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War has begun in Karabakh.

One option Armenia has is to give back all of the Azerbaijan land, then sign a peace treaty so both nations can move on. If not then they must leave Russia friendship and join Nato/EU, this way atleast they will have a strong backing. The downside is Turkey a Nato member is Azerbaijan ally, which will cause alot of issues regarding Nato backing.
Turkey will never let them join NATO.
Remember 9/11 bullshit? NATO the global terrorist organization invented that word and how to abuse it.
It's ridiculous how they call it an "anti-terrorist" operation,when they are actually fighting against armed forces. The use of the term "anti-terrorist" has spread so widely since the early 2010s...
Not "small" population of Azeri's. 35/40 Percent of population, even current supreme leader Khamnaei is Azeri by roots. Tehran is largest turk speaking city outside of turkey.
Even bigger than Germany???
(No offense lmao)
Even bigger than Germany???
yes and I'm not bluffing.
The real reason why the Iranian regime doesn't like Azerbaijan is because Azeri's never took their system of government seriously & their own people see the difference between them.
North East Iran also have a high number of turks.
It's not a red line, it's a red vase.
View attachment 954579

What is happening here is an internal security operation. If Armenia intervenes militarily, it could be suicidal.
Shut up,I'm still laughing with that video,I was watching it again like 2-3 days ago 😂

I have that downloaded
And most of these maps are bullshit. Armenians are masters of falsifying historical facts, evading joint historical commissions and marketing themselves in the political arena for the benefit of other countries.
Ah so ancient sources are also bullshit. Everything is bullshit when it doesn't suit Turkish agendas :p
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