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War has begun in Karabakh.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Artsakh claims hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to leave their homes in efforts of "ethnic cleansing" and restructuring demographics of the area in favour of Azerbaijan's national interests.

And Azerbaijan still holds entire square kilometers of Armenian land:

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 15-04-31 Armenia–Azerbaijan border crisis (2021–present) - Wikipedia.png
Kashmir was never part of India, the majority of the population is Muslim and Pakistani. The people of the region decided to part ways and they created 2 nation theory.

Kashmir was never part of the two nation theory, she was supposed to a free country.... What happened, how happened... read the history. it was also never part of Pakistan.
No it's not. It's the continuation of the Cyprus Republic. It's a widely recognized State which has relations with over 179 countries. On the contrary,the TRNC is only recognized by Turkey and is considered as an illegal entity by the UN.

You can't complain about Karabakh and say "it's Azerbaijani land,they are just liberating it",while keeping the opposite stance on the TRNC. Armenians used to live there since ancient times,continuously.Part of it was given to the SSR Azerbaijan by the Soviet government and part of it became the Autonomous Republic of NKR inside Azerbaijan.

After the dissolution,there was a war,the Armenian managed to take back the area and unite it with the Republic of Armenia.
Same stuff were happening in Georgia. Ossetians and Abkhaz didn't want to live under Georgian rule. Their republics were given to SSR Georgia by the Soviets. That's the mixup that has been causing so many wars. In Moldova too,in Ukraine as well,in the Balkans too.
Azerbaijan always said they will liberate Karabakh one day.. Meanwhile Greeks never say such things for TRNC
wow - i was not expecting that ... came out of no where. i wonder if Iran will get involved or not ?
wow - i was not expecting that ... came out of no where. i wonder if Iran will get involved or not ?
They will not, Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan, Iranian red line start in Zengazur aka offical armenian land
Erdogan palace needs to be flatten and wars in Levants, North Africa, Caucasus and maybe more regions will end

The donkey can't revive ottoman empire by making countless wars in poor countries
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Azerbaijan always said they will liberate Karabakh one day.. Meanwhile Greeks never say such things for TRNC
Yeah but what does that have to do with anything? Indians say they'll liberate all of Kashmir,Pakistanis all of Kashmir,Palestinians all of Palestine,Israelis that they will take back all of their land.

Armenians blundered when they supported that conman. They had almost 3 decades of pro-Russian governments but thought it was corrupted and they could do a lot better. Maybe they thought they would become a European country,have money flow in from the West,while Russians would protect them.

Now,it's gone. And the traitor Pashinyan did his part to destroy it. Imagine,there are Armenians who still support Pashinyan!
If the Armenian military or people manage to kick Pashinyan and his government and replace it with the previous one or another heavily pro-Russian strongman,they could easily stop this war by having the Russians intervene and tell the Azeris "enough,go back to your positions".
Armenia trying to occupy a azeri area is not going to work anymore

They simply need to leave the place

The fact that they didn't keep their part of the deal doesn't help the situation (opening a corridor to enclave)

Now things might change if azeri overstep and take Armenian areas(international boundaries)

War was mostly done before.. this is going to be a mini war

Not much left of the kar enclave

Kashmir was never part of the two nation theory, she was supposed to a free country.... What happened, how happened... read the history. it was also never part of Pakistan.
So was Deccan state and juangarah

Let's not deviated from things

We all know kashmiris will never be fee from India

The first rule is might is right

But let's not pretend otherwise

Ironically if sardar Patel suggestion of doing a Deccan swap had gone through things would have been much better but it was always about Nehru and kashmiris

Otherwise India would never have been divided and neither cabinet mission rejected
Armenia trying to occupy a azeri area is not going to work anymore

They simply need to leave the place
Would you leave Azad Kashmir? Tell the Pakistanis in Indian-occupied Kashmir to pack it up and leave as well?

The fact that they didn't keep their part of the deal doesn't help the situation (opening a corridor to enclave)
Dumfuck Pashinyan was signing whatever the Russians and Azeris gave him. He caused this chaos by playing the golden boy of the West.

I found some old screenshots from 2021 and 2022. These were some thoughts of my Armenian friend:




Would you leave Azad Kashmir? Tell the Pakistanis in Indian-occupied Kashmir to pack it up and leave as well?

Dumfuck Pashinyan was signing whatever the Russians and Azeris gave him. He caused this chaos by playing the golden boy of the West.

I found some old screenshots from 2021 and 2022. These were some thoughts of my Armenian friend:

View attachment 954567

View attachment 954564

View attachment 954565
View attachment 954566
Play ball and that's what you get
Being unreasonable and unrealistic

What did Armenians thought they will fucking kill people kick them out of their homes and occupy vast areas beyond karbagh and then oil rich azeris will never come back????

If you are such bold you are asking for it

If kashmiris go on rampage occupy Indian punjab display millions of people then should be ready for payback when the elephant wakes up

Azeris always outnumbered Armenians it was no brainer that such behavior will cause a disaster
Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan: "Some internal and external forces are trying to drag Armenia into war. Armenian authorities should not take reckless, sudden and adventurous actions."
Armenian not only took karbagh but also surrounding 6 districts..they not only occupied the territory they also kicked out the native population

Armenians should have taken a deal of independence karbagh enclave in 2000s when they were able to negotiate with returning the 6 districts

They never did and fought a whole year war to protect the 6 districts that has nothing to do with karbagh

No one has any sympathy for Armenians when they look at what happened in 1990s

Noone will have sympathy for isrealis as well seeing what they are doing killing and kicking people out
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