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Wanted pics and sources



New Recruit

Apr 6, 2012
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I know that this isnt the place to start this thread. If any members can help me by opening this thread in the correct section,please do it,as i dont have the permission to do it.

I am preparing a paper on defence and came across the INSAS of India. There were Indian reports of the rifles being exported to Oman. Please post some sources(omani or international if possible) and pics of the rifle in omanian service. I highly doubt whether this claim is genuine.
Give me any sources AND that'll prove that INSAS is in service with Oman.

Please somebody move it to correct section
I am still waiting for the picture INSAS in omanian service
Duplicated for you:

Well just because you can't obtain photographic proof doesn't mean the news is untrue, far from it. Even though today a great deal of information is pubic ally available on the interests, not EVERY little scrap of info will be along with corresponding pictures. For instance we are told the Arjun Mk.2 is currently undergoing trails in Pokram and that IAF MIG-29UPGs are now in service, we haven't seen pics of either but is that to say these don't exist or news reports are untrue?? NO! Just because no source has snapped a pic of an Omani soldier with an INSAS does that mean they don't use the INSAS? NO!! As far as I can see there isn't a hugs amount of material on Omani forces as is so it is easy to see why there aren't any pics of them with INSAS as offer nhs in said that yu don't know what's lieing on some guy's hard drives so all I'd say is watch this space.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/188036-ins-teg-calls-salalah-port.html#ixzz1yA2RIYpj
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