpectedly dispatched a fourth aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, along with a fleet of underwater drones in what is being considered just the latest move in a series of escalations leading towards a potential war with Iran.

The deployment of dozens of small, unmanned submarine-like watercraft was confirmed by the Los Angeles Times this week, which cites military officials speaking on condition of anonymity.

This particular type of craft, unmanned SeaFox submersible, are reported to be sent to the Gulf so that the US military can detect and destroy any mines that may be planted in the waterway by Iranian officials if they escalate efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz, a strategically important narrow stretch of water that exists as an immensely important conduit for any resources being moved in or out of the Middle East.

The Times says that the subs, at only 4 feet long and fewer than 100 pounds apiece, can move at speeds up to six knots at depths of 300 feet. The price-tag is reported to be $100,000 each, which includes an intricate waterproof television camera and a homing sonar system. The US rush-ordered a shipment in May in a deal with Germany under the direct of Marine Gen. James Mattis, the top US commander in the Middle East. It is reported that a fleet of SeaFox subs were deployed overseas several weeks back, but has only been confirmed now.

The United States has already sent three massive aircraft carriers to the waterways outside of Iran, including the USS Enterprise, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Abraham Lincoln, and will now add the USS John C Stennis to that fleet in August. Unlike these behemoth ships equipped with billions worth of weaponry and service personnel, America’s other new addition to the battlefront is invisible to those on land and can be controlled from anywhere in the world.

"In the Cold War, minesweeping warfare was a large part of what the Navy did, but we have lost a lot of our minesweeping capability," Christopher Harmer, a senior analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, tells the Times. "The SeaFox is a relatively simple, off-the-shelf system that we can put off our minesweepers but also any surface ship."

Harmer adds to the paper that although Iran has the capabilities of coming through with its threats of closing the strait, the latest addition to the United States Navy would make sure a blockade wouldn’t last long.

"If they wanted to close the Strait of Hormuz, they could do it, but they would only be able to do it one time," he says.

The new fleet of SeaFox subs will accompany two massive aircraft carriers and a collection of F-22 fighter jets that America has already sent towards Iran. When the United States upped its presence in Persian Gulf earlier this year, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters, “We want them to know that we are fully prepared to deal with any contingency and it’s better for them to try to deal with us through diplomacy.”

War in August? US sends fourth aircraft carrier and dozens of underwater drones towards Iran — RT

WTF, is the US planning more TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER to Iran ?

Now they are going to grab our UNDERWATER DRONES ?
gonna be fun...

What if the war surrounds india too , the region becomes unstable, petrol prices shoot up , as a direct and indirect effect of petrol prices the price of commodities shoot up , the affordability decreases, india's economy growth gets a negative impact , then will you still say "gonna be fun"

I think before anything else they need to spank the a$$ of selfish people like you
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