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War has begun in Karabakh.

I wouldn't be surprised if Pashinsyan revealed that he was a Turkish agent from MİT, after handing over Karabakh and Zangezur to Azerbaijan.
Just in, Armenia officially asked Russia for help.
Who says nobody has sympathy? What happened in the '90s you say? If you take back Kashmir from India,will you go like "oh look what happened....what a shame,we got Kashmir and kicked the Hindus out...nobody will have sympathy on us now"?

By the way,since you mentioned the 1990s

View attachment 954569
View attachment 954571

Komsun,no wonder Armos call him "Pasha" and names ending in -oglu 😂 😂 😂
You don't listen or read

Those 6 districts were not part of karbagh

So sya it like this
"If you take all Kashmir and also major parts of India and kick out all indians...making the area UNLIVEABLE WITH NO LOCAL POPULATION, and expect indians won't come back since they dominate you in resources and numbers..."

Don't insult your intelligence by comparimg ethnic cleansing with some riots

Point is what were Armenians thinking when they not only took karbagh but surrounding 6 districts and kicked everyone else

They and to be really delusional to think azeris won't come back in force..took them long but this was going to happen

It was suicide move, a brutal move and they are paying for that brutality
No it's not our business
Our red line is Azerbaijan attack on Armenian lands
It's not a red line, it's a red vase.

What is happening here is an internal security operation. If Armenia intervenes militarily, it could be suicidal.
Just like how Japan paid for attacking pearl harbor

What were japs thinking..USA won't come back for them..

No it's not our business
Our red line is Azerbaijan attack on Armenian lands
Redline is to keep azeris enclave isolated
Why don't you just paste it
You don't listen or read

Those 6 districts were not part of karbagh

So sya it like this
"If you take all Kashmir and also major parts of India and kick out all indians...making the area UNLIVEABLE WITH NO LOCAL POPULATION, and expect indians won't come back since they dominate you in resources and numbers..."
Again,you don't understand what I'm saying: All of that part was old Artsakh.



Late 18th to late 19th century


And so this is how it was before the 2020 war:

Best solution is Armenians should involve international community and work on giving azeris something they want

Given them a route to their enclave and ask for independent of karabkh (not surrounding azeris land which they fought hard to take)

That was the original agreement

Again,you don't understand what I'm saying: All of that part was old Artsakh.

View attachment 954576

Late 18th to late 19th century

View attachment 954577

And so this is how it was before the 2020 war:

View attachment 954578

Don't bring "old" ancient stuff into this

Classical Israeli play book that only works to satisfy your inner ego, has no meaning in any other way

After all even Hitler has some ancient pretext to what he did too

What was the situation in 1990s what was Armenia population back then in those 6 districts

This historical context means nothing in today's world

You are sticking to old book of might is right and my old ancestors 10,000 years ago lived here

Well if this is the behavior then don't talk just fight

Why? What's Iran's problem if Azerbaijan attacks Armenian territory ?
They want to keep azeris under pressure likely because there is small azeris population in iran
Just like how Japan paid for attacking pearl harbor

What were japs thinking..USA won't come back for them..

Redline is to keep azeris enclave isolated
Why don't you just paste it
What isolation?!
They can easily connect with Nakhchivan via Iran.
Best solution is Armenians should involve international community and work on giving azeris something they want

Given them a route to their enclave and ask for independent of karabkh (not surrounding azeris land which they fought hard to take)

That was the original agreement


Don't bring "old" ancient stuff into this

What was the situation in 1990s what was Armenia population back then

This historical context means nothing in today's world

You are sticking to old book of might is right and my old ancestors 10,000 years ago lived here

Well if this is the behavior then don't talk just fight

And most of these maps are bullshit. Armenians are masters of falsifying historical facts, evading joint historical commissions and marketing themselves in the political arena for the benefit of other countries.

I laughed a lot at Musk's this quote recently, and he's right.

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