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War has begun in Karabakh.

If the Armenian military or people manage to kick Pashinyan and his government and replace it with the previous one or another heavily pro-Russian strongman,they could easily stop this war by having the Russians intervene and tell the Azeris "enough,go back to your positions".
Russians don't have the conventional power for that
At this point Azerbaijan is more Pro Russian than Armenia and even ıf there will be a coup in Armenia and Pashinyan replaced with more Pro Russian president.. Russia still wont ruin its good relations with Azerbaijan, Unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan is also great economic partner of Russia, Russians will not ruin that partnership for Armenians anymore, ıt doesnt matter who rules them
Right now yes,that's why I said if the Armenians kick Pashinyan now they might have the Russians protect them.
One option Armenia has is to give back all of the Azerbaijan land, then sign a peace treaty so both nations can move on. If not then they must leave Russia friendship and join Nato/EU, this way atleast they will have a strong backing. The downside is Turkey a Nato member is Azerbaijan ally, which will cause alot of issues regarding Nato backing.
And imagine,Pashinyan has done very little to buy EFFECTIVE weapons after the war. He and the rest of his governments and every rich person in the country should have torn their pockets to buy modern AA systems and EW,but they just waisted time talking and being idiots and trying to buy artillery from India. What? Artillery. As if artillery is the problem. What good is artillery if you have no way to protect your army from UAVs?

One option Armenia has is to give back all of the Azerbaijan land, then sign a peace treaty so both nations can move on. If not then they must leave Russia friendship and join Nato/EU, this way atleast they will have a strong backing. The downside is Turkey a Nato member is Azerbaijan ally, which will cause alot of issues regarding Nato backing.
Bro that's like saying "Pakistan should give all of its part of Kashmir and stop claiming the Indian-occupied part".
Usually an Azeri guy I know messages me every time things are about to get bad,this time he didn't. And my Armenian friend didn't say anything. Oh man,they started fighting again?
So that means this news should not be taken literally but just hyperbole of some smaller tension?
And imagine,Pashinyan has done very little to buy EFFECTIVE weapons after the war. He and the rest of his governments and every rich person in the country should have torn their pockets to buy modern AA systems and EW,but they just waisted time talking and being idiots and trying to buy artillery from India. What? Artillery. As if artillery is the problem. What good is artillery if you have no way to protect your army from UAVs?
Honestly only way for Pashinyan to keep at least autonomous karabakh for armenians is giving that zengazur corridor to Azerbaijan.. His army has no chance and neither he has time

Armenian army is a joke
And imagine,Pashinyan has done very little to buy EFFECTIVE weapons after the war. He and the rest of his governments and every rich person in the country should have torn their pockets to buy modern AA systems and EW,but they just waisted time talking and being idiots and trying to buy artillery from India. What? Artillery. As if artillery is the problem. What good is artillery if you have no way to protect your army from UAVs?

Definitely could have done with some SAM to shoot down all the drones. Then Armenian army and Karabak 10,000 armed forces would be able to handle the ground invasion.

Bro that's like saying "Pakistan should give all of its part of Kashmir and stop claiming the Indian-occupied part".

Kashmir was never part of India, the majority of the population is Muslim and Pakistani. The people of the region decided to part ways and they created 2 nation theory.
Definitely could have done with some SAM to shoot down all the drones. Then Armenian army and Karabak 10,000 armed forces would be able to handle the ground invasion.
They are excellent warriors on the ground. Great with ATGMs,great with artillery,good snipers. But that lack of modern AA systems....and anti-drone systems as well. And especially after the war in 2020,they didn't do much to buy some.
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